Monday, June 29, 2015

Wait! Not So Fast!

I had a bit of an upset with my hubby last night. We're both sinners saved by grace, but we've really been struggling for awhile now to just get along? He's stubborn. So am I. I have an alpha ego and am very emotional. Never a good combination. He likes to mope and needs to get right with God. (No that is not a judgment. Don't say that, unless you understand what I'm going through)? 

I just went back to look at a post I wrote on June 25th. As I read it, I could hear God saying, "Do you see how you talk about walkin the walk, rather than talkin the talk?" Jesus said that we should die to self, but that is difficult to do, because as humans, we are born needy, desperate, hungry, and yes, very naked! But as adults, we can be just as naked, only spiritually! I spoke in the previous post about "what is done in secret will be made known?" Yup. I know. Just got here! (I'm sorry for my delay, Lord! Please forgive me)?

I know, it is kinda funny? But when you're a really impatient person, with very little self control, ton's of heart/emotion, etc., and you are in a great deal of pain for a long period of time, as I have been, the devil will try to use all those feelings, even all the pain, to try to control you and that was how I ended up getting so upset last night. I've got the yelling down pat! And yes, I did. I went there again last night. It bummed me out.

I told him I didn't mean it, but you know, once it leaves your mouth? There's an old saying that goes like this. "What is done is done." Once those words are out of your mouth, you cannot get them back. Not even if you stuff them in like tweety bird and try to swallow them again, which of course, is impossible to do. You're only recourse, is to ask the person for forgiveness, but lack of humility today, makes that very difficult. 

As for all the Christian couples who are struggling, you are not alone. I pray for my marriage, daily, and ask God to heal my husband's heart so he can forgive my past mistakes. I have forgiven him each time he hurts me, and I've forgiven the person he's hurting me with. I'm hoping that God can rescue our marriage and help us to remember the good times we've had, especially with our kids. He just seems perfectly content to step out on me, and doesn't seem to want to answer to God or anyone for that matter. I've asked for counseling and we've gone in the past, but it never worked out. I'm not sure that we'll ever work things out, but then, that is what 30 years can do to people who weren't in it for the right reasons in the beginning? Damage gets done! The only one who can fix this, is Jesus! 

So yes. I admit it! I AM A SINNER! I NEED JESUS, EVERY DAY! Seriously? He's like a "spiritual multi vitamin!" Without Him? I wouldn't have been able to stop, and see how I was letting the devil lead me around by the nose last night! That was not fun! But, even though I know how he operates, I still get stuck in the flesh, and just lose it. Sigh. I'm not violent, (I don't throw things, I couldn't hurt him, even if I wanted to because my hands are all crippled from the psoriatic arthritis), but boy, did my mother, God rest her soul, teach me how to yell! Be suspicious. Act grumpy, and think I was insane. 

No worries, I know I'm not insane. I've turned my life over, again and again and again to the Lord since I was baptized my Sophomore year of high school. Even at nearly 53, I have a very long way to go to get to where God needs me to be. I hope I will be a supernaturally completely healed woman, who can wield the sword of truth and slay the dragon where ever he is, or speak a command for him to come out of whoever he is controlling by telling him, "In the name of Jesus, I demand that you release this person in front of me! Get thee behind me satan!" Simple words like "Jesus" or "Get thee behind me satan," is enough to make the devil and his minions RUN for the hills! Why you ask? Because the bible says, "You believe that God is one. You do well. Even the demons believe, and tremble!" (James 2:19). 

I have a great deal of faith, it is my strongest spiritual gift, and I want to lead the lost to the Lord, helping them to be forgiven so they can be "transformed by the renewing of their minds," and start living for Him!

What happened to me last night? That's me without You Lord and I don't want to be that person anymore. I want to grow, gain more strength than I've ever had and stand strong for YOU! Help me to do that Lord? I'm so anxious to send out these messages of hope, because so many are without it? Thank you for never leaving me and for getting me back up on my feet within less than an hour. It used to take months, even years, to see the error of my ways and get right with You. Lately, it's taking me a lot less time, so thank You for that Jesus, I praise You, even in this storm!

Hope you all have a very blessed day! God bless each one of you as you spread the word that Jesus saves! He's coming very soon, I can feel it in my entire being. He is close! So it's time to get ready, get ready, get ready! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is coming soon to remove His Bride, the Church, off of this popsicle stand! Yeah, when you think about it? This world, compared to heaven? 

