Saturday, August 23, 2014

He Knows My Name

I have been watching all the news reports about ISIS in Iraq/Syria and all the awful, murderous things they are doing. I just saw another report from a former Homeland Security advisor, that said they have been collaborating with the Cartels down in Central America and Mexico to bring these terrorists and their weapons of warfare into the United States. With the border so overrun from Texas to California, not to mention the tunnels they have been finding on the southern border, it should make each and every one of us hyper aware of where we are, who is around us and to watch for unclaimed or unguarded bags, backpacks, etc. They found tunnels in Israel/Gaza, which is how they planned to attack the Israeli's. We've found them here too, but I never put two and two together until I saw that interview. These people want to kill Americans just as badly as Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran wants to kill the Israeli's. 

I will not stop writing, speaking out, and screaming WAKE UP AMERICA until everyone is awake and alert and watching not just their backs, but those of their neighbors and friends. It's time to sound the alarm from the Church to the White House! I am grateful that I live in a relatively safe community where our Police Officers are totally alert, on guard and have, so far, been able to keep us all very safe! We are lucky to have them! I live in a community of less than 100,000 in between San Francisco and Sacramento. It's a military town and leans in a very Christian/Conservative way. We have Pastors from every church that meet on a monthly basis to pray for this city, for her people and for our safety. God is watching over us. I worry about two of my kids who live closer to the bay area. One even rides the train from Saratoga/San Jose area to San Francisco each day to get to and from work. There are terrorists from several groups, all hell bent on destroying America and killing her people. Two of these groups are in San Francisco and in San Jose/Santa Clara where the new Levi Stadium has just opened for the 49ers. It is no doubt a huge target. These things frighten me, but I refuse to let fear run my life. The bible says we were "not given a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7).

I hope everyone is aware of this one thing: He knows our names! He knows our circumstances. He knows everything about us, for we are His children! He knows what our motives are when we do good works, and whether we have truly compassionate hearts and whether we are trying to be obedient to Him. I have struggled just looking in the mirror at times because I have been a complete failure in my life. But God hasn't stopped loving me. I have failed so many times, I cannot count them all, but God tells me it's alright. I have failed forward directly into the arms of Jesus, who has completely forgiven me and wants the very best for me! All I have to do is let go and let Him lead me! I have to become more like Him. "Do not conform to this world, but instead be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God." (Romans 12:2).

I work on it everyday. I truly hope that everyone who reads this blog today is trying to do the same thing. I may fall flat on my face trying, but "His mercies are new every morning," (Lamentations 3:23), and I take full advantage of His wonderful forgiveness each and every day, sometimes several times a day! It's the only way to truly change. Being completely dependent on Him and not on ourselves. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Remember to Trust in God! For there are things coming onto the stages of our lives that will bewilder us. But He knows what will happen. He knows every minute, every second of what will happen in our lives today, tomorrow and in the future. So do not fear. If we follow Him and stay true to His leading in our lives, He will protect us and keep us safe from the things that are coming. I pray for our law enforcement officials, for our Homeland Security teams, and for all of our intelligence experts, that they will continue to be able to continue to keep us all safe. 

Remember: God knows your name! He will protect you if you turn your life over to Him. He adores us! He loves us so much He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die a horrible death on a Roman cross so that we could have life, and life eternal. It doesn't end with physical death. In fact, if you believe on Jesus, the Lamb who took away the sins of the world, then when your physical body dies, you will be in heaven with God for all eternity! Simply believe! We don't need applause, or approval or people to see us as famous. God already does! We are His children! He loves us and wants the best for us. We simply need to follow His lead. 

Trust Him. He loves you and He chose you! (Ephesians 1:4). God can make something out of nothing! He did that in my life, and He can and will do it in yours! He is ready to make something spectacular out of your life! He will give you beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and He will help you to do above all you could dare to ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20).  He stands behind each of us hoping that we will make the correct choices so He can be glorified! 

Whatever you do? Don't give up, because you are loved!

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JeriAnn Eakin