Thursday, August 28, 2014

Waiting for a Miracle?

I know a lot of people are having a rough time right now, especially those who were affected by the devastating 6.0 quake just over the hill in Napa County. As for physical pain, I am just one of many who are suffering and while I suffer physically, my husband has been out of work for over two months, but I trust God to provide for us. I also trust that I will eventually get in to see a specialist so they can figure out why all my fingers, both wrists and elbows are filling up with fluid which over time has gotten worse and worse and more and more painful. My one hope is that God, no matter what happens will be glorified. It's the only thing that matters to me. For those of you reading this, would you please pray for me? I would greatly appreciate it. I truly feel that I am under demonic attack. I need my hands to type and that is where I am most greatly affected.

We all know there a lot of other people out there suffering much more than we are. I start to get a little grumpy, until I think of the man or woman who has no arms or hands. It's a great attitude adjustment and those of us who suffer need to do it every day. Take a moment and think of others who are suffering way worse than we are. That really helps me to get my mind off of myself, and I usually end up going to the Lord, ashamed, and in tears to ask His forgiveness. 

My Dad once said something to me that I've never forgotten. "There was a man who was upset that he had no shoes, until he saw a man who had no feet." When you stop to think of others who have it worse than you do, that's when humility kicks in every time. Then, when we ask  forgiveness for our thoughts, even when we are just suffering beyond what we think we can handle, God is right there and He is ready to not only forgive us, he will carry us through to the other side! He carries us through our depression, our addictions, our pain, our illnesses, etc., etc.. I could go on and on, but it's hard to type today! = )

I hope those of you who are suffering won't wait until your pain goes away to face the Lord and do what is right. A lot of people who suffer do so with a smile and with faith that could move a mountain. I'm going to try to have that kind of faith and I'm just gonna keep praising Him no matter what. We are to praise Him in all circumstances and rejoice when we are hurting! It will make us feel better, just like Peter who sank under the waves? Jesus saved him, so why wouldn't he save us? 

We are all a miracle to God. He created us and wants us to turn to Him always, especially in our deepest moments of sorrow and anguish. I know what both are like and I'm grateful that I know God because without Him? Well I could see my story ending in a much more tragic way. For some of us, tomorrow may never come so try to think about what you do have and be grateful for it. 

I was a slave to sin, but now, thank God, I'm free! I'm free because of Jesus gift, given to all of us through His cross! We may lose our perspective once in awhile, but the minute we turn to Jesus? Well, He will find a way where there seems to be no way! It's humility that saves us every time. Think of others before yourself and watch for the miracles that God will do in your life! Commit your life to Him daily and you will see Him working in you and around you! You will be amazed! 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

This One's For the Girls

I know at times, we can feel a little down because we feel inadequate. Some of us grew up being taunted by other students because we weren't perfect like the cheerleaders or other girls who were popular. I went through it too, so it's nothing new. The only thing that's new is cyber-bullying and texting photos of a not so flattering nature to the entire school! That can be horrifically embarrassing, and some girls have been so tortured by these types of things that they took their own lives. If these things are happening to you, please don't do anything to hurt yourself? Get help! If you are considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 and they will help you. Sometimes, even if you just need to talk and don't feel like there is anyone you can confide in, please go to their website and either call them, or click the "Chat Now" button. They want to help and none of us wants anyone who is going through this type of bullying to harm themselves.

I was the ugly duckling, and I was extremely insecure. I didn't feel loved at all, and I didn't know there was a God, my Father, my Abba Daddy, who loved me no matter what. I would try to stick up for myself, which in retrospect was kinda dumb. Had I let it roll off of my back like water on a duck, maybe they would've stopped. My problem was that I always felt like I had to defend myself. It wasn't until later on in life that I learned that if someone says something about you, and you can look inside your heart and honestly say to yourself "that's not true," then there is nothing to defend! Even Jesus spoke not a word when challenged by Pilate and the Chief Priests and Elders just before Pilate washed his hands and delivered Him to be crucified. (Matthew 27:11-25). So, in my situation, I eventually just chalked it up to being a kid. Yeah, the other kids taunted and tortured, teased endlessly, etc., and I let them get away with it. Plus the more I tried to defend myself, the worse the taunting and teasing got. I just thank the Good Lord we didn't have the type of instant media then that we have today or I might not be here!

If you are feeling low because you think you aren't pretty enough, good enough, or even worthy enough, then take this to heart. God created you. He created you special. (Psalm 139). Don't look at your shortcomings, look at the gifts He gave you. There is probably something you are very good at, that others are either jealous of, or don't understand. Some of you may not be as pretty as other girls, but perhaps your smart, get all A's and get called a "geek" or a "nerd." While it is wrong for others to say such things about you, you'll get your laugh some day when you graduate a four year college with honors! Most of them? Well most of them won't even make it to college!

You are so special and unique, there is only ONE you! So stop looking in the mirror and seeing flaws. Stop belittling yourself, thinking you aren't good enough because if you have Christ, you are better than "good enough." You are a child of the King and you are c0-heirs with Christ! No matter what those other kids say, God has your back and if you read your bible and allow His words to sink in, then the devil that rules their lives, will not be able to rule yours! You have to block him out, and rest on the word of God first! "Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee. (James 4:7). Also, "Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all of your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:6-8). I wish I had known these scriptures and understood them better when I was a teenager. I might have had more confidence and it may have made my life a little easier, even though I was tortured so horribly. I should've placed my confidence In Christ. (2 Corinthians 3:4).

So lift up your spirits and walk with your heads held high! Jesus is walking with you and when you get down and feel like you're being pushed around, teased beyond what you can emotionally handle, just remember, Jesus will be carrying you! Another thing you need to understand and never forget is that you cannot trust your emotions, and I mean, NOT EVER! It's through our emotions that the devil gains a foothold in our lives and then destroys any peace of mind, joy, confidence, you name it. He is the destroyer and the "liar from the beginning." (John 8:44). Those kids who taunt and tease you? They need your prayers! They are being run by the devil himself when they tease, torture, expose, etc., and hurt you. Jesus said we should turn the other cheek, but he also said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44).

