Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Just Another Birthday

You know, they say that "time flies," and they were right. 53 really snuck up on me.

I have a harsh past. I have a harsh present. But I am willing to suffer anything that is necessary for God to finish what He started in me. "For all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28).

My kids, my husband, and when my dad called, I was talking about some of the things I've written in this post, and he started to yell at me! I had to hang up on him. I called my cousin Mike, and asked him to tell him I'm sorry, but with everything going on here, and the way my family ignores me, I couldn't handle being yelled at today? I guess I kinda deserve the way I'm treated because some of the things I have done in my recent past? Well, they're pretty bad, so I figure I deserve to be "ignored," like I'm a "ghost" or something? That's how they treat me. You can read about my frailty as a human being, right here in these posts. I don't want to describe it, because the things I felt I "had to do? Well, they were pretty awful and God was not happy with me either.

Long story short, my human side feels totally abandoned. My spiritual side, however, feels full of joy, gratitude, and an amazing feeling about how faithful God has always been to me, even when I haven't been faithful to Him. I'm really thankful for that. He's really all I have left. 

I suffered through a lot of abuse, and several different types, earlier in my life. I was verbally abused, which destroyed my self esteem pretty badly. Did you know, that if you say something long enough about someone, they will begin to believe it about themselves? If you believe the lie that you are worthless, so will everyone around you. "As a man thinketh, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7). That's a "snare" the devil will always try to trap you in. The only one's who have wished me a happy birthday is K-Love, via email, Personalization Mall, via email, and a friend, who lived three streets away from me that I went to school with from 4th grade until we graduated high school. (Thank you Ronnie K!).

Anyway, I have had a rough last 7 years? I know that the world is moving in such a way, and so quickly, that there is definitely something up! I've been saying, "Wait, how come everyone says that it's a cesspool on Twitter and other social media? I've never been attacked by people on Twitter before." Well, that ended yesterday, but not on Twitter, on FaceBook. I'm still getting nasty replies to what I posted.  The vitriol I saw there, against Pastor John Hagee, and against me, I mean, WOW! I know Jesus said, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold." (Matthew 24:12), but I've never been witness to it, or become a pinata like that? 

I really took a beating because I stood up for the Word of God, and a lot of other people did too, but I had to leave the conversation because it really hurt my heart to see people who defended Pastor Hagee, getting ripped to shreds like that. It was worse than "harsh." It was downright evil! 

Anyhow, it didn't bother me that bad, but it did bother me quite a bit spiritually. I was so disappointed at all the young people, who were just slamming me against the FaceBook wall? I thought, 'If these people were here in person, they could literally kill me!' I think that was God's way of showing me that I don't see even half of the evil out there on my news shows or local newscasts. 

I recently went back to FaceBook, and deleted everyone I actually "didn't know?" I ended up talking with my Sr. Year prom date last weekend. I was really happy to talk to him, and found out he has a good life, married with a 21 yr old daughter, who is a year younger than my youngest daughter. I told him about my kids and he said, "Wow, you've got yourself a crew!" (Thanks Bruce! It was really uplifting talking to you man! We did have some good times!). He is a self employed business owner and radio show host for  "Recovery 101 Radio" which every person who struggles with AA or NA should check out? He has started his own version of a "after AA coffee clutch" recovery program, which I think is great! A lot of people get stuck in AA or NA, and I think the slack he's picking up is wonderful! He's also a Christian, and has spoken at Celebrate Recovery events as well. It's not a "one issue focused" type of recovery. Celebrate Recovery focuses on ALL of our hangups, whether from past abuse, trauma, feelings of insignificance, feelings that we're not good enough, and also helps people with mental disorders, such as bi-polar disorder, eating disorders and the like. Alcoholics and drug abusers, past and present, are also welcome. The study we do in groups, and in smaller groups for prayer time, focuses on everyone's hangups, not just those of people who struggle with alcohol abuse, or narcotic addition.

Even though everyone except my high school friend forgot my birthday, I know God didn't. That's why I'm sharing this with you. I don't want anyone else, to EVER think that they don't matter? Because no matter how your family treats you, God loves you! No matter what you've been through, no matter how harsh, no matter if you're stuck in it, and can't get away, no matter what you've done, Jesus loves you so much, that He died for you, and whether you think He can or not, He can help you! He did it for me? It's why I'm writing this post.

