Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Greatest Generaton

June 6, 1944. It's dawn. The Army Rangers got to the beaches of Normandy and started to climb the cliffs at Pointe Du Hoc to take out these heavy artillery guns the Germans were shooting at them with as they tried to take the cliff. 

Hitler. The Nazi Death Camps. Oh, what our soldiers found! We've always seen the ugliness, the death camps, the gas chambers......the horror of it shocked the entire world and after Dec 7, 1941? Well, we're Americans right? Our Greatest Generation served in all areas of the war effort. We needed everyone pitching in if they could, and they did, all because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. In simple terms? THEY PISSED US OFF!

Thankfully, there were 90 Rangers who could still hold a weapon just before they overtook the German's on that cliff, or right now? We might be speaking in German. "Oh hell no!" Our Soldiers said. "We're American's and were here to save the world." Guess what? Along with all of our ally's, we defeated the mad man. He supposedly took the easy way out & committed suicide.

Reagan, on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, gave a speech at the cliffs of Pointe Du Hoc. He spoke from the heart, and notice, he didn't need a teleprompter! This is what a real "leader" looks like. Not some selfie stick holding fool who only cares about his golf handicap and having fun in the surf in Hawaii, on our dime!

As we commemorate the 71st Anniversary of D-Day, make sure to thank a Vet even if it is only online!

"If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can read in English, thank a Soldier!"

May God continue to Bless this great country, through us, those who are still willing to fight this tyranny that we are living under. 

Listen to this speech. It may even make you cry. I know I did. I was so moved by his words, I went out at dawn to hang the flag. For my retired USAF husband, for my father who was in the Navy during the Korean War and for our son, who served for 8 years and 3 tours with the US Army.

The Army Rangers who climbed the cliff at Pointe Du Hoc are hero's. They DID serve with HONOR AND DISTINCTION! After fierce battling, the Rangers finally took the cliff and caused the Germans to back up a bit! When those boys took that cliff? Essentially? The war was already over. We came, we saw and we kicked some butt! If necessary we can do it again, with the right President. These fine young special forces guys got the job done! 

Thank you Ronnie for being the greatest president of my generation. We miss you so!

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JeriAnn Eakin