You are the "Only One and Only You," and God loves you very much. He wants to watch you blossom in your faith, and He wants you to see and understand what He wants for your life. Not depression and loneliness or a fear that you'll never have good friends. And be careful of those who say they are your friends? They may have ulterior motives? "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24).  And remember this one as well: "Do not be deceived! Bad company corrupts good morals." (1 Corinthians 15:33).

God bless you today and may God guard your heart in Christ Jesus until that day when He will arrive on a very special cloud directly from heaven above to take us all home! Be at peace ladies, for the Lord is definitely with you!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

He Knows My Name

I have been watching all the news reports about ISIS in Iraq/Syria and all the awful, murderous things they are doing. I just saw another report from a former Homeland Security advisor, that said they have been collaborating with the Cartels down in Central America and Mexico to bring these terrorists and their weapons of warfare into the United States. With the border so overrun from Texas to California, not to mention the tunnels they have been finding on the southern border, it should make each and every one of us hyper aware of where we are, who is around us and to watch for unclaimed or unguarded bags, backpacks, etc. They found tunnels in Israel/Gaza, which is how they planned to attack the Israeli's. We've found them here too, but I never put two and two together until I saw that interview. These people want to kill Americans just as badly as Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran wants to kill the Israeli's. 

I will not stop writing, speaking out, and screaming WAKE UP AMERICA until everyone is awake and alert and watching not just their backs, but those of their neighbors and friends. It's time to sound the alarm from the Church to the White House! I am grateful that I live in a relatively safe community where our Police Officers are totally alert, on guard and have, so far, been able to keep us all very safe! We are lucky to have them! I live in a community of less than 100,000 in between San Francisco and Sacramento. It's a military town and leans in a very Christian/Conservative way. We have Pastors from every church that meet on a monthly basis to pray for this city, for her people and for our safety. God is watching over us. I worry about two of my kids who live closer to the bay area. One even rides the train from Saratoga/San Jose area to San Francisco each day to get to and from work. There are terrorists from several groups, all hell bent on destroying America and killing her people. Two of these groups are in San Francisco and in San Jose/Santa Clara where the new Levi Stadium has just opened for the 49ers. It is no doubt a huge target. These things frighten me, but I refuse to let fear run my life. The bible says we were "not given a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7).

I hope everyone is aware of this one thing: He knows our names! He knows our circumstances. He knows everything about us, for we are His children! He knows what our motives are when we do good works, and whether we have truly compassionate hearts and whether we are trying to be obedient to Him. I have struggled just looking in the mirror at times because I have been a complete failure in my life. But God hasn't stopped loving me. I have failed so many times, I cannot count them all, but God tells me it's alright. I have failed forward directly into the arms of Jesus, who has completely forgiven me and wants the very best for me! All I have to do is let go and let Him lead me! I have to become more like Him. "Do not conform to this world, but instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2).

I work on it everyday. I truly hope that everyone who reads this blog today is trying to do the same thing. I may fall flat on my face trying, but "His mercies are new every morning," (Lamentations 3:23), and I take full advantage of His wonderful forgiveness each and every day, sometimes several times a day! It's the only way to truly change. Being completely dependent on Him and not on ourselves. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Remember to Trust in God! For there are things coming onto the stages of our lives that will bewilder us. But He knows what will happen. He knows every minute, every second of what will happen in our lives today, tomorrow and in the future. So do not fear. If we follow Him and stay true to His leading in our lives, He will protect us and keep us safe from the things that are coming. I pray for our law enforcement officials, for our Homeland Security teams, and for all of our intelligence experts, that they will continue to be able to continue to keep us all safe. 

Remember: God knows your name! He will protect you if you turn your life over to Him. He adores us! He loves us so much He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die a horrible death on a Roman cross so that we could have life, and life eternal. It doesn't end with physical death. In fact, if you believe on Jesus, the Lamb who took away the sins of the world, then when your physical body dies, you will be in heaven with God for all eternity! Simply believe! We don't need applause, or approval or people to see us as famous. God already does! We are His children! He loves us and wants the best for us. We simply need to follow His lead. 

Trust Him. He loves you and He chose you! (Ephesians 1:4). God can make something out of nothing! He did that in my life, and He can and will do it in yours! He is ready to make something spectacular out of your life! He will give you beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and He will help you to do above all you could dare to ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20).  He stands behind each of us hoping that we will make the correct choices so He can be glorified! 

Whatever you do? Don't give up, because you are loved!

Friday, August 22, 2014

METS on Steroids!

GOTCHA! I know today's post title probably got all you baseball fans, especially Mets fans, to click and see what I had to say today! GOOD! You need to read this!

The other day while watching the news about the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, they were calling them "savages." Personally? I think that is a complete INSULT to American Indians everywhere, so while trying to come up with a new acronym for ISIS, what I came up with was "Militant Extremist Terrorist Syndicate." While it fits, the acronym was METS! It was then that I realized I couldn't call them that without people getting confused and ticked off at me and I didn't want to disparage a good baseball team either, so I dropped it. They are monsters, butchers, killers, serial killers, etc., so what would you call them? They are pure evil!

I believe that we are living in end times. This means we are literally living on the precipice of the Rapture, when Jesus will call us into the clouds and we will ever after be with the Lord! I gave some of the reasons I believe this in yesterday's post.

As for the Islamic State and the evil things they are doing to people, such as crucifying Christians who refuse to renounce their faith, executing Sunni Muslims, who are their own people, and blowing up churches, one of which was an 1800 year old church named St. Mary's, which held in it the tomb of Jonah and other horrific acts, remember the words of Jesus. He said, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first!" (John 15:18).