It really is, nothing more than a popsicle stand compared to what God has in store for us! His blessings? They are NEVER ENDING! Think of that. Blessings, forever! It's because Jesus thinks of us, as "His beloved."

Friday, June 26, 2015

Just a Few Subjects...Please Bear With Me!

We ALL need to stand strong in prayer, on our knees, to fight the lawlessness in this country and explain to those who don't understand it, how these two decisions by the Supreme Court have literally destroyed the rule of law in our Country. Ginsburg wants to recognize international law! So, Sharia Law is just around the corner, coming to a neighborhood near you! Isn't that exciting? (Read "Men in Black," by Mark Levin, your eyes will be opened)!

In light of the disastrous decisions made by the Supreme Court in the last two days on the affordable care act and same sex marriage, I think it's fair to say that the "great experiment" of America is slowly, strike that, quickly, coming to an end. There is a piece of every true Christian in this country that died these last two days and too many others are too uninformed or too ignorant to care or understand the irreparable harm being carried out by this administration and this court! They have no idea what the real truth is, and that is just sad. The propaganda media machines of the left are destroying Christian conservative values in such rapid fashion, I don't recognize my own country anymore and neither do a lot of other Americans. 

Paul said, "But the Spirit explicitly says that in latter times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons." (1 Timothy 4:1). Now that floats my boat because I'm watching it happen right before my very own eyes! Jesus is coming back to take us where we belong, HOME, very soon! Jesus told us, "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption  is drawing near." (Luke 21:28).

CHARLESTON & THE CONFEDERATE FLAG: Charleston. Absolutely awful! I lift all of the families of Emmanuel AME Church, up in prayer, especially those families who lost a loved one and I will pray for the healing of every person who was there and who may have some effects of PTSD that will no doubt occur, caused by this horrific, evil inspired attack direct from the gates of hell itself! 

This was a truly horrible, evil inspired attack on church goers as they simply sat and studied their bibles! I commend all of you! Such a class act! You FORGAVE the obviously very ill young man who took their lives! You essentially did exactly what Jesus said we should do! FORGIVE! You folks in Charleston know your Bible! I praise God for all of you! We have a lot of praying to do. Everyone of you is a cut above! But I don't think even any of you saw what nonsense would come from this horrific tragedy and I would dare to bet that you were just as amazed as I was at what came out of this horrific and horrible incident!

To ban the Confederate Flag because of the attack? That flag represents ALL of the blood spilled in the Civil War, North and South, white, black, yellow, whatever! The American Flag represents ALL OF US UNITED! This is why Abraham Lincoln is one of the greatest Presidents. Not only did he free the slaves, he fought a very unpopular war and kept our Union together! Otherwise, we might look something like Mexico, with every Confederate State a part of it! ConfedeMexico? There's a thought? They could've started their own cruise line! (Puhleeze? Don't take that as a dig on Mexico or people of Hispanic descent? I love all colors and I myself, am color blind! I see actions, not skin color! Geesh!).

Whether the flag bugs you or not, it is still a piece of the history of those states and represents every drop of blood that soiled the land. Negro's who got free fought with the North in that war and lost their lives, so their blood is somewhere in that soil too! So the flag should mean something to African Americans as much as it means to the Southern States or the history of America! Without that war? What might we look like today? We never would've achieved Super Power status! To simply put the flag away, doesn't make the history go away. And how long before the attacks on the American Flag start? Oh wait, I forgot! It already has! Go listen to what Louis Farrakhan said about it this last weekend!  

Hey, I'm sorry if the flag bugs you, but when you go so PC that even the "General Lee" the car made famous by "Bo and Luke Duke," in the "Dukes of Hazzard" a very famous and beloved show, will no longer be reproduced by Warner Brothers in light of the Confederate Flag's being taken down all over the South? That's just PC Insanity! Wal-Mart, Sears,, and others all jumped on the band wagon and as of last night, Warner Brothers who also owns the rights to "Gone With The Wind," are now making suggestions that it is a "racial relic" of history and that it should be relegated to a museum! Apple banned sales of any Civil War video games, but they still offer "Gone With The Wind" on iTunes movies? CAN YOU SEE HOW ABSURD ALL OF THIS REALLY IS? 