You see, God adopts the fatherless and Jesus is "husband to the widow?" I feel like one, so I guess I've kind of asked Jesus to be my husband now? He's better to me than any other man ever was. I do feel alone, and actually am "alone" most of the time? But Jesus? He never leaves my side. If I struggle, I cry it out and He holds me through it. I ask God for forgiveness a lot, because I know there are people who have struggled this year with a lot more than the stuff I'm going through? I ask God to forgive me for my thoughts of distress that nobody loves me, because I can feel His presence and I know that He loves me, and that is all that should matter, but it does hurt, so very much, when the people you love walk away and treat you like you don't exist, even though you are there?

God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He never changes. He will always love you, even if you've messed everything up, so there is still hope. He is coming to claim us soon, so those who believe in Him, pray for forgiveness daily, (See Lamentations 3:23), are obedient to him, faithful to Him, that are willing to walk away from a longtime friendship that isn't bearing the right kind of  fruit and those who are fully expecting Him, will definitely be going with Him, back to heaven, where we truly belong. 

God can fix anything that is being used by the devil to destroy you, if you'll let him?  He loves you and very soon, He's going to fix everything! The first time he "fixed it once and for all," was the day that Jesus died on the cross. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." 

"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither heighth, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:37-38).

When Love takes you in? He will never, let you go.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Remembering Rich Mullins

18 years ago today, we lost a Christian music icon.

Rich Mullins was one of the best examples of Jesus I think I've ever seen, not to mention a very talented writer and musician.

Rich and Mitch McVicker, one of the members of his band, were traveling on I-39 heading towards Wichita State to perform a benefit concert when his Jeep flipped over. Neither he or McVicker were wearing a seat belt, and both were thrown from the vehicle when it overturned. Rich was inadvertently struck by a semi tractor trailer whose driver tried to avoid the overturned Jeep, and sadly, ran Rich over, killing him instantly. He was too injured after being thrown from the Jeep to move when he was hit by the oncoming truck. Thankfully, McVicker survived.

He left behind a stunned group of fans, family and friends, all over the world. His music will never be forgotten. It was such a tragic loss for me, I think I cried for a week or so. I loved his music so much, as did so many others, and we will never forget him. As a pianist myself, I was always struck with his ability to play so many different stringed instruments. The guitar, the piano and the lap dulcimer and how he could play different elements and different tracks for the same songs, and once put together, they sounded like a symphony of praise! 

Today, it dawned on me that those of you who were born in 1997, who are 18 or a bit younger, may not even know who he was. If you became a Christian and missed him altogether, this is for you. It's also for your parents and Christians everywhere, who truly appreciated his music, and how talented he truly was. 

Not a lot of the kids today recognize that he is the one who wrote the songs "Sing Your Praises to the Lord," which was originally performed by Amy Grant, "Awesome God," and "Sometimes by Step," which are two of the first "praise worship" songs ever written. I believe that his music, changed the style of music in our churches and it has continued to influence many Christian music singers, groups, writers, etc. It's just more "up" than normal "hymns," which don't get me wrong, I still love them? But I truly do enjoy praise worship songs better. It was a new style, for a bored to tears younger group of worshippers in today's churches. It's just more 'up" and personally, it helps me to communicate with the Lord on a much higher level. I know some people prefer hymns, and both churches I have attended on a regular basis as an adult, have two services to accommodate both styles of music and those who love them.  

If you would like to learn more about Rich, who truly did "walk the walk," go and watch "Ragamuffin," his life story on Netflix. You'll truly enjoy it.

Rich only took a yearly salary of what a "regular everyday guy" made, which at that point was about $25K per year. He let the elders of his church donate the rest of what he made to charity. 

Rich truly lived the best example of Jesus I think I've ever seen in my entire life. It's just one of the reasons he is remembered so fondly all over the world.  

We love you and miss you Rich! Even 18 long years later, which to you, must seem like only about 5 minutes? Tell the Big Man upstairs that we're looking forward to his Son's soon return to redeem the Bride, His Church, with great expectation!

I hope you all have a blessed weekend!



"The Color Green."

"You're on the Verge of a Miracle."

"Sometimes by Step."

"Screen Door."

"I'll Carry On."

"Boy Like Me/ManLike You."

"Sing Your Praises to the Lord."


"Hold Me Jesus."

And last, but certainly not least, the most famous song he ever wrote:

"Awesome God."