We should all be in prayer, deep intercessory prayer, for the Christians over in Iraq and Syria who are in danger! These monsters are crucifying children, beheading babies, and taking hostage Christian women and girls under the age of 35 and you know what these evil monsters are doing to them, I don't need to actually spell it out! I have been praying that God would have mercy on all of these people who are being persecuted and for the Peshmerga, the troops from Kurdistan who have been protecting them. Yes, they are Muslims who are protecting Christians! Imagine that! They are a peaceful people who are well trained and very capable, but they need our help, in fact they have been begging for our help, but President Obama has been fiddling while Iraq burns!

We need to be on our faces begging God for help, strength and for His mercy! We have turned against Him, not just here in America, but all over the world. The other day I heard that a young girl was told she couldn't say "bless you" to a friend who sneezed because it "might offend another student." Good grief Charlie Brown! What is the world coming to! When Dr. Kent Brantley thanked God for allowing him to live through his Ebola scare at a hospital in Atlanta yesterday, a guy with the Twitter handle @TheDudeBlog said in a Tweet "Ebola Patient Dr. Kent Brantley is the Douchebag of the day, thanking God rather than the doctors who saved his life." He actually did thank his doctors and hugged every person who was a part of his recovery! Obviously the "douchebag" who Tweeted that didn't see the press conference! 

This is nothing more than the intolerance of the left and Atheists who believe they have more rights than those who believe in God or Jesus Christ, and oh be careful not to say the name of Jesus! Just look at how Tim Tebow got treated for his faith! It isn't right, but it's happening all over the world! While Christians are being literally crucified in Iraq, Christians in the US are being crucified with words, and threats! It isn't just bullying anymore. Even our own government labeled us as "right wing terrorists," in a document produced by Homeland Security in 2009. They even listed former military members, yes, Veterans, as possible right wing extremist terrorists, and then they called the episode at Ft. Hood, "workplace violence," even though Hassan was yelling "Allahu Akbar," which means "God is greater," as he proceeded to shoot and kill 13 members of the Army! These Veterans and the families who lost a loved one that day deserve the pay and benefits of a soldier who died in battle, but they never received it. There is a terrible rift between those who believe and those who don't, but whose getting more 1st amendment protection these days? It's certainly not bible believing Christians!

I hope I got you to read this entire article, and I hope that you will begin to pray for the Christians of the world who are literally being exterminated and that you will pray for the Christians in Europe and America! We need to stand strong until the end. For "He who endures til the end will be saved." (Matthew 24:13). Have faith! Look up, for our redemption is drawing near! (Luke 21:28). For those of you who think I "protest too much?" God forgive you! I refuse to sit idly by while Christians are persecuted! I will not be quiet! I refuse to sit here and say and do nothing! It isn't right and I will shout it to the rooftops to anyone who will listen because that is what God has called me to do! It's time that we all look inward and ask God what it is He wants us to do instead of doing what is politically expedient or politically correct! 

If God is calling you to speak, then do so and if you agree with this post, pass it on! Others need to see and read it to! These are not my words, they come directly from God! He is the one who gave me the gift to write! I give myself no credit, not one ounce! Stop sitting around and doing nothing! People around you are dying in their sins and time is very short! The Titanic is sinking as the band plays on. Is that how you want to be remembered? I for one refuse to stand silent while Christians are persecuted! Even it means being persecuted myself! So what will you do? It's time to make a choice. God is waiting!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pushin Back the Dark!

The world is completely upside down right now. Christians in Iraq are being crucified, Christian children are being crucified and beheaded like that American photo journalist Jim Foley who was kidnapped in Syria two years ago. These butchers are kidnapping Christian women and girls and raping them! They are the purest form of evil I believe the world has seen, at least in this century. Personally, I think we should bomb them back to 2000 B.C.!

They blew up St. Mary's in Mosul, where the tomb of Jonah was and all manner of evil has come from these characters who now call themselves the "Islamic State." Jesus said these things would happen, so if you think you can't hold on much longer, please don't lose your faith, not now! Jesus is coming again very soon! He said there had to be several things that would happen kind of all at once, that race would turn against race (nation against nation), earthquakes, famines, pestilences, (Ebola in South Africa), kingdom against kingdom (Russia/Ukraine), and that there would be a great falling away from the faith. (Matthew 24:10 & 1 Timothy 4:1). There is a great apostasy among our own preachers going on right right now as well. If they aren't preaching on end times prophecy in your church, pray about finding a new one! People need to know what to expect or they will indeed, fall away! 

Some churches aren't teaching prophecy anymore and they need to be, especially now. If you're in a dead church and you aren't feeling the spirit of the Lord there, it may be time to move on. Investigate the pastor of a new church by matching what he is teaching up against scripture. Yes, it's okay to do this! "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15). It's okay to leave the church you're attending if you don't think you're getting "meat and potato's" preaching there. It's one of the reasons I watch John Hagee, T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, Jack Van Impe and Hal Lindsey. These preachers have proven to me throughout the years that they are good teachers who have not fallen away from the faith! 

No matter what you do? Never stop looking up! I truly believe with everything that is happening at this very moment, hope is something we can't afford to let go of and fear is something we cannot afford to feel! It can run our lives, and it can run us right out of hope if we let it control us. Jesus return is very near! Soon millions of bible believing Christians will suddenly disappear off the planet and we will meet Jesus in the air. It will be the millisecond elevator ride of a lifetime and I for one, am holding on for dear life so that I don't miss it! 

If your head is full of thoughts that are negative, change your stinkin thinkin! "As a man thinketh, so he is." (Proverbs 23:7). This is one scripture that I have discovered over and over to be very true! Philippians 4:8 says that we are to think about positive things, not negative things! Kay Arthur, the renowned Precept Ministries bible teacher once said that we should "Philippians 4:8 everything that comes to our minds." I think she's absolutely right! When I let my mind wander that's usually when I get in trouble!

Just remember, "God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." (James 1:12). 

Stand on the Promises of God! He will never leave you nor forsake you, nor will you ever be disappointed! Just remember, that "when these things begin to take place, lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28). Keep pushing back the dark and let your light shine among men so that they will know who you belong to! Give them a reason to follow! So many are still lost, it's a very serious matter at this point!

