Thursday, June 11, 2015

Just Breathe!

A week and a half ago, I started feeling really sick. I was sneezing, and had junk in my lungs, so I figured out eventually, due to the shortness of breath I was suffering, that I was going through one of my allergic asthma attacks & this one was very severe. I'm just surprised I didn't end up in the ER! 

This week, it's been super humid in California, along with soaring temps. It was 105 just two days ago. It was only 75 today, but we had 73% humidity so it felt closer to 85, 90. It will be back in the 96-102 range tomorrow and Friday but Praise God, it will be what my husband used to call "severe clear," for at least the next 5 days! (Thank You Jesus!).

It's been very humid in California, which is usually a dry heat? Not so lucky this week! Severe 73% humidity yesterday! It was only 74 out, but it felt more like 85, 90 degrees? IT WAS STIFLING! It seems that us allergy/asthma sufferers have problems with shortness of breath when the weather is so oppressive.

I used to suffer really bad with allergies, sneezing, itchy throat the whole thing. I've had times where I had to go to the ER to get a breathing treatment. The first time was in 1999. I've only had a few episodes since, but still, with the panic attacks I get, I can't stand the idea of not being able to breath! With all of these health problems, I've been feeling like the evil one is basically beating the crud out of me! So I praise God! I must be doing something right! I must be scaring the crud out of him huh? Praise God! I'm glad! Let Him attack! "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world!" And, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper!"

It took way too long to get the right prescription, but my husband picked it up today and I felt 85% better after using my new inhaler! I am still suffering due to the high temps and all the moisture that filled California after some tropical storm sent the jet stream our way. Hopefully, we'll have clear skies for the rest of the summer because this was just awful and I don't want it to ever happen again! 

I don't know why, but I heard this song as I was going through this horrible week and it hit me, I need to relax, let go and let God! I absolutely REFUSE to let the devil win! EVER!

I love getting lost in the wonder of God! He is just so cool! He speaks to me through circumstances! I see Him in everything and in everyone! Even the crankiest among us and yes, even in this illness! God wants us 100% dependent on Him!

So, I'm going to "let go and let God," and not worry about my panic attacks or my asthma, because I trust God! He is going to help me get through all this.

Dear Jesus, please breathe Your Holy Spirit into all of our lives! Let the words that come out of our mouth be pleasing to you Lord. Help us to share the Gospel with those who don't know You and Your grace! I know You can heal me, but there may be something You want me to learn, so I will be patient.

And as I wait? I'm just gonna breathe in the Holy Spirit! Then very slowly?


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JeriAnn Eakin