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Are You Facing Giants in Your Life?

A friend I knew in high school is facing a Philistine of a giant in his life right now. I just found out that he is suffering from stage IV colon cancer. His name is "Mike" and I would really appreciate it if you would commit to praying for him. I want to see God do a magnificent work in him through this illness, no matter what the outcome. 

I'm facing giants in my marriage, my finances, my entire family and in my health. I keep going through days that seem like nothing good will come of it, but that is because I tend to remain too "self focused." And let's face it, it's not about ME, it's about others. It is amazing just how humble we can become when we see people losing their homes to wildfires, which are ravaging my state right now, or how humbling it is to find out that a friend from high school is suffering through something much worse than what you're going through in your measly little ole life. That's exactly what this did to me, the minute I found out today. Pure, on your face before God, "Oh God forgive me for being so selfish," time!

The moment I start to lift other's up in prayer, or do something nice for them that other's might not want to do, I release the power of the Holy Spirit and that ends up helping me to feel better. It's the truest thing in the world: If you feel lousy about your own circumstances, get out of God's way and go help someone else who has it worse than you do. It's the most amazing thing, but it's the kind of stuff that will cure any bad mood. When I wake up "self-focused," or feeling a bit blue and can't put my finger on what's wrong, I recognize the devil is twisting my thoughts into a knot, and I immediately begin to pray. He is the vine, and I'm just a lowly branch, and apart from Him? I can do nothing. (John 15:5).

If you match every thought in your head, up against Philippians 4:8, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. Our thought life is where we lose most of our battles. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell upon these things."  

We are supposed to do what Paul instructed us to do: "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking all thoughts captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5).

No matter what kind of giant you are facing today, please, let God take that giant out of your way, by getting out of His? He wants to work in us, not lead us around by the nose. Faith in Him is a choice. He gave us all free will, and the place the devil attacks us the most is in our minds! If we think a certain thing long enough about ourselves, it will most certainly happen! Norman Vincent Peale definitely had one thing right, there is power in positive thinking! "As a man thinketh, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7).

Learn how to take God's hand, and face your giants! Give God all the glory, whether you win, or lose, and He will set you up for the eventual win, no matter what happens!

God bless you all! Please, pray for my friend "Mike" who is going through this terrible illness. God can heal him if he wants to, because there is nothing, that is impossible with God!   

Watch this outstanding movie for "FREE" by clicking on the link! Enjoy!  "Facing the Giants."

There is nothing, that is impossible with God!
Luke 1:37

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Grace: My Chains are Gone!

As many of you have read, (especially from last nights post), my family is really struggling. My oldest son, who is ex US Army, heard a noise the other night and ran outside with a loaded .45 cal. hand gun. (I fired it once at a range with him years ago, it had quite the kick!). He was alerted to something, or he jumped up when he heard a noise, and we're not really sure if it was a PTSD related incident or not? I don't think it was, but still? Kinda scary? Like I said in the post below, it's very difficult to talk to my kids right now, and I really believe it's Jesus separating my family. "From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three." (Luke 12:52). That's exactly what's goin on! There are six of us! Four are standing up against me and my son! 

However, I do truly believe that what is stated in Acts 16:29-31 is true as well, that all one must do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and they will be saved, they and their household! That applies to EVERY CHRISTIAN ON THE PLANET, BUT WE DON'T ACT LIKE IT!

"Even now, declares the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." (Joel 2:12). 

My husband is a good provider, although he has no patience for me, and obviously no longer loves me. We'll have been married 30 years on October 27, 2015. Our kids are 29, 27, 25 and 22. 

They're all sleep walking! They need to be awakened! I don't want to leave here without them! God has promised in His Word that they will be saved with me, so I can't stop praying now, can I? No. I can't, and neither can you!

Like I said in my post "Don't Give Up," we don't get to stop praying, we don't get to stop reading His Word and we don't get to stop praising Him, in whatever circumstance we are in and we especially DON'T GET TO GIVE UP!

 Yes, I go through ups and downs, but most of us do! There's no difference! 

Please pray for my family and I will pray for yours? Message me @BeABarnabus on Twitter or Email Me Here!