Don't let all the evil in the world get you down either. Let your light shine and push the dark out of the way as you pass it by. Preach the Gospel, drop that mustard seed of faith in the lives of those around you and someone else will come along and water it! Die to self and try to become more like Christ! Drop the ego and continue on! God will reward you for your efforts, which is just one of the many promises God has made to us in His word!

The darkness is growing around us, but never underestimate the God you follow! There isn't anything He can't save us from if we just call upon the name of the Lord! If the darkness starts to creep up on you, just pray and say the name of Jesus out loud and the darkness will flee along with the demons of hell that brought it into your path! 

Have hope in God, cuz we CAN do this!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Robin Williams: "Smile"

It's been a full week since the world lost the beloved and wonderfully talented Robin Williams. For some reason, for me, it has been devastating. I don't believe that during my lifetime, the death of any other actor or actress has affected me so greatly or made me feel such grief or anguish. I guess that's because I followed his career from his appearances on "Happy Days" which gave him a spin off in "Mork & Mindy," which I watched every episode of. I was devastated when after four seasons, it went off the air. And from Garp to Aladdin, I watched just about every movie he ever made, and saw all of his specials as well. I thought he was the funniest comedian of my lifetime. He made it easier to run from my own problems, even if it was just for a little while. 

On top of this horrible feeling of loss, I learned with the rest of the world last Thursday, that there were reports that William's wife, Susan, reported that he had been diagnosed with Parkinson's and was struggling through the first symptoms of the disease but wasn't ready to share it publicly. While watching his recent work on CBS in "The Crazy Ones," I thought there was something off. I even wondered what it was. I just shrugged it off as age, but that wasn't it. His Parkinson's symptoms were starting to show. They were the same symptoms that literally destroyed Michael J. Fox's career in the early 1990's. I now believe that the cancellation of his show, the diagnosis and the great fear that because of his battle with severe depression he would fall back into alcoholism again made the pain he was feeling just completely excruciating. I just don't think he could handle it, not that there is any shame in that. Some of us are strong enough to do so and some of us are not. It's really just that simple.  

There was one bright ray of hope for me in one of the interviews he did with Diane Sawyer back in 2006 discussing his recent stint in rehab. During that interview, he said, "I would call it the ultimate Christian Gift. It's the idea of you are back and you realize that the things that matter are others way beyond yourself. Self goes away. Ego, bye bye. You realize that there are a lot of amazing people out there to be grateful for. And a loving God. And other than that, good luck. That's what life is about."

He was right. That is what life is about, especially when you are a believer in Jesus Christ. It's about dying to self and learning to live for others. William's showed this in spades while giving to others through philanthropic means and through performing for our troops. He was a part of the USO tours from 2003-2013, just last year. He did so much for our men and women in uniform and for others for so many years through the compassion that was definitely a gift from God, that even though he did kill himself, for which I'm sure he asked forgiveness from God beforehand, I dare say that with all he did for others, that his mansion in heaven will be way bigger than mine! "We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God," (Romans 3:23), but God loves us all unconditionally and suicide is not a sin that God cannot forgive! The only unpardonable sin is to not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God! It's called "blaspheming the Holy Spirit." (Mark 3:29).

Although I'm still grieving this horrible loss along with so many others, especially Robin's family, and wishing that he had more strength to latch onto God and not let go, living out his life quietly with his family around him, I do understand. I too have suffered from severe depression in fact, I'm bi-polar, as I suspect Williams was. The highs of mania are wonderful and the lows of the depression are excruciating. I not only attempted suicide a few times, I have struggled with the thoughts constantly until recently when I recognized satan as the liar he is and asked God to remove the evil spirit that was antagonizing me constantly telling me to "just end it all. The world would be better off without you." This is the most difficult thing I have ever admitted in this blog. Perhaps it is why his death has hit me so hard, but I do know one thing. Robin is with the Lord now, and I will get to meet him the day Jesus calls me into the clouds and takes me Home! If you struggle with thoughts of suicide, please get help? You can always call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

For now, I will pray for Robin's family and watch his performances and laugh and laugh and laugh and cry and cry and cry, and I will ask God to give him a message for me. That I understand and that I will always love him and will never forget him. 

He is after all, simply unforgettable and his body of work? Well, he will always be able to make me laugh, make me cry and above all, make me smile! 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Rest Well Robin, Rest Well

Last Monday we learned some horrible news. Robin Williams, the guy who made us laugh until we cried and was a shoe in for the part of Peter Pan in "Hook" because he dared to never grow up, had committed suicide. I have wrestled with this all week because he was my favorite comedian but you could see his true heart in the drama's he was a part of as well, such as "Patch Adams" and "Good Will Hunting," for which he won an Oscar. I think my favorite was "Hook," because of two things. He had to remember who he was, and a lot of us as Christians, well, sometimes we forget who we are, and Whose we are? The other, was that it was being a father that was his "happy thawt" which gave him the ability to fly again and defeat the evil Captain Hook!

In an ABC video (shown below), it is revealed that Williams was struggling with the early stages of Parkinson's Disease, and in part of the video it is discussed how it can create clinical depression. Parkinson's robs the ability of the brain to create dopamine which is the feel good hormone. For someone who had already struggled with depression for years, this could be devastating and while some called him a "coward," "addict," etc., they should be ashamed. They didn't have the whole picture when they passed judgment on someone they had never met! That isn't fair, so along with the Christian Post, let's set the record straight!

This is an except taken from TheChristianPost: "Williams publicly identified with the Episcopal Church, and religion was an important part of his childhood. However, he stated in 2007 that after coming out of rehab his relationship with God awakened beyond ritual and came back to life for him. He spoke of his appreciation for an open compassionate church with outreach programs and counseling. Compassion was a powerful force in his life. Robin Williams was a patriot, a believer in God and Country! He was a man with a purpose for living, one motivated to live from production to production, bettering himself through the years, a man who lived for his beliefs and who lived for us. This was indeed a man who lived, as Pastor Rick Warren might say, "a purpose driven life." Williams believed in America and that for which she stood. Like Christ, he did not believe in war, but he believed in the men and women in uniform who gave their lives for us and sacrificed his work and time to lift their spirits. Williams indeed had a reason to live and had no desire to end his life, and, so far as his family and I are concerned, didn't."

