Monday, April 30, 2012

Counting Your Blessings!

Have you ever heard the phrase "count your blessings?" 

Well I had a Word of Knowledge from the Lord last night about our blessings and how they outnumber the sands of the sea, which includes all the sand on earth, for even the bottom of the sea is coated with the sands!  

Then it dawned on me how many blessings He through His redemptive work on the Cross has poured out upon our heads, for if the number of our blessings outnumber the sands of the sea, it is because those blessings continue throughout ETERNITY!  So, how could their number have any end?  

If you are down today, please lift up your head!  Tell the devil to get behind you!  Pray for forgiveness for your sins, and get in right thinking, agreement and right standing with God?  Do it every morning,  for "great is thy faithfulness, His mercies are new every morning."  (Isaiah 3:23).

I hope you all have a fantastic day!  God Bless you all!

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JeriAnn Eakin