Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome to Christian Encouragers!

Hello and welcome to Christian Encouragers!

I have started this blog to share inspiration to help others, share stories from others about the miracles they are seeing in their lives, because even the little things can mean something huge to someone else reading it?  You just never know?  

I have been disabled for a few years now and I have grown weary of my pity party.  God has awoken a new surge of passion in me and that is to ENCOURAGE THOSE WHO ARE DOWNTRODDEN!

This site will offer many wonderful outlets, resources and other things, but most of all, it will offer a free phone number to call and talk, with me, and hopefully others who will be willing to join me in this quest put on my heart by God Himself just last night, that the world is suffering, most of it right in our own backyards, and they don't know they are dying in their sins because they know not Christ!

The country is growing increasingly violent:
The govt. is plunging us into debt that will no doubt lead to the great economical collapse mentioned in Revelation, which will lead to a one world govt and world dominance will no longer be an issue, America will no longer be a factor if we don't hit our knees in this country and return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!  2 Chronicles 7:14 - "If my People who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and shall heal their land."

The days are near folks.  We have very little time for the "fullness of the Gentiles," is near at hand!  When that last Gentile is saved, it will trigger the rapture of the Church!  

Let's Leave No One Behind!

Join me!  

More to follow - The Dream Is Alive!  Let the chips fall where they may!  I believe you God!  You gave me this dream to dream and I am going to dream it with all of my heart mind, body and soul that I can make a difference and that if I can make a difference, that others can too!  We just have to reach out!

We must have open arms!

A parting song - you will always get a teaching along with a you tube video of the teaching, or a you tube video of a song that goes with the teaching or the principle of the post.  Please, if you have a story you would like to share, Please Email it To Me! 

I leave you with this song.  May this site and all you find here bless your heart, enliven your soul, excite you, thrill you, and yes, scare you as well!  We must be vigilant church!  

Let's Roll!

JeriAnn Fyke
Vacaville, CA

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Thank you for visiting the site! I hope you had a good experience and found something helpful here! If you have questions, please email me at christianencouragers@gmail.com or submit your questions/prayer requests thru the contact me portion of this blog. I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for submitting your comments as we always appreciate your feedback!


JeriAnn Eakin