We cannot know a man's heart, and I was appalled as was the writer I quoted above that so many came out and called Robin Williams names because he couldn't handle the disease we didn't even know he'd been diagnosed with until last night. People need to have all the facts before they go passing judgment. There's a scripture, which came from the mouth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Himself: "Do not judge others, lest ye be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Matthew 7:2-3). 

Williams gave a lot of money to Michael J. Fox's Parkinson's Foundation over the years, long before his own diagnosis. He knew what would happen to him. Perhaps he was trying to save his wife and children the pain of watching him waste away? That's exactly how my grandfather went. It's very debilitating & then you're just gone. The Robin Williams I knew? I didn't think it was even possible, but this new revelation? Well, now it all makes a lot more sense.

This is a clip from the movie "Hook," where Peter finds his happy thought. It was his children. He holds onto that thought, and is able to fly. If for any other reason, he may have taken his life so that others wouldn't feel sorry for him or as my grandfather did, watch him waste away with the progression of the disease. But there is one thing for sure. He was a great talent! Now, he is in heaven to entertain God. 

Thank you Robin for giving so much of your time to the USO and our men and women overseas. You were so selfless, and so full of humility at times you were like a totally different person. The parts you played, compared to the kind loving and compassionate man you were? Well, who could ever replace you? You were irreplaceable. God made only one Robin Williams. May He who watches over us all, welcome you into His Kingdom where you will find His open and loving arms waiting for you. Godspeed Robin Williams. Rest well Robin, rest well.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Return to Your First Love

As John was writing down what he was seeing in the Spirit in the book of Revelation, he is told to write to the seven churches. To the Church in Ephesus, he was instructed to write "I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false: and you have perseverance and have endured for My names sake and have not grown weary. But this I have against you, that you have left your fist love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen and repent and do the deeds you did at first: or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place - unless you repent." (Revelation 2:2-5). He goes on in vs 7b, "To him who overcomes I will grant to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the Paradise of God."

Considering that the days are very short, you will see people who have been led astray by the devil himself, and they will claim to have had dreams or heard from God. If they are not testing what they say they are dreaming or hearing up against the word of God, please do not entertain what they have said and stick to the Word of God and what it says! Pray about what these people are saying to you because Peter warned, "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves." (2 Peter 2:1).

I have seen this a lot as of late, but I try to instruct those who say they are hearing from God and having dreams from God telling them that they need to test what they have heard and dreamed against the word of God before they proclaim it! John tells us, "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1).

These are the last days, so it would be very prudent to test what others are telling you! There is a great apostasy going on in the world right now! Some of the best Preachers, with mega churches, are misleading their faithful congregations! "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds." (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). 2 Timothy 3 is filled with warnings about this! He warns that they will be "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people" (2 Timothy 3:4-5). 

If you are a very strong Christian, try to kindly lead them to the truth, so that you will not be guilty of completely turning away from them, especially if they are young and profess to be Christians!  The devil could simply be misleading them! I'm almost 52, and though I have always been a believer in Jesus Christ, His life, His ministry, His death, burial and resurrection, I have not always walked with Him! I am amazed He has given me the amount of grace He has! But that is God! He is so full of mercy and grace, it is just amazing and I am so grateful that He saw fit to run after me! Jesus will leave the 99 sheep to find the one lost lamb! I can't count the times I have been lost when He came and found me and drew me back unto Himself again! What grace! What mercy He has for all of His children! Right now, a lot of His children are being led away! "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3). It's happening right now! "For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen." (Romans 1:25). This describes the EPA, PETA and others, who some day will give more rights to a rock than to human beings! That is following a lie! 

Think about it: What was the first lie of the bible? The serpent deceived Eve by telling her that the fruit would not kill her, but that she would "be like God." That lie has been prevalent in our society ever since! Jesus warned us to "watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41).

It's time for all of us to return to our first Love, Jesus. The days and the hours are very short! All of the warnings in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 have happened! We are watching wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines and now pestilence. We as human beings don't deserve His mercy and His grace, but for some reason He loves us so much He was willing to give us His only Son as a substitute for our sins. We should've been on that cross, not Jesus. I am grateful that grace took my place! And now, it is my desire to help those who are lost. 

Lord help me to correct in love those who speak things that are against your Holy Scriptures so that they may be restored to You! For the world is believing that 'there are many ways to heaven,' when we know that Jesus told us, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6). Jesus, there is no one besides You and forever, You will always be the hope in my heart!

The Sower, the Seed & The Light of Jesus

It starts with baby steps.  The first steps we take as a brand new Christian, and there is one Parable in particular that is very important for a brand new babe in Christ to understand, otherwise they will stand in perilous danger of losing their footing in Christ Jesus!  It is the "Parable of the Sower."
"He taught them many things by parables, and in his teaching said:  'Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.  As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.  Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.  Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain.  Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”  (Mark 4:12-8).

Jesus explains later in this same chapter that the seeds in and of themselves were fine, but it was where they were scattered that made all the difference.  The seeds scattered on the ground and eaten by birds represents Satan stealing the word from those who hear the gospel.  The seed scattered on the rocky places that sprang up quickly but had no root, and withered in the heat, represents those who accept Christ but at the first sign of trouble/tribulation or persecution fall away from Him.  The seeds that fell among the thorns, choked out by the thistles, represents the desires of man for riches, along with the worries of the world, which leads us down a path towards greed, and the troubles of the world that choke out our faith in God, depending upon ourselves for everything thus causing that person to leave Christ behind, a situation in which one can never grow.

But then there is the seed that fell on good soil and produced a good crop, or good fruits of the spirit, yielding a crop of 30, 60 or 100 fold.  This ground was humble, broken and ready to run with the love of the Savior!

