Thursday, June 25, 2015

They Need Jesus!

Recently I saw a video on Fox News that really made me wonder, "What is wrong with people?" Someone had posted a video of two women in a WalMart store really going at it. There was a small child in the background while this mele was going on and the anchors were wondering where the store employee's were and why they didn't try to break up the fight. This prompted one of the anchors to joke, "Felony on aisle 4." Those ladies should have been arrested and carted off to jail! Someone video taped the whole thing, and it lasted for over 3 minutes! Within less than 60 seconds, I would have had two of my biggest male employee's hold them apart and stop the fight because as the store manager, I would have a duty to all of my patrons, to provide them a safe environment in which to shop! 

The bible says "Do not repay evil with evil." "Pray for your enemies." "Love your enemies." You know, treating them with kindness will drive them insane! It really does freak them out! They expect you to shout obscenities back at them when they scream them at you. Just remember, they are deceived by the devil, who the bible describes as "the thief (who) comes only to steal, kill and destroy." (John 10:10). 

This is what I would do. I would tell them, "Jesus loves you, and I am a peaceful person, and as a Christian, I cannot engage in this type of destructive behavior? Besides, this will ruin both of our days! Can we please just go get a coffee, on me, and talk about it? You seem really upset and I don't want you to feel alone. I think you're acting this way because something is really bothering you. What do ya say? I don't want any angst with you. God loves you, so I love you too! Has anyone ever talked to you about Jesus?" No matter how they respond, a seed has been planted! Then the Lord sends the waterer and eventually the person who will harvest that seed, or help them say the Sinner's prayer and become a born again believer or a lost believer who is rededicating their lives to Christ! BE BOLD FOR CHRIST! REWARDS BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION WILL AWAIT YOU IN HEAVEN!

When we respond as God would want us to, instead of acting like children, which is how most people these days are acting due to possible trauma's in childhood, which causes you to stop growing up emotionally, God will bless our efforts for the Kingdom! I know how it works too! I've been there, and done that! You end up stuck in your past, angry, on drugs, promiscuous, having abortions, hopeless, on worse drugs, on welfare and MediCal, need I go on? All of these things happened to me, so I CAN speak on the subject!

You have no idea how much God can accomplish through YOUR ATTITUDE! It affects everyone around you! Try to incorporate the Ten Commandments, and the words and commands of Jesus Himself, into your life and you will see a change! One for the better! You will also see the enemy advancing on you trying to get you to sin again, and thus, separate you from God. That is my least favorite place to be. I'm never far from the Lord because I pray every five minutes for a bad thought, or something that came out of my mouth? You know what? It's in my head before I say it now, which is just as bad as if you said it in God's eyes, but I've gone from actually having the words leave my mouth to keeping them in my brain, where I immediately ask God to forgive me and then we just keep keepin on! This means I am growing more aware of God's presence! This is a good thing! It makes me happy that I'm growing in Christ! 

What is wrong with people? The lack of "Jesus" is what is wrong with people! Some need an earthquake to wake them up and a lot of us are already so awake it's making us very shaky from what we're seeing and we're praying constantly! We know this is it! All the signs have occurred! Get right with God! Give up your sin, "which is only fun for a season" and get right with Jesus! Whatever it is you can't give up, is it worth it? 

The bible says to pray that you will be "found worthy." (Ephesians 4:1). It's time for us to all pray for God to find us worthy! Pastor John Hagee one morning said something that I will never forget! He was speaking about the Rapture. He said, "If you're not expecting Him? You're not going with Him!" He's right! That is a strict interpretation of scripture. Those that are slumbering? If they continue to stay asleep, they will be left behind! I am not a Jesus freak folks, I just love the Lord and want so badly to please Him and to be with Him! I have been given the gift of faith, but I have little self control and little patience, which makes me a bomb waiting to explode at times. I've asked God to give me more patience and self control, which gave me more testing? Oh good grief! I didn't expect that!

Even if people are nasty to us, we should respond with love. We should pray for them, because this whole situation of "Nation(ality) against "Nation(ality), that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:7? We're watching that scripture play out on television every night it seems, between African American's who feel they have been wronged in some way by this country and our Law Enforcement Officers who simply want to do their jobs, keep us safe and go home to their families at night. This is getting so terrible, we are now at a tipping point! On top of that? The world is going crazy! ISIS is now putting Christians in cages and lowering the cages into a swimming pool and video taping the person drowning! "Satan is alive and well on planet earth." Great book! You should read it!

The most important thing we need to do is keep our wits about us! Recognize the enemy when you see him and cast him out! Tell the devil to leave the person in front of you! Tell them to "Get behind me satan." They will leave you alone if you can't talk to them. God will not let any weapon formed against you to prosper! (Isaiah 54:17).

Holy Spirit, come into our hearts, show us the way! We need Your guidance, we need Your leading, Your love, Your help! We are simpletons Lord. We are just humble people asking You to fill us with your Holy Spirit until we are so in tune with You that we all feel and sound like a very well tuned Steinway! Help us to just let it all go as we lift up your Name in praises! You are our Savior Jesus! Please fill our homes with Your Spirit Lord? Fill me with Your love, Your mercy, Your patience, Your self control, so that I may show others just how wonderful, how awesome and loving you really are?

"Holy Spirit, You are welcome here! Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere, Your glory God is what our hearts long for, to be overcome by Your presence Lord."  

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JeriAnn Eakin