Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Israel: Her Fight to Survive

I wasn't born when the land of Israel became The Jewish State in 1948, but I am a lover of history. I began my journey just a few years ago, and what I found was astounding. Not only was Israel reborn in 1948, in 1949, 1956, 1967, 1973 and forever after, Israel has had to fight for Her right to survive.

After we liberated the Jewish people from almost certain annihilation by Hitler the Jewish State was reborn in 1948. On May 14, 1948, Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the rebirth of the State of the Jewish People. Just a few minutes later, Harry S. Truman told his Press Secretary, Charlie Rose to read a statement. It said that the United States recognized the Jewish State, thus, we as Americans have always backed Israel to the hilt! We are, or were, their greatest ally. While watching the Israeli's fight Hamas for the last month, I have had a bit of nostalgia for video on the Six Day War, in which Israel re-captured the Temple Mount, thus regaining control of the Western Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

This video "Against All Odds," is a testament to the Power of God, and His protection over Israel and all of Her people. No weapon formed against them will prosper. (Isaiah 54:17). The anger of the Arab people is simple: They have always said they would never recognize the State of Israel. That is their beef. Pure and simple. In their own charter, Hamas is dedicated to murder and killing off every Jew on the planet. Iran wants to push them into the sea, and as recent as earlier this week, their Grand Ayatollah, came out and called them "terrorists," as did the Prime Minister of Turkey, Erdogin. They are both wrong. All of them are wrong, even though they believe their God is the God of Father Abraham, just as Christians and Jews do.

In this video, you will see real people who fought over the years to see Israel keep her Independence and fight for her Sovereignty. These stories are amazing! They are a testament to Psalm 121:4 "He who watches over Israel, neither slumbers nor sleeps." This scripture refers to God Almighty! He is watching out for His Chosen People! 

I am a Christian who believes in the right of Israel to defend herself. If it weren't for the Iron Dome Missile Defense System, co-designed by the Israeli's and the United States under George W. Bush in 2005, there may have been thousands killed in this recent onslaught of Hamas to try to kill the Jewish people or kidnap and keep them for ransom, which they learned after capturing Gilad Shalit, in which the Jewish State gave up 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for his return, could be very beneficial to them. 

The days are short, but as for those who have been anti-Semitic in their views? They have simply missed out on History! This video shows the miracles God did for the Jewish people, and this is just one of many video's that prove that God is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The Arabs, birthed by Ishmael, the son of Hagar the Maid, are also God's people, but they have desecrated the truth and turned from Him to believe in another god. One that doesn't follow the precepts of the bible.

Enjoy the show! You will be amazed. There is nothing impossible with God (Luke 1:37), and this proves it!

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JeriAnn Eakin