SLAVERY: When talking about slavery, what have the democrats been doing to help the poor African American communities? What are they doing to help them gain a foothold, get a good education, learn, do better, excel like other Americans and African Americans who simply worked hard? NOTHING! They give them never ending entitlements WHICH IN TURN, ENSLAVES THEM TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! I believe we should take care of the elderly, the infirmed, and the mentally ill, but we shouldn't be sending checks to able bodied people who just want a free ride! The bible says, "If a man refuses to work, let him not eat!" (2 Thessalonians 3:10),

Now, if you know your history, then you know that when JFK was running in 1960 against Nixon, Martin Luther King, Jr.,  got arrested. He helped him out of a jam, and MLK voted for Kennedy and told other black preachers to tell their congregations, who were OVERWHELMINGLY REPUBLICAN to vote for a Democrat! That's how they got them! But guess what? It was a democratic governor who raised the first Confederate Flag over South Carolina, and it was South Carolina's representatives in the Continental Congress who REFUSED to abolish slavery! And they had help! Dickenson of Pennsylvania motioned that they made passage of the Declaration contingent upon all of the Colonies voting in favor of our separation from Great Britain! This is why Benjamin Franklin uttered the famous quote, "We must all hang together, for if we don't, we shall assuredly all hang separately."

Please? Go get a history lesson before you judge what our forefathers did or didn't do? Nobody is perfect, but some of these people really seem to get their jollies by airing the dirty laundry of Conservative Christians who are running for office or who are on TV! I went through horrific sexual abuse by my older brother. What the Duggar girls went through was exactly what one of them said it was. "Mild inappropriate touching." I went through HELL! Today? My brother would've been arrested, taken to juvy and locked up 'til he was 18 years old! My parents? Under the carpet! We went to a few counseling sessions, but they were totally out of control, complete with a lot of screaming! 

What I don't understand is how people can yell about a Christian's flaws, when they themselves are headed for hell! How is it that they are so blind to the problems they are actually making worse? As a famous comedian once said, "The devil made them do it!" Sorry, that's just the truth!

Here's a scripture for all the haters: Jesus said, "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." (Luke 8:17). I have no secrets. I am forgiven by God and anything you want to throw at me about my past, can be found in the earliest posts of this blog! I try not to judge others, so I hope you will not judge me, my words, my choices, or anything about my past because I am forgiven! (Seriously though? I have to ask for forgiveness at least 7 times a day? Some days more? I'M FLAWED! I'M A HUMAN BEING! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD)! Yes, there is such a thing as "failing forward." God is the one who helped me see that! Thank you Jesus! = ) 

SAME SEX MARRIAGE: When Proposition 8 passed in California, I knew there would be another court battle. There was a first proposition that established marriage as between a man and a woman, and that prop won approximately 73% of the vote in California but it was thrown out by the 9th Circus Court of Appeals. It was re-written and re-voted on and passed again! This time, by a few points less, but it passed with approximately 65+% of voters agreeing. Then, they sued again! This time, a gay Republican judge on the 9th Circus, overturned it and made same sex marriage legal in California. But because SCOTUS made same sex marriage legal in all 50 states today? Look out! Judgment is coming on this country! We have walked so far away from God, be on guard because God WILL have His say! I'm not judging here and I have always believed that we should "hate the sin, and love the sinner," so if that is how people wish to live their lives, they should be free to do so, but it is just another sign of the END OF DAYS, as Carman put it in the song, "We Need God In America Again," "When it gets to the point where people would rather come out of the closet than clean it, it's the sign that the judgment of God is gonna fall."

FOREIGN POLICY: What a sham! Obama has alienated every ally we have, especially Israel! "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you!" (Genesis 12:3). This identifies Israel as God's chosen people and what does O do? He lets Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of our greatest ally in the Middle East, sit and wait TWO HOURS while he ate dinner with his family? We're not backing up Netanyahu or Israel, or her people, we're siding with Iran instead, who say that Israel's demise is non negotiable? Does any of this look like it's TOTALLY UPSIDE DOWN TO YOU?

