Friday, April 27, 2012

Is Satan Keeping You Down?

We all do battle with the devil.  We do it every day.  Some of us feel it, see it, know what it is, and other's do not.  Some of us have been taught how to combat it, but others have not.  The Word of God is the best COUNSELOR you could ever have!  It is "God's Instructions for Living," and will keep you a happy, fulfilled and Victorious Christian if you learn certain principles of the mind, and "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes," (Ephesians 6:11) so that you are able to combat Satan and his Minions and WIN!

The lesson in that scripture is to "KNOW YOUR ENEMY!"  How else can we defeat Satan if we don't know how he works????  Until about 20 minutes ago, I have had a really bad day.  I woke up feeling oppressed.  It took me several hours to figure out that demons were holding me down by my arms and legs.  It's probably why they hurt so bad today.  Yes, I do have an illness known as fibromyalgia which will knock you down, but nothing like this!  It was so encompassing and having an elephant sitting on you! 

I read a book several years ago called "This Present Darkness," by Frank Peritti.  There were demons, and angels fighting the whole way through the book over the fictional hero of the story and it was a  fantastic description of the powers around us that are continually fighting over us!  Ephesians 6:20 says "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

I want to encourage you that you don't have to live defeated!  If you get up and don't feel well, don't just sit there!  Go help someone!  Do your devotional, and "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."  (Proverbs 4:23).  I forgot to do that this morning, and until I asked God just a little while ago, to send his angels to help remove this oppressive demonic activity, I was paralyzed!  I told the devil to flee and like that, the oppression that has been on me most of the day was gone.  At the name of Jesus he will flee, did you know that?  (James 4:7).

I hope you found a push here today.  Don't let Satan stop you!  Do the work of God and you will be blessed!  In our obedience to Him, we are storing eternal rewards that nobody can ever take from us!  

So when you walk thru your daily life......pray for opportunities!  God will show them to you if you have FAITH!  Believe me when you hear Him calling, you will KNOW IT!  "My sheep listen to my voice, they know me and they follow me."  (John 10:27).

Let your own healing begin, so we can start to heal others that do not even know, understand or comprehend God's word!  

Come on Church!  Let's Go!  Healing Rain is Falling Down!  Claim that healing power in Christ's name!  Amen??? 

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JeriAnn Eakin