Learning to stand on the Word of God and no other outside influence is very difficult, but it can be done.  I am a very humble person, I don't have much, but I am grateful for what I do have.  I may have tribulation, strife and trouble in my life, but the most important thing is that because of Jesus and his redemptive work on the Cross, I am SAVED and JESUS is there to help me get through the thorns, thistles, worries and troubles of life so that I might be a blessing to my Heavenly Father and to others, sharing the Gospel with them!

He watches and cares for even the birds of the air, so how much more will He care for all of us???  "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"  (Matthew 6:26).  

Well aren't you?

As someone who has been in every stage of where the seeds have been sown, I now want to know more about how I can yield 30, 60 or 100 fold of what Jesus stated is possible.  I think it is endurance, and staying the course that causes one to yield more than another, but it could also be that one is just not meant to yield as much as another, for we are all uniquely made and God will be pleased with us no matter what because He loves us.  Sure He is terribly grieved when we are not walking with Him, following his statutes and showing His love to others, but there is nothing that will ever separate us from His love EVER!  "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39).  

And as I said before, it's endurance that is the key.  "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels."  (Revelation 3:5).

The thing a new Christian has to remember is to hold onto their joy. When you wake in the morning you will have thoughts coming directly from hell itself trying to throw your day into a tail spin.

If you answer that bad thought by answering the liar out loud, with a "You know what Devil? I don't agree with you!  This is going to be a fantastic day, for 'This is the day that the Lord has made and I will, I will, I WILL rejoice in it!'"  Then just say the name of Jesus and He has to flee!  You see in this one act of rejoicing, you are submitting your day and your life to God rather than the devil and his schemes against your growth in God!  "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."  (James 4:7).  As such, you can live a victorious life if you remember to do this on a daily basis, attend church regularly, pray daily, read your bible and let the seed take root!  That seed planted in you as a baby Christian will blossom, grow and help you become stronger and more fully rooted in Christ, thus causing you to become all that God wants for you to be!

The one who has the seed planted and yields a crop of 30, 60 or 100 fold, "is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."  (Psalm 1:3).

Lord Jesus, help me to spread the seed that won't be eaten by birds, grown upon the rocks with no soil and burned up by the sun, or choked out by the thistles...the worries and desires of this world, but rather onto good firm soil, ready to be used, and produce good fruit/crops and endure, shining your light that you have put into us all!  We love you Lord!  Help us all to make your light shine!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Stop Worrying About Tomorrow!

"He watches and cares for even the birds of the air, so how much more will He care for all of us? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"  (Matthew 6:26). 

As a Mother of four children, no matter how old they get, I worry about them. We taught them the best we could, took them to Awana's as little kids and they all got dedicated and later saved and baptized. I do worry that they are not following the precepts they were taught in Sunday School at times, but they are now 28, 26, 24 and 21 years of age, so I can only let go and let God lead them! I pray for them every day, but for some reason I still worry! (Ah, the joys of Motherhood! lol). 

The problem with this is that children are a gift from God, so they really aren't ours to worry about, however, they are ours to pray about, which I do everyday! I know God has been with me since I was very young and I believe it is because my grandmother prayed for me every day! She knew my situation and no matter what, she prayed for all of her children and grandchildren! She was a mighty prayer warrior as are my children's grandparents. There were times I could feel God's presence in my life, even when I ignored Him! It's what turned my life around eventually! I've recently seen some subtle changes in all of my kids for the better, and I would bet dollars to donuts it's because they are prayed for so faithfully!

Another type of worry is very prevalent in society these days. Things are very confusing and worrisome for most right now because the world is changing so rapidly and not for the better! We didn't have these types of worries when I was growing up. The worst I can remember is the gas lines during the Carter administration and the capture of the folks at our Embassy in Iran. Thank God the minute Reagan took the oath, they were put on a plane to bring them home! I bet a lot of people don't even realize that it was Jimmy Carter who secured their release, but I truly believe they only agreed to let them go because they feared Reagan, and rightly so! He was a no nonsense type of guy! 

One thing that helps me get through my own worry about the world situation is this: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love casts out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18). Another scripture that probably helps me the most is this one: "Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee. Be sober of mind and vigilant for the devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:6-8). These scriptures keep my mind from worry and stress every time something bad happens or the "worry factor" creeps in. I simply begin to pray for the things I am concerned about, because Paul told us "Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6).

We were "Chosen before the foundation of the world to be Holy and blameless in Him." (Ephesians 1:4). I think that is my favorite scripture, because it takes me to Psalm 91 and Psalm 139! "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It is too high, I cannot attain it." These two Psalms are probably my favorites. God loves us very much, but how could we possibly understand some of these things in our frail human state? Our flesh keeps us from it! What we do when we worry is simply waste time and let the devil laugh as we do so!

Jesus wants us to depend wholeheartedly on Him! I am laid up, as broke as a pauper but I am grateful for the things I have, and am content as Paul said we should be in all our circumstances, no matter how bad or rotten they are! I am grateful for every day that I am allowed to wake up and breathe just one more day because there is no guarantee of even our next breath! 

If we are to "Be perfect therefore, as (y)our Heavenly Father is perfect," (Matthew 5:48), then we need to stop the worrying! "And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?" (Luke 12:25). It may say "his" but Jesus meant us ladies too! It is one of two of the biggest threats to our spiritual lives! As A.W. Tozer said, "Complacency is the death to all spiritual growth." By worrying, we are not praying and putting the lives of our family into the hands of the Almighty! That is just simply wrong!  

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent and praise worthy, let your mind dwell on these things." (Philippians 4:8), and STOP THE WORRYING! Stop waiting for tomorrow to change your thinking! Change it today! God is waiting to help you! 

I think you'll find that when you put God in the center of your life, everything else will come together!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Israel: Her Fight to Survive

I wasn't born when the land of Israel became The Jewish State in 1948, but I am a lover of history. I began my journey just a few years ago, and what I found was astounding. Not only was Israel reborn in 1948, in 1949, 1956, 1967, 1973 and forever after, Israel has had to fight for Her right to survive.