SATAN IS ALIVE AND WELL ON PLANET EARTH: ISIS are his representatives! They behead Christians, men, women, children, Shia soldiers, even Sunni soldiers, bury women and children alive, burn pilots alive in a cage while videotaping it, they take women and female children hostage to use as sexual slaves for their Jihad, they throw homosexuals off of the roofs of high enough buildings to kill them on impact and if that isn't enough, they have started putting people in cages and drowning them in pools while they videotape their deaths! We've had at least 3 terrorist attacks in this world just today! I worry that July 4th could be some sort of blood bath in this country, so PLEASE WATCH YOUR SIX PEOPLE? (Yes, that was for all NCIS fans! Fun fact? Mark Harmon, our beloved Leroy Jethro Gibbs, actually endorsed Romney in 2012! What? You didn't know either? Darn media)!

These are the days that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24, Luke 21, it's all in there! Go look it up! Pick up that sword! It's lying dusty on your shelf! Pick it up and use it! WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND OUR TRUE ENEMY IF WE ARE TO LIVE IN VICTORY AND CONTINUE TO DEFEAT HIM UNTIL THE DAY THAT JESUS TAKES US HOME!

OBAMA CARE: Please, don't lose all hope? Don't get me wrong, I am completely devastated by the last two days of Supreme Jokes of the United States and how they've interpreted the law, which I suppose now adds up to nothing more than figuring out what party your with and then deciding the issue at hand based purely on party lines, rather than the law! Does that sound about right?

The rule of law is now dead in this country. The great American experiment is over. As a Justice on the Supreme Court, YOU INTERPRET what the law means! YOU DON'T GET TO RE-WRITE IT! IT HAS TO BE SENT BACK TO THE CONGRESS FOR THAT! Justice Roberts should never have been made Chief Justice. Antonin Scalia had seniority and I never understood why he wasn't made our Chief Justice! Roberts disgusts me now! He decides yesterday that it's okay to re-write what he interpreted the law meant, and then today, his dissent on same sex marriage was the exact same opinion in yesterday's decision on Obama Care only used in the opposite sense, but he did use it properly in today's decision? HOW CONFUSING HUH? There are now no true lovers of law on the Supreme Court, except for Scalia and Alito! Even Clarence Thomas voted to keep Obama Care! That vote went 6-3! Today? 5-4! Still, on party lines! 

Congress needs to pass a law ordering TERM LIMITS for Supreme Court Justices as well as every Congressmen and Senator in DC., heck, let's make it universal! TERM LIMITS ON ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS, LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL! They are all too corrupted by politics and ideology! We need people who will strictly enforce ALL OF THE LAWS, AS WRITTEN!

AND FINALLY: The bible said we would go through these things! The word of God says "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Isaiah 5:20). Or as Edmund Burke, a member of The House of Commons once said: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing." He also said, "Those who don't know history, are destined to repeat it."

It may take some time to wipe the sleep out of your eyes, but wake up church! Rise up! We need to reap the harvest for Jesus! Souls are READY to be won! THE HARVEST IS WHITE!



Thursday, June 25, 2015

They Need Jesus!

Recently I saw a video on Fox News that really made me wonder, "What is wrong with people?" Someone had posted a video of two women in a WalMart store really going at it. There was a small child in the background while this mele was going on and the anchors were wondering where the store employee's were and why they didn't try to break up the fight. This prompted one of the anchors to joke, "Felony on aisle 4." Those ladies should have been arrested and carted off to jail! Someone video taped the whole thing, and it lasted for over 3 minutes! Within less than 60 seconds, I would have had two of my biggest male employee's hold them apart and stop the fight because as the store manager, I would have a duty to all of my patrons, to provide them a safe environment in which to shop! 

The bible says "Do not repay evil with evil." "Pray for your enemies." "Love your enemies." You know, treating them with kindness will drive them insane! It really does freak them out! They expect you to shout obscenities back at them when they scream them at you. Just remember, they are deceived by the devil, who the bible describes as "the thief (who) comes only to steal, kill and destroy." (John 10:10). 

This is what I would do. I would tell them, "Jesus loves you, and I am a peaceful person, and as a Christian, I cannot engage in this type of destructive behavior? Besides, this will ruin both of our days! Can we please just go get a coffee, on me, and talk about it? You seem really upset and I don't want you to feel alone. I think you're acting this way because something is really bothering you. What do ya say? I don't want any angst with you. God loves you, so I love you too! Has anyone ever talked to you about Jesus?" No matter how they respond, a seed has been planted! Then the Lord sends the waterer and eventually the person who will harvest that seed, or help them say the Sinner's prayer and become a born again believer or a lost believer who is rededicating their lives to Christ! BE BOLD FOR CHRIST! REWARDS BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION WILL AWAIT YOU IN HEAVEN!