I am here for you, and will commit to praying for you! We're so near to God right now, it's freaking me out! He keeps coming to my rescue, emotionally lifting me as I pray, and I can hear Him in my ears constantly! It's kind of scaring me, but it's also a relief! I want to go home, so badly, I hurt so much, I just want to jump into the Lord's lap and say "Abba, Daddy, please make it stop hurting?" When Jesus comes, I can see an outline of Him, He is HERE! I can feel it! I have felt the brush of Angels wings tonight! He is protecting me! 

I know the devil is out there and whenever he tries to plant a thought in my head, he stutters! MY GOD STUTTERS NOT!!! WHEN HE SPEAKS, IT IS FLUID! WHEN IT'S THE DEVIL, MASQUERADING AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT, HE STUTTERS! 

I think I know how the Apostles felt when the boat was on the waves in the storm, and they saw Jesus coming towards them? They probably thought it was a ghost, because the pigs he sent the demons into that went off the cliff had gone into that water! They were SCARED! It's a reverential HOLY KIND OF FEAR? 

God never stutters! When you hear Him? You KNOW IT'S HIM!

Thank you Lord, that I Know that I know that I KNOW THAT I AM SAVED!


"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see!" John Newton

Thank You Jesus! My chains have fallen off! It's like Acts 16:29-31 is happening in this very room right now! Praise You Jesus! I will Lift You High! 

You oh Lord, are "my refuge and my strength! A very present help in time of trouble!" (Psalm 46:1).

Thank You Lord Jesus! My Lord and My God! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Losing The Battle: To a Washer?

Have you ever lost a battle with an appliance?

Well, I did today. This newfangled washer? It's a high efficiency, low water use washer. It doesn't have an agitator, although it has done a great job of "agitating" the crud out of me the last two days?

I filled it yesterday and it didn't drain or spin. I had to stand there in the backyard twisting all the water out of the towels and a throw blanket I had put in there, cursing it AND my husband under my breath for buying the same brand as the last refrigerator before the one we have now. The whole thing was a disaster! It had to be repaired, then replaced. Then it died within less than a year! I made him promise, that he would never bring that brand home EVER AGAIN?

Yup. You got it. It's the same brand!

After he got home, he asked if I used the "bulky bedding" setting. I hadn't thought of that, but it does make sense, considering how heavy wet towels can be? I just hadn't thought of it, so it was my fault. I didn't get upset about it yesterday, I just thought I must've done something wrong. And as it turned out, I had. 

Today, after doing the dishes, and using some FeBreeze on the couch, I was in the process of folding two throw blankets we keep on the couch when I realized they smelt like our dog and needed to be washed. I took them out to the garage and poured in a bit of the high efficiency soap, which they tell you is the only thing you can use and loaded them very evenly in the bottom of the washer. I hit the start button and waited for the lid to lock. It did, but then it immediately unlocked again. I thought, "Wait, that's not how it worked yesterday? It locked, and then it started to weigh the load before it started. What happened?" I may have had one bad turn, but did three other loads yesterday and they went through just fine. 

I took the manual and read it, and then I called the store where he purchased it. A nice kid told me to do a "rinse and spin" with nothing in it, but it was doing the same thing. It would latch the lid and lock it, then unlock it, and then wouldn't do anything. I stood there so upset, crying out to God, "Why me? Why did you allow him to do this to me AGAIN?" All I could think of was that dumb refrigerator, and how horribly it failed, and how quickly it did so? After getting so mad, I wanted to kick the machine, it suddenly re-locked the lid and began the cycle! It did the same thing again when I reloaded the blankets from off of the couch. I thought, "It didn't do that yesterday!" (Which, seriously, I may have a short memory, but if it had done that yesterday, I think I would've remembered?).

After the load finally finished, I texted my husband for the 3rd time, and told him the following:

"I still can't believe you bought this particular brand of washer when I told you years ago, "never again!" You didn't ask my opinion. You never do. You cheat on me and give your love and affection to another woman who walks through our front door every Friday night like she owns the place. You and our daughter are hardly ever here and when you are, you treat me like I'm a ghost. Neither one of you barely ever speak to me. You go out on Labor day and buy a brand of washer, that you know I particularly hate, but buy it anyway because the old one was causing you some sort of "inconvenience." You could've bought a used one, like you did last time to get us through, but I guess you just "forgot" how badly my doctor has been riding me about getting my teeth removed. She can't put me in the treatment program I need to stop the advancement of my psoriatic arthritis until they are removed because of the risk of infection, but you already know that.  I should've been in treatment last year, and even though I waited patiently for you to get a decent job and get caught up on the bills, you're still dragging your feet. Now you go out and spend $500 on a brand new washer, a brand you know I despise instead of helping with this process so I can be well.