After we liberated the Jewish people from almost certain annihilation by Hitler the Jewish State was reborn in 1948. On May 14, 1948, Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the rebirth of the State of the Jewish People. Just a few minutes later, Harry S. Truman told his Press Secretary, Charlie Rose to read a statement. It said that the United States recognized the Jewish State, thus, we as Americans have always backed Israel to the hilt! We are, or were, their greatest ally. While watching the Israeli's fight Hamas for the last month, I have had a bit of nostalgia for video on the Six Day War, in which Israel re-captured the Temple Mount, thus regaining control of the Western Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

This video "Against All Odds," is a testament to the Power of God, and His protection over Israel and all of Her people. No weapon formed against them will prosper. (Isaiah 54:17). The anger of the Arab people is simple: They have always said they would never recognize the State of Israel. That is their beef. Pure and simple. In their own charter, Hamas is dedicated to murder and killing off every Jew on the planet. Iran wants to push them into the sea, and as recent as earlier this week, their Grand Ayatollah, came out and called them "terrorists," as did the Prime Minister of Turkey, Erdogin. They are both wrong. All of them are wrong, even though they believe their God is the God of Father Abraham, just as Christians and Jews do.

In this video, you will see real people who fought over the years to see Israel keep her Independence and fight for her Sovereignty. These stories are amazing! They are a testament to Psalm 121:4 "He who watches over Israel, neither slumbers nor sleeps." This scripture refers to God Almighty! He is watching out for His Chosen People! 

I am a Christian who believes in the right of Israel to defend herself. If it weren't for the Iron Dome Missile Defense System, co-designed by the Israeli's and the United States under George W. Bush in 2005, there may have been thousands killed in this recent onslaught of Hamas to try to kill the Jewish people or kidnap and keep them for ransom, which they learned after capturing Gilad Shalit, in which the Jewish State gave up 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for his return, could be very beneficial to them. 

The days are short, but as for those who have been anti-Semitic in their views? They have simply missed out on History! This video shows the miracles God did for the Jewish people, and this is just one of many video's that prove that God is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The Arabs, birthed by Ishmael, the son of Hagar the Maid, are also God's people, but they have desecrated the truth and turned from Him to believe in another god. One that doesn't follow the precepts of the bible.

Enjoy the show! You will be amazed. There is nothing impossible with God (Luke 1:37), and this proves it!

Monday, August 4, 2014

A Simple Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

You know all. You know everyone's name on earth. You know my struggles and You know their struggles. You know what I'm going through, and You know what your plans are for me and for all of Your children. "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11). I know You are there when I wake up in pain, I know You are with all of us through Your wonderful Comforter, the Holy Spirit. 

Lord, I'm struggling today, as are so many others. From cancer to family problems and everything else in between, suicidal thoughts, all of this life's toils and snares. God, I know You are there! Please touch us all with Your great mercy and grace today? And for those who are still asleep in the light, Lord, please wake them? There will be a sound like a trumpet and the Lord Jesus will soon call us, telling us to "Come up hither." (Revelation 4:1). 

Help us who are lukewarm to be HOT and on FIRE for You! (Revelation 3:15-16). Help us to be bold even in our own weaknesses, and times of severe trial, to reach out to others and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who may be perishing. Help us all to get our eyes off of ourselves and to keep our eyes on Your precious Son, who died for us all, taking away the sins of the world so that we could all have eternal life in heaven with you. (John 1:29 & John 3:16). I know that for myself, whenever I take my eyes of Jesus, I sink just like Peter did! (Matthew 14:28-30). Help us to put away our own thoughts, desires and wants and to want what You want for us and from us! The days are short. Give us hope, strength, peace, comfort, and Your might Lord! We are most assuredly going to need it very soon if not already! 

Lord, please help all those who need Your touch today. God, please bless those who read this and draw them to Yourself so that they can know joy even in the midst of terrible circumstances and the trials of this life? Let this prayer reach far and wide and help those, especially those who needed a prayer said for them today but were too timid to ask? I am so humble that You found a way to use me even while my earthly tent is fading. Thank you Jesus. Help me to continue to reach out to others boldly with the Love of Christ. Forgiveness and eternal life is just a step away for those who wish to come to You, confess their sins and believe in Your Son! (1 John 1:9). 

Thank you for my life Lord. Please help me not to quit or feel sorry for myself. Help me not to grumble or complain at the pain or this current trial that I am going through? Give me a heart that believes wholeheartedly in Your healing power! Every step I take, I know you take it with me as you do with all of Your children, for I know that You will never leave me nor forsake me! Help me to be content, no matter my situation Lord God. (Hebrews 13:5). 

Thank you Father. Thank You for Your love and for Your Son in whom I have been set free! (John 8:36). You are the King of my heart and I am grateful that You have set me free from the things of this earth and all the problems, trials and difficulties I am facing. You are bigger than every battle I am facing Lord God. You are my only hope! Thank You for Your unconditional Love Lord. It is like nothing else I have ever felt. I pray all of these things in Jesus precious name. Amen.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

That's God!

A lot of people are suffering or have terrible hurts in their lives and have walked away from God thinking He is responsible for their pain. The one thing we tend to forget, is that He is not at fault because Satan is the ruler of this world. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm." (Ephesians 6:12). 

I nearly died several times when I was very young, and when I got older, I ran away and did drugs, was very promiscuous and never once had an STD. God also delivered me from an awful drug addiction the day I turned 21! That's God! My oldest son, now 28, did 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He came home each time without a scratch! That's God! Our oldest daughter almost died from cancer when she was between the age of 18 months and 3 1/2 years old. I'll never forget the day she had her first surgery. I was basically living with her in the 5th floor Oncology ward at Children's Hospital in Oakland, CA. The morning of her first surgery, I was reading my daily devotional. It was all about a little girl whose porcelain doll fell off the shelf and was broken into several pieces. She picked up the pieces and the doll and took them to her father and in tears she asked, "Daddy, please put my dolly back together again?" I immediately began to cry and pray and ask "Abba, Daddy, please put my little doll back together again?" I had our Pastor read the devotional to everyone from our little church, who came to support us in our time of need that day as we sat in the cafeteria waiting for her surgery to be completed. There wasn't a dry eye in the group after hearing him read it. Why? Because they immediately recognized that God was in control! It was no coincidence that that particular devotional, had that particular story for that particular day! IT WAS GOD and that gave me even more faith! Through all of our prayers and through His amazing grace, God let her stay with us, which I praise Him for daily! She is now 26, graduated from college in May and is now working for a terrific company making way more than I ever have! THAT'S GOD! I'm so proud of all of my children I could shout it from the mountain tops! They are my legacy!