When we respond as God would want us to, instead of acting like children, which is how most people these days are acting due to possible trauma's in childhood, which causes you to stop growing up emotionally, God will bless our efforts for the Kingdom! I know how it works too! I've been there, and done that! You end up stuck in your past, angry, on drugs, promiscuous, having abortions, hopeless, on worse drugs, on welfare and MediCal, need I go on? All of these things happened to me, so I CAN speak on the subject!

You have no idea how much God can accomplish through YOUR ATTITUDE! It affects everyone around you! Try to incorporate the Ten Commandments, and the words and commands of Jesus Himself, into your life and you will see a change! One for the better! You will also see the enemy advancing on you trying to get you to sin again, and thus, separate you from God. That is my least favorite place to be. I'm never far from the Lord because I pray every five minutes for a bad thought, or something that came out of my mouth? You know what? It's in my head before I say it now, which is just as bad as if you said it in God's eyes, but I've gone from actually having the words leave my mouth to keeping them in my brain, where I immediately ask God to forgive me and then we just keep keepin on! This means I am growing more aware of God's presence! This is a good thing! It makes me happy that I'm growing in Christ! 

What is wrong with people? The lack of "Jesus" is what is wrong with people! Some need an earthquake to wake them up and a lot of us are already so awake it's making us very shaky from what we're seeing and we're praying constantly! We know this is it! All the signs have occurred! Get right with God! Give up your sin, "which is only fun for a season" and get right with Jesus! Whatever it is you can't give up, is it worth it? 

The bible says to pray that you will be "found worthy." (Ephesians 4:1). It's time for us to all pray for God to find us worthy! Pastor John Hagee one morning said something that I will never forget! He was speaking about the Rapture. He said, "If you're not expecting Him? You're not going with Him!" He's right! That is a strict interpretation of scripture. Those that are slumbering? If they continue to stay asleep, they will be left behind! I am not a Jesus freak folks, I just love the Lord and want so badly to please Him and to be with Him! I have been given the gift of faith, but I have little self control and little patience, which makes me a bomb waiting to explode at times. I've asked God to give me more patience and self control, which gave me more testing? Oh good grief! I didn't expect that!

Even if people are nasty to us, we should respond with love. We should pray for them, because this whole situation of "Nation(ality) against "Nation(ality), that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:7? We're watching that scripture play out on television every night it seems, between African American's who feel they have been wronged in some way by this country and our Law Enforcement Officers who simply want to do their jobs, keep us safe and go home to their families at night. This is getting so terrible, we are now at a tipping point! On top of that? The world is going crazy! ISIS is now putting Christians in cages and lowering the cages into a swimming pool and video taping the person drowning! "Satan is alive and well on planet earth." Great book! You should read it!

The most important thing we need to do is keep our wits about us! Recognize the enemy when you see him and cast him out! Tell the devil to leave the person in front of you! Tell them to "Get behind me satan." They will leave you alone if you can't talk to them. God will not let any weapon formed against you to prosper! (Isaiah 54:17).

Holy Spirit, come into our hearts, show us the way! We need Your guidance, we need Your leading, Your love, Your help! We are simpletons Lord. We are just humble people asking You to fill us with your Holy Spirit until we are so in tune with You that we all feel and sound like a very well tuned Steinway! Help us to just let it all go as we lift up your Name in praises! You are our Savior Jesus! Please fill our homes with Your Spirit Lord? Fill me with Your love, Your mercy, Your patience, Your self control, so that I may show others just how wonderful, how awesome and loving you really are?

"Holy Spirit, You are welcome here! Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere, Your glory God is what our hearts long for, to be overcome by Your presence Lord."  

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Just Breathe!

A week and a half ago, I started feeling really sick. I was sneezing, and had junk in my lungs, so I figured out eventually, due to the shortness of breath I was suffering, that I was going through one of my allergic asthma attacks & this one was very severe. I'm just surprised I didn't end up in the ER! 

This week, it's been super humid in California, along with soaring temps. It was 105 just two days ago. It was only 75 today, but we had 73% humidity so it felt closer to 85, 90. It will be back in the 96-102 range tomorrow and Friday but Praise God, it will be what my husband used to call "severe clear," for at least the next 5 days! (Thank You Jesus!).

