Friday, August 22, 2014

METS on Steroids!

GOTCHA! I know today's post title probably got all you baseball fans, especially Mets fans, to click and see what I had to say today! GOOD! You need to read this!

The other day while watching the news about the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, they were calling them "savages." Personally? I think that is a complete INSULT to American Indians everywhere, so while trying to come up with a new acronym for ISIS, what I came up with was "Militant Extremist Terrorist Syndicate." While it fits, the acronym was METS! It was then that I realized I couldn't call them that without people getting confused and ticked off at me and I didn't want to disparage a good baseball team either, so I dropped it. They are monsters, butchers, killers, serial killers, etc., so what would you call them? They are pure evil!

I believe that we are living in end times. This means we are literally living on the precipice of the Rapture, when Jesus will call us into the clouds and we will ever after be with the Lord! I gave some of the reasons I believe this in yesterday's post.

As for the Islamic State and the evil things they are doing to people, such as crucifying Christians who refuse to renounce their faith, executing Sunni Muslims, who are their own people, and blowing up churches, one of which was an 1800 year old church named St. Mary's, which held in it the tomb of Jonah and other horrific acts, remember the words of Jesus. He said, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first!" (John 15:18).

We should all be in prayer, deep intercessory prayer, for the Christians over in Iraq and Syria who are in danger! These monsters are crucifying children, beheading babies, and taking hostage Christian women and girls under the age of 35 and you know what these evil monsters are doing to them, I don't need to actually spell it out! I have been praying that God would have mercy on all of these people who are being persecuted and for the Peshmerga, the troops from Kurdistan who have been protecting them. Yes, they are Muslims who are protecting Christians! Imagine that! They are a peaceful people who are well trained and very capable, but they need our help, in fact they have been begging for our help, but President Obama has been fiddling while Iraq burns!

We need to be on our faces begging God for help, strength and for His mercy! We have turned against Him, not just here in America, but all over the world. The other day I heard that a young girl was told she couldn't say "bless you" to a friend who sneezed because it "might offend another student." Good grief Charlie Brown! What is the world coming to! When Dr. Kent Brantley thanked God for allowing him to live through his Ebola scare at a hospital in Atlanta yesterday, a guy with the Twitter handle @TheDudeBlog said in a Tweet "Ebola Patient Dr. Kent Brantley is the Douchebag of the day, thanking God rather than the doctors who saved his life." He actually did thank his doctors and hugged every person who was a part of his recovery! Obviously the "douchebag" who Tweeted that didn't see the press conference! 

This is nothing more than the intolerance of the left and Atheists who believe they have more rights than those who believe in God or Jesus Christ, and oh be careful not to say the name of Jesus! Just look at how Tim Tebow got treated for his faith! It isn't right, but it's happening all over the world! While Christians are being literally crucified in Iraq, Christians in the US are being crucified with words, and threats! It isn't just bullying anymore. Even our own government labeled us as "right wing terrorists," in a document produced by Homeland Security in 2009. They even listed former military members, yes, Veterans, as possible right wing extremist terrorists, and then they called the episode at Ft. Hood, "workplace violence," even though Hassan was yelling "Allahu Akbar," which means "God is greater," as he proceeded to shoot and kill 13 members of the Army! These Veterans and the families who lost a loved one that day deserve the pay and benefits of a soldier who died in battle, but they never received it. There is a terrible rift between those who believe and those who don't, but whose getting more 1st amendment protection these days? It's certainly not bible believing Christians!

I hope I got you to read this entire article, and I hope that you will begin to pray for the Christians of the world who are literally being exterminated and that you will pray for the Christians in Europe and America! We need to stand strong until the end. For "He who endures til the end will be saved." (Matthew 24:13). Have faith! Look up, for our redemption is drawing near! (Luke 21:28). For those of you who think I "protest too much?" God forgive you! I refuse to sit idly by while Christians are persecuted! I will not be quiet! I refuse to sit here and say and do nothing! It isn't right and I will shout it to the rooftops to anyone who will listen because that is what God has called me to do! It's time that we all look inward and ask God what it is He wants us to do instead of doing what is politically expedient or politically correct! 

If God is calling you to speak, then do so and if you agree with this post, pass it on! Others need to see and read it to! These are not my words, they come directly from God! He is the one who gave me the gift to write! I give myself no credit, not one ounce! Stop sitting around and doing nothing! People around you are dying in their sins and time is very short! The Titanic is sinking as the band plays on. Is that how you want to be remembered? I for one refuse to stand silent while Christians are persecuted! Even it means being persecuted myself! So what will you do? It's time to make a choice. God is waiting!

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JeriAnn Eakin