Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rejoice! This is the Day that the Lord Hath Made!

Our God is such an awesome God!  Do you know that?  I mean do you REALLY KNOW THAT?

If you are not a saved believer, and you have been reading this blog, and feeling a tug on your very soul...that is not just my words.  It is the Spirit and the Word of God that you are reading that are convicting your spirit to come home, or become a brand new believer...oh what precious joy in Heaven is heard when a lost soul comes to Christ!  I rejoice with the Angels every day!  For "When the fullness of the Gentiles,"  (Romans 11:25), happens, meaning the last Gentile on earth is saved, it will trigger the Rapture!  PRAISE GOD!  WE ARE GOING HOME SOON CHURCH!

Even if I am the only one who ever reads this blog, I will continue to shout to the blogosphere until I can't type anymore!  I will NEVER GIVE UP, and I will NEVER STOP SOUNDING THE ALARM!  God is using me....I know He is!  He has TOLD ME HE WOULD! 

Guess what?  He wants to use you too!  Are you are a "Barnabus?"  I challenge you this week to find a downtrodden co worker, a friend from church that you know is having a hard time, and just lift them up!  Be a friend, be a standard bearer for the Love of Christ and trust me, good things are going to happen to you!  Why?  Because "God works all things together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purposes in Christ Jesus!" (Romans 8:28).

He died for us!  Taking all of our sins upon himself, he walked up Calvary's way and stretched his arms as far as they would go, to show you His love for you!   The thief, Satan comes to kill and destroy!  Jesus came so that you might have life and live it more abundantly! (John 10:10)

If you need a heart to hear your troubles, please call.  Please don't wait?  We are going home very soon, which is, I feel, why God has placed it upon my heart to start screaming out of the darkness that the Light has come!  Jesus is about to snatch his Bride from the snares of this earthly place,  so we can live in perfect peace, with no blemish, in new perfect bodies, and live with Christ in eternity forever!  Sound cool?  Man it's going to be WAY cooler than you could ever imagine!

If you are a prodigal son/daughter of God, please come home?  If you don't know Jesus and want to become a Christian and need someone to pray with you, please call!  I will pray with you!  It's a free line, no charge to call.  So please, call?  I would love to talk, counsel and befriend you.  It is my calling to "Be A Barnabus!"   If this blog reaches one person and changes their life, then my mission is already fulfilled!  But I am trusting God for a "loaves and fishes," kind of effect!  Let's reach out to one another in love!

Are you ready?  For the final act has already begun!  Yes, Come Lord Jesus, Come!  We are desperate for you Lord!  Please rain down upon us your loving mercy and fill our hearts with joy instead of angst, nervousness, fear, anxiety....let us live in your light, rather than in the darkness around us Lord!  Protect us in our way oh precious Savior.  Amen!

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JeriAnn Eakin