A few weeks before that, you spent $402 on the dog, saying "Yeah, but he was really suffering." You put an animal above a living human being, you're own wife, yet you claim to be a "conservative Christian." All of that money could've paid for my bottom denture and the insurance could've covered my oral surgery, but, well, you obviously value the dog more than me, even though the arthritis is doing damage to my joints that can never be reversed.

You were holding back all of my mail from me until I called you on it recently. You make me feel like I'm dead and gone already the way you ignore me. My own family has never really wanted me, and neither did you. The only reason you moved me back in after we were separated for 2 1/2 years, wasn't because I was ill and you wanted to take care of me or to reconcile our marriage, it was to get your garnishment's dropped so you could put me in chains for the rest of my life, as you laughed, right along with the devil himself at my plight. You finally told me 15 months after you moved me back in, that you had never stopped sleeping with your girlfriend Debbie. 

My own children listen to your lies about me, and won't talk to me at all, and if I try to call them, it goes straight to voicemail. I don't get texts wishing me a happy birthday, happy thanksgiving, merry Christmas or a happy mother's day. Please don't talk to me for awhile. I'm so hurt, I cannot even imagine speaking to you right now."

I came in my room, and started to bawl. I may have lost the fight today, but I finally said some things that have really been bothering me, and I didn't have to hear him scream and yell back at me. I don't usually ever stand up for myself. I just keep taking it, laying down as he proceeds to kick me in the gut. Every time that woman is in my house, I can feel rage building up, so I've asked him to "let me know" when she will be here. That way I can prepare myself through prayer, asking God to help me to be forgiving, and to not let the devil steal my peace from me when she is in my home, even though in my eyes, she is definitely not welcome here. He's married to me, but sleeping with her, and that isn't right. 

I have nowhere to go, no family to run to, no money of my own, and I'm unable to work or I would've left a long time ago. I feel like he is punishing me for things I've done in the past, meting out God's measure of guilt on top of my head as I sit here every Friday night, praying for them both, begging God to show her the "Good News," so she will get saved? It's the only way to get her removed, but then some other low self-esteem woman will just take her place. He's always valued "sex," over everything else.

Since he moved me back in, (May 2008), after I had suffered severely with spinal stenosis due to a pharmaceutical allergy, he has refused to give me any money, let me do my own grocery shopping, doesn't purchase anything for me, except food, or certain times of year, he'll allow me one special purchase of something I may need, like a new dry shaver from Remington when I started to bleed after shaving my legs? (It was something I needed medically though. I was bleeding horribly trying to shave with psoriasis. It was just awful).

I try to be as kind as possible. I do the dishes, I try to do things around the house, which I know helps him, because he's been working so hard trying to get caught up on our bills, however, all he does is shove it back in my face. But if I am a slave to a master who is kind, and I treat him with kindness, well that's admirable. But if I'm a slave who is treated harshly, and still suffer it with patience and prayers for him, even though the things he does are evil, where does God stand on this? I think He values me more when I'm patient, kind and prayerful over him, right? (1 Peter 2:18-25).

I admit, I can get impatient, and I really did kind of lose it today, but "Duke was really suffering?" The dog? Over a person? His wife? The woman who bore him four fantastic kids, who raised them while he worked every day, or flew around in C-141's and C-5's on active duty, when he was always gone? He thinks they get their fear of God or their morals from him? They talk to him because he can co-sign for a car! He's got great credit! I'm seen as a lost cause! I can't work, I'm too ill to attend family functions, but that could've been reversed. So, what, I'm just cursed to die this way?

As I sobbed, I cried and asked God to forgive me, and to help me to forgive him, his mistress and again, I prayed for her to get saved. I love my dog Duke. He is wonderful and I'm glad he got what he needed, but seriously, that money would've gone a long way to help me get well. I just don't think it's right, but I am not the judge of him, God is.

As I sat there sobbing, I heard a word. Jesus began to comfort me in my tears, telling me that He will deliver me soon. I don't know exactly what that means? But when I leave? 