It's been very humid in California, which is usually a dry heat? Not so lucky this week! Severe 73% humidity yesterday! It was only 74 out, but it felt more like 85, 90 degrees? IT WAS STIFLING! It seems that us allergy/asthma sufferers have problems with shortness of breath when the weather is so oppressive.

I used to suffer really bad with allergies, sneezing, itchy throat the whole thing. I've had times where I had to go to the ER to get a breathing treatment. The first time was in 1999. I've only had a few episodes since, but still, with the panic attacks I get, I can't stand the idea of not being able to breath! With all of these health problems, I've been feeling like the evil one is basically beating the crud out of me! So I praise God! I must be doing something right! I must be scaring the crud out of him huh? Praise God! I'm glad! Let Him attack! "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world!" And, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper!"

It took way too long to get the right prescription, but my husband picked it up today and I felt 85% better after using my new inhaler! I am still suffering due to the high temps and all the moisture that filled California after some tropical storm sent the jet stream our way. Hopefully, we'll have clear skies for the rest of the summer because this was just awful and I don't want it to ever happen again! 

I don't know why, but I heard this song as I was going through this horrible week and it hit me, I need to relax, let go and let God! I absolutely REFUSE to let the devil win! EVER!

I love getting lost in the wonder of God! He is just so cool! He speaks to me through circumstances! I see Him in everything and in everyone! Even the crankiest among us and yes, even in this illness! God wants us 100% dependent on Him!

So, I'm going to "let go and let God," and not worry about my panic attacks or my asthma, because I trust God! He is going to help me get through all this.

Dear Jesus, please breathe Your Holy Spirit into all of our lives! Let the words that come out of our mouth be pleasing to you Lord. Help us to share the Gospel with those who don't know You and Your grace! I know You can heal me, but there may be something You want me to learn, so I will be patient.

And as I wait? I'm just gonna breathe in the Holy Spirit! Then very slowly?


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Put Him First!

If you've been paying attention to the news on the world stage, then either every bone in your body is asleep or you, like me, are getting goosebumps as you watch God work!

First we have ISIS, who we've been bombing since last August, yet the group keeps growing. Obama isn't running enough sorties! They ran 1135 a day under Bush 41 in the 1st gulf war and "shock and awe" was 800 sorties! (Seems like Bush 41 was the real "shock and awe" guy huh)? Then there is Russia and Putin, who wants to restore the former USSR to all it's former socialist/dictator glory, which isn't glorious at all for the people there, and then there is this nuke deal with Iran. I mean, can't you feel it yet? 

There are "birth pangs" or "contractions" occurring all over the world, just like Jesus said they would in Matthew 24. Nepal had not one, but two severe quakes. Japan has had 3! I'm in California and ready to bail to another state further in from the coast! I want to go to Idaho! I might end up real close to a beach! I know it's not funny, but if you've had JUST ONE THOUGHT about this, then GOD IS CALLING YOU TO REPENTANCE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Personally? I wouldn't wish being "left behind" on my WORST enemy!

"For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying 'Peace and Safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:2).

What does that mean? I heard Pastor John Hagee say it this way: "If you're not expecting Him? You're not going with Him." 

It's time to put away the foolish things of our youth, grow up and WAKE UP! I saw a horse yesterday named "Slumber" win the Manhattan Stakes race, and then an "American Pharaoh," finally wins the Triple Crown? An omen? Perhaps so! Registered in error as PHAROAH? I can't help but continue to laugh that someone Tweeted, "That poor horses name is spelled wrong!" (It's spelled aoh, not oah! They sound completely different! LOL.

Just sayin, we're watching things go down in a way that is destroying our Country, her people, and her culture, her Christian roots, everything is being "fundamentally transformed," right out from under our feet, which should scare the crud out of all of us! I'm in prayer a lot, and I've been feeling the Holy Spirit moving a lot lately. I just see all the stuff going on in America and in the world and now to learn that Egypt hasn't been re-supplied with parts for their aircraft to fly bombing runs against ISIS? Guess what they did? They are now getting their spare airplane parts and other things they need for their military from Putin in Russia! God help us!

So does this sound even remotely scary? It should! If it doesn't, I'm praying for you specifically! I can pray for millions of people! God applies my prayer over all of you!  Don't believe me? TEST HIM! He doesn't disappoint!