I had severe infections and nearly died after my 3rd and 4th child were born and again after a surgery when my youngest was 2 1/2 and still lived to tell the tale! He has saved me from a lot of different things throughout my life AND THAT IS DEFINITELY GOD! I suffer now to the extent that it is difficult just to write out a grocery list, but thankfully the more I type, the less my fingers, hands, wrists and elbows hurt! 

As long as I praise God, and give Him the day and tell Him "Apart from you Lord, I know I can do nothing," I seem to have a much better day, full of His grace! After all, "All people are like grass and their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever." (1 Peter 1:24). I won't be here forever, but it's nice to know that giving Him my life every day, laying down my selfish interests and letting Him move through me, I am being given an exceedingly abundant amount of His grace because I am obedient to Him!

No matter what we are going through, no matter how painful, no matter how difficult, no matter how sorrowful, we need to put our cares at the foot of His cross! He's already carrying us through the rough spots in our lives anyway and even when we feel we can't go on, He will give us His strength to do so! 

It's a true gift to know that it isn't the end when we suffer from physical or emotional set backs! God is right there waiting to help us through it and if we'll let Him? He'll give us the strength we need every day that we ask Him for His help!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Evil Is Prospering!

"Evil prospers when good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

Evil is prospering all over the world. The things Jesus talks about in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 are all happening. Wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines and pestilence...this is just the beginning of the pain we are about to face! Jesus said "This is the beginning of birth pains," so as a woman sees her contractions get increasingly more painful and more frequent, so will we see all these things happening more often and with greater intensity.

We all watched in horror as a tsunami indiscriminately killed over 200,000 people in Indonesia in just one day. We saw another one wipe out the coast of Japan which also wiped out their Nuclear power plant. We've seen earthquakes all over the world, and the last two were near Japan. I've been wondering if California is next! I live far enough inland that it might only shake the house off of the foundation, but its still a very frightening thought! 

For a moment, forget about Obama, the Congress and the obstructionist Senate led by Harry Reid. Let's think about God and His word and what He says for us to do in times like these. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says "If my people, who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will heal their land." This means it's not too late! We can still find our way back from the brink and see another "Morning in America!" We are still the "Shining City on a Hill," that Reagan spoke of and it's never too late to undo what has been done!

We need to pray for our neighbors and we need to teach personal responsibility to our children, not how to get hand outs from the government! The bible says that working is good for us! Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord and not for men."  Proverbs 16:3 says "Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established." Proverbs 14:23 says "In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty." Proverbs 21:25 says "The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labor." So you can see work is good! Not working is wrong in God's eyes. Paul said, "If a man refuses to work, let him not eat." (2 Thessalonians 3:10). This pervasive evil of social entitlement has got to go! People need to think differently if we are ever going to get out of the 17.6 trillion dollar hole we are currently in, and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger every day!

In summation, let us witness to the lost. Let us also lift up Israel and the innocents in Gaza who are being killed daily and for Hamas to put down their weapons and stop this horrible war. This whole thing reminds me of Moses and Pharaoh. Every time he asked Moses to stop a plague, Moses would pray and God would answer by removing it. And then the bible says that God "hardened Pharaoh's heart," and he wouldn't let the people go! There would then be another plague, another commitment to let the Israelites leave Egypt, another prayer by Moses, which were all answered by God and then another hardening and another refusal to let the Israelites leave Egypt. This went on until all the first born of Egypt fell dead on the night of the first Passover. The Israelites were told to kill a spotless lamb and put the blood on the doorposts. Then the angel of death passed by those houses, even killing the firstborn of Pharaoh. It was then that he let the people go. It took a personal loss to bring him to his knees. What will it take for Hamas to finally accept and hold true to a cease fire? I don't know. I only know that they have hardened their hearts and want to wipe the Jewish people off of the face of the planet. Both sides agreed to a 72 hour cease fire yesterday and just two hours into it, Hamas had soldiers coming out of a tunnel, firing upon IDF soldiers and capturing one of them, taking him hostage. God has perhaps hardened the hearts of those in leadership of Hamas, and they are not going to stop. Why should they? So far they are winning the public relations battle and they have made Israel look evil, as evidenced by the anti-semitic protests going on around the world. That is evil ladies and gentlemen. And again, evil prospers when good men do nothing. 

So what will you do? Stand by and let evil prosper? Or will you join me in praying for God to show us all what to do? Some think "I'm only one person, what can I do?" You can use the talents and spiritual gifts God gave you! When we are obedient and faithful to the Lord and what we believe, He will help us! There are so many out there who need the Love of God! It's time to ask God what we can do to further HIS kingdom and stop worrying about our possessions which moth and rust will destroy anyway! Do eternal work! Store up your treasure in heaven! This earth is going to go away and you can't take it with you anyway, so give it away! Give your love to others! Everything else is meaningless!

God bless all who read this post and may we all do a better job of helping the Lord from right where we live, leading the lost to Jesus, taking in those who have no home, feeding them, clothing them and giving them hope that lasts for a lifetime! We need to be Jesus to them! Let's put away our own selfish desires and help others and give them hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ! "Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6).

I am thankful that Jesus isn't done with me yet. He's not done with any of us yet and won't be until we meet Him face to face! If we sit by and do nothing we are guilty of the very evil we are complaining about, but refuse to do anything to stop. May the Lord be with us all, as the days of the dispensation of Grace are coming to an end! Prepare ye the way of the Lord for Jesus is coming again very soon!