Sunday, June 7, 2015

Put Him First!

If you've been paying attention to the news on the world stage, then either every bone in your body is asleep or you, like me, are getting goosebumps as you watch God work!

First we have ISIS, who we've been bombing since last August, yet the group keeps growing. Obama isn't running enough sorties! They ran 1135 a day under Bush 41 in the 1st gulf war and "shock and awe" was 800 sorties! (Seems like Bush 41 was the real "shock and awe" guy huh)? Then there is Russia and Putin, who wants to restore the former USSR to all it's former socialist/dictator glory, which isn't glorious at all for the people there, and then there is this nuke deal with Iran. I mean, can't you feel it yet? 

There are "birth pangs" or "contractions" occurring all over the world, just like Jesus said they would in Matthew 24. Nepal had not one, but two severe quakes. Japan has had 3! I'm in California and ready to bail to another state further in from the coast! I want to go to Idaho! I might end up real close to a beach! I know it's not funny, but if you've had JUST ONE THOUGHT about this, then GOD IS CALLING YOU TO REPENTANCE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Personally? I wouldn't wish being "left behind" on my WORST enemy!

"For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying 'Peace and Safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman and they will not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:2).

What does that mean? I heard Pastor John Hagee say it this way: "If you're not expecting Him? You're not going with Him." 

It's time to put away the foolish things of our youth, grow up and WAKE UP! I saw a horse yesterday named "Slumber" win the Manhattan Stakes race, and then an "American Pharaoh," finally wins the Triple Crown? An omen? Perhaps so! Registered in error as PHAROAH? I can't help but continue to laugh that someone Tweeted, "That poor horses name is spelled wrong!" (It's spelled aoh, not oah! They sound completely different! LOL.

Just sayin, we're watching things go down in a way that is destroying our Country, her people, and her culture, her Christian roots, everything is being "fundamentally transformed," right out from under our feet, which should scare the crud out of all of us! I'm in prayer a lot, and I've been feeling the Holy Spirit moving a lot lately. I just see all the stuff going on in America and in the world and now to learn that Egypt hasn't been re-supplied with parts for their aircraft to fly bombing runs against ISIS? Guess what they did? They are now getting their spare airplane parts and other things they need for their military from Putin in Russia! God help us!

So does this sound even remotely scary? It should! If it doesn't, I'm praying for you specifically! I can pray for millions of people! God applies my prayer over all of you!  Don't believe me? TEST HIM! He doesn't disappoint!

Put God in the center of your life and everything else will come together. That is why I strive to, and may not always be successful because we are all sinners, put God first in everything I do. He is the first person in my life. He is everything to me. Without Him? Well, let's not go there, it's just too dark.

Please, pray and ask God how you can help Him reach those that are still searching for something to fill that God shaped hole in their soul that only He can fill. I pray for all of you daily. And I know God hears me! 

Have faith! Don't give up! Don't give in! Jesus is the true "Triple Crown." Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Give your life to Him and you will NEVER regret it! But you might if you don't! Just think about it. He wants you to come to Him! He'll forgive you! He loves even the most surly, unlovable person in the world! He even loves Vlad Putin! Yeah, He loves Obama too! We should pray for HIS will, not our own and as much as I hate to admit this, I haven't always been very good at praying for our government officials? Maybe that is part of the problem! We are supposed to pray for those in leadership over us! 

May God continue to bless those of us who believe with our whole hearts that Jesus is coming soon! Keep speaking out! We can't give up! There are Christian's slumbering! THEY NEED TO BE AWAKENED! 

God, please draw back unto Yourself, all Christian's who are slumbering. Time to sound the alarm bells! PRAISE THE LORD! WE'RE GOING HOME SOON! EVEN SO, MARANATHA! COME LORD JESUS!

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JeriAnn Eakin