Put God in the center of your life and everything else will come together. That is why I strive to, and may not always be successful because we are all sinners, put God first in everything I do. He is the first person in my life. He is everything to me. Without Him? Well, let's not go there, it's just too dark.

Please, pray and ask God how you can help Him reach those that are still searching for something to fill that God shaped hole in their soul that only He can fill. I pray for all of you daily. And I know God hears me! 

Have faith! Don't give up! Don't give in! Jesus is the true "Triple Crown." Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Give your life to Him and you will NEVER regret it! But you might if you don't! Just think about it. He wants you to come to Him! He'll forgive you! He loves even the most surly, unlovable person in the world! He even loves Vlad Putin! Yeah, He loves Obama too! We should pray for HIS will, not our own and as much as I hate to admit this, I haven't always been very good at praying for our government officials? Maybe that is part of the problem! We are supposed to pray for those in leadership over us! 

May God continue to bless those of us who believe with our whole hearts that Jesus is coming soon! Keep speaking out! We can't give up! There are Christian's slumbering! THEY NEED TO BE AWAKENED! 

God, please draw back unto Yourself, all Christian's who are slumbering. Time to sound the alarm bells! PRAISE THE LORD! WE'RE GOING HOME SOON! EVEN SO, MARANATHA! COME LORD JESUS!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Greatest Generaton

June 6, 1944. It's dawn. The Army Rangers got to the beaches of Normandy and started to climb the cliffs at Pointe Du Hoc to take out these heavy artillery guns the Germans were shooting at them with as they tried to take the cliff. 

Hitler. The Nazi Death Camps. Oh, what our soldiers found! We've always seen the ugliness, the death camps, the gas chambers......the horror of it shocked the entire world and after Dec 7, 1941? Well, we're Americans right? Our Greatest Generation served in all areas of the war effort. We needed everyone pitching in if they could, and they did, all because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. In simple terms? THEY PISSED US OFF!

Thankfully, there were 90 Rangers who could still hold a weapon just before they overtook the German's on that cliff, or right now? We might be speaking in German. "Oh hell no!" Our Soldiers said. "We're American's and were here to save the world." Guess what? Along with all of our ally's, we defeated the mad man. He supposedly took the easy way out & committed suicide.

Reagan, on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, gave a speech at the cliffs of Pointe Du Hoc. He spoke from the heart, and notice, he didn't need a teleprompter! This is what a real "leader" looks like. Not some selfie stick holding fool who only cares about his golf handicap and having fun in the surf in Hawaii, on our dime!

As we commemorate the 71st Anniversary of D-Day, make sure to thank a Vet even if it is only online!

"If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can read in English, thank a Soldier!"

May God continue to Bless this great country, through us, those who are still willing to fight this tyranny that we are living under. 

Listen to this speech. It may even make you cry. I know I did. I was so moved by his words, I went out at dawn to hang the flag. For my retired USAF husband, for my father who was in the Navy during the Korean War and for our son, who served for 8 years and 3 tours with the US Army.

The Army Rangers who climbed the cliff at Pointe Du Hoc are hero's. They DID serve with HONOR AND DISTINCTION! After fierce battling, the Rangers finally took the cliff and caused the Germans to back up a bit! When those boys took that cliff? Essentially? The war was already over. We came, we saw and we kicked some butt! If necessary we can do it again, with the right President. These fine young special forces guys got the job done! 

Thank you Ronnie for being the greatest president of my generation. We miss you so!

Friday, June 5, 2015

The First Day...

It all started with Pong. 

Then we had Video Arcades, complete with Skee Ball, Asteroids, Ms. Pac Man, pinball machines, etc. Then came Chuck E. Cheese with the giant mouse and all the games you could play, all the pizza you could eat, all the soda you could drink. Our kids always had fun there, especially when playing the two seater Indy race game! 

Then came Play Station which invaded all of our homes. By the time XBox and Nintendo Wi were introduced, the Arcades were all passe. The kids could now play better games at home on the couch in front of the TV without having to go somewhere else to play the games which cost money, and it kept the kids at home, where they were safe. This made it easier on Mom's and Dad's who both worked and had kids coming home from school after 3 pm.  

Today, our phones aren't just phones. They are tiny little hand held computers! You can send email, play games, do spreadsheets, write a blog post, use it as a flashlight in the dark, take pictures of beautiful landscapes or photos of your family and then text or email the photo to family and friends, or upload it to FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., to share with them online. You can do so much from your cell phone these days, I don't understand why they're still calling them "cell phones."  

