Thursday, July 5, 2012

Are You Ready 4 Jesus?

Jesus is coming soon, so I have just one question to ask:  "WILL YOU BE READY?"

I truly believe that Jesus is going to return very soon to carry away His bride, the church, into the skies of heaven, oh what a spectacular sight that will be...... well.... unless you're still on THE GROUND!!!!  Believe me, you don't want to watch from the ground because then you'll miss the fastest elevator ride ever only without the elevator!

Think of it this way:  You're at an amusement park and I'm the fat lady in front of you trying to fit onto the coaster, which just takes forever!   Now think of that as taking forever? Like from 33AD (The year Jesus was put to death and resurrected), to 2012!  (R U getting the picture yet?)  Suddenly once I'm finally secured (but uncomfortable) in my seat, without hearing one clickity clack of that coaster, we'll all be in heaven, and I'll look a whole lot different than the lady who spent all that time just to fit into that coaster seat!  For one thing, I would have slipped out of that seat belt mid flight because I will look very different once the ride is over!  I'll look very different!  I'm young again, skinny and beautiful with not ONE grey hair! Double takes going on all around me, people discovering that while on that fast ride up, God perfected us all, giving us new bodies that will never get sick, feel pain or DIE!!  "We shall be changed from corruptible (meaning mortal and susceptible to death), to incorruptible meaning we will never EVER die! (1 Corinthians 15:53 - KJV)

I think those that read this blog know full well what is coming, and you should all find a local bible believing church where you can go and dedicate or re-dedicate yourselves to Jesus so we can all go Home to Heaven!  Those who believe in His miracles, His death on the cross, and His resurrection from the dead, all done for OUR transgressions are going to be there!  What about you?  He did it not just for me, or that guy down the street, He did it for you too! He did it for all of us!

So remember to tell your husband/wife as well as your kids how much you love and appreciate them?  Always say I love you, especially to your children just after disciplining them, making sure they know you love them, but that you don't like the way they acted.  Jesus doesn't like their actions either, " Whoever spares the rod hates (spoils - KJV) their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them." Then tell your children, that Jesus loves them and that he delights in their proper behavior and always let them know that they are special cause God says so!  (Matthew 19:14). 

We are very near the day when Jesus, with NO WARNING will say "come up hither," (Revelation 1:4) and all the Christians on the planet will be gone in an instant to meet our Lord in the clouds!  (Believe me I can't wait!  I pray for it every day!).

So get out your bibles and let's start reading them again!   And if you don't have one?  Email Me A Request and I'll send you one of my old ones!    DO YOU NEED PRAYER?  PLEASE EMAIL ME YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS & SIGN IT ANONYMOUSLY! GOD KNOWS WHO YOU ARE, BUT I DON'T NEED TO!  I just need to know what you are going through so I can pray for you in a way that will help you!

Please begin to learn the joy you can have through a relationship with Jesus Christ!  He bore your sins and mine, on himself, so that you might have life and have it to the full!  (John 10:10)  Please don't live ONLY HALF WAY, because you only live once!  John 3:16 says "he who believes in me will not perish, but have everlasting life."  All you must do is Trust the name of Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Showers of Blessings to you JeriAnn!!! You are blessed to be a blessing!!! The world is a brighter place with you in it!!! I also look upward for the glorious return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus!! There is just something about that name that sooths and calms my soul and mind!!!


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JeriAnn Eakin