I remember in the 7o's or 80's when they tried to make watches that you could watch TV on? That idea totally bombed, but due to advances in nano-technology, the new Apple iWatch (is that what it's called? lol), tells you your heart rate and it can tell you how many calories you've burned during your work out. You can play music while you run, (which I don't recommend ladies! You need to be aware of your surroundings at all times, so leave one ear bud out please? To be safe?). The newest smart phones have Siri  or Skyvi, which is what I have. The app becomes your personal assistant reminding you of things and then answering questions for you, like where the closest beach is, etc. It's a pretty cool gadget to have! This is part of the explosion of knowledge that the bible speaks of in Daniel 12:4. It specifically says that "knowledge will increase in the last days", and hello, here it is! 

We have all kinds of devices now. PC's Mac Books, iPods, iPads, Kindle Fire and others. I own an Asus EEPad Tablet. It runs off of wireless only, so I don't need a data plan to use it. It automatically recognizes the wi-fi wherever it's free, so it hooks right up. People are now able to go to any major network, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc., online from their tablets and smart phones, along with their ear buds, to catch up on their favorite shows. When I was a kid, there was no internet, and there was also no TIVO'S, CD'S, DVR'S, DVD Players, Cable TV, on demand for just $3.99, we didn't have any of it! And now? I can't imagine my life without my cell phone! I just got a new smart phone due to some sort of failure? It couldn't read my SIM card all of a sudden, so I had to send it back. They sent me a replacement phone that has all sorts of things on it that my other phone didn't have. I can actually use my phone to turn my TV on and off, mute the sound, etc. SAY WHAT? That's right! I can't get my AT&T remote to turn off my TV, so now I use the phone to turn it off! The screen saver thing they have is kind of cool, but it's still a waste of electricity to leave it on all the time. (Really glad I got this new phone! It's pretty darn awesome!).

It really is amazing all the conveniences we have today that we didn't have just yesterday isn't it? None of these things existed when I was a kid, so this is indeed an information/technology age and it's growing ever larger. 

My first record player was in a square box, that was very pink, flowery and pretty. You flipped what was a suitcase latch and it opened up. You could play 45's or 33 LP's on it. Now, the kids have a million and one songs on their iPods, or their iPads or their iPhones, or even their Android devices. And if they lose their phone? It's backed up on the cloud, don't ya know, so nothing is ever really lost and there is a safety net! There is a way to find the phone if it gets stolen!

In Jr. High I graduated to a different stereo. It had a build in tuner with a record player. Then, in high school, I got a great stereo for Christmas. I had the tuner, equalizer, huge speakers, a turn table and a cassette player. I got them out of the box and then proceeded to go into the back yard where we had some left over bricks. My step dad helped with the planks that we sat on top of two bricks, then stacked two more on top of the wood, and placed another plank on top of them. Back in the late 70's everyone had their stereo's set up that way. It was grunge decorative! But now? The kids stream music on Pandora, iHeart Radio, satellite radio or they can use their phones and put them in a special kind of holder, that wirelessly connects the sound on the phone to the wireless stereo speaker that you can buy separately at your cell phone store. They may be small, but they are very powerful and very loud!

My daughter has one that is pink and seriously? The phone, and the stereo speaker? Barbie like creepy? Right? And if they have a CD they want to add to their que, they just have to add it to their iTunes on their computers and then sync it to their phones! Once you learn how, you just kinda go, "Okay, I can do this!" 

Things are moving very fast with technology and biblical scholars are also warning of prophecies that are coming true, every day in some cases. If you really think about it, as we watch what is going on in the Middle East, we should bend our knee and kiss the ground the proud men and women of our military fight to protect, every day. I am very grateful that God saw fit to allow me to be born in a land of freedom, such as this experiment known as America. These freedom's come from God and they are timeless as our founders stated emphatically in the Declaration of Independence. 

So yeah, I've aged. Things have changed. A lot! And even though I feel like a watch that's taken a licken and just kept tickin? I don't let it get to me. I just keep looking ahead, like Paul said we should. 

So, what should I do? I gotta do something, so here goes nothin, It's day one of the rest of my life! And I'm going to try to really enjoy every minute I have left! Every day will be "Day One," from now on! No more pity parties or looking over my shoulder. I've been forgiven! I am

Thank you Jesus!