Well, let's just say this: "There's people been talking, 
They say they're worried about my soul. Well, I'm here to tell you I'll keep rocking 'Til I'm sure it's my time to roll and when I do, when I leave I want to go out like Elijah. With a whirlwind to fuel my chariot of Fire, and when I look back on the stars, well it'll be like candlelight in Central Park, and It won't break my heart to say goodbye."

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Persecution: What is the Christian To Do?

Someone on Twitter just asked me about what God will do to DC politicians who are not recognizing our first amendment right to "freedom of religion." I say, "do not judge others, for you will be judged the way you have judged them!"

I did reply, but I don't think my head was in the same place his was? His was about judgment, my thoughts were about God's protection? Isaiah 54:17 states "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." He's talking about the politicians in DC who could care one wit about our religious freedom's at this point. But our enemies aren't in DC, they are above our heads!

In Ephesians 6:12 it says: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Anyone who studies biblical prophecy or "Eschatology" is fully aware that the "Gog and Magog," war is well underway. America almost has to step aside, (be weak), in order for God's will to go forward, and if it looks like we're being destroyed by a bunch of complete idiots? Guess what? GOD IS ULTIMATELY IN CONTROL OF THOSE IDIOTS! HE IS USING THEM TO BRING ABOUT THE END IN HIS PERFECT TIMING! THE CLOCK, IT ULTIMATELY BELONGS TO GOD, NOT MAN!

Have you been wondering about that? Doesn't it just seem like all of our current leaders, aren't just completely corrupt, they seem completely inept and just plain ole dumb? This deal with Iran should've been your first clue Christian! It's HORRIBLE! I mean, seriously, in what parallel universe do we have to "defend Iran from Israel?" SERIOUSLY? That should have been one of your first "wake up calls" if you're not already wide awake! GOD IS RUNNIN THIS SHOW! DEAL WITH IT! Seriously Christians! IT'S TIME TO WAKE THE HECK UP! The hashtag on Twitter, #WAKEUPAMERICA should be #WAKEUPCHRISTIANS! Why aren't we using that one?

Jesus is going to come "Like a thief," very soon! It's time to grab that bible, (that sword that you can slay the devil with? Yeah, it's laying dusty on your shelf! Dust it off, and start praying on your knees, that God will find YOU worthy!). I pray every day that God will somehow, even through all of my horrible sins of the past, that I am somehow found worthy to be taken with Him! I know in my heart He is coming soon, and that He's coming for me! I'm going with Him, but let me let you in on a little secret?

I think Pastor John Hagee said it the best."If you're not expecting Him, you're not going with Him!"

In Luke 21, when Jesus was describing what we are to watch for as a sign of His coming, He said, "But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to the synagogues and put you in prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name." (Luke 21:12). Uh, didn't we just see that happen in Kentucky with a democrat who refused to sign a marriage license for a gay couple? Yeah, her name is "Kim Davis?" Governor Huckabee stood up for her? What happens when nobody can stand up for anyone else?

Jesus tells us in Matthew 24, about "wars and rumors of wars," which is happening. "Earthquakes, in various places," which have been happening, He warned us "do not let anyone deceive you, for many will come in my Name, claiming 'I am the Messiah' and will deceive many." Guess what? That's happening too! If you're in a church, that isn't talking about the end? GO FIND ONE THAT IS!

Look at Ezekiel 38 and look up on Google all the places listed in that chapter. (Hint: We are the "villages" or "Young lions," listed just after "The Merchants of Tarshish). We're going to watch this happen! The king of the North, Russia, joined with the kings of the south, Iran, will soon come after Israel! The "cloud on the land," has already begun to form through ISIS! Oh yeah, we're CLOSE!

Jesus said, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No one can sere two masters! Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. 

Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at he birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow? They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you - o ye of little faith? So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father know that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:19-34)

In late April 2012 when I started this blog, I was lost, ruining my life on my own path, but God is going to use that, to help me to help Him! God doesn't waste one teeny tiny thing that we've been through! He uses it all to make a beautiful masterpiece!

"O grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting, so they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." (Isaiah 61:3).

So stop complaining, crying out, worrying, it is simply not Godly! Call upon the Lord, and He will give you such mercy! I should know, I've received so much mercy from Him, and so many times, I didn't even see it, and boy, what I missed! Don't be like I was? Don't miss one thing that He has stored up for you!

"So do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me. My Father's house has many rooms. If that were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me, that you also may be where I am." (John 14:1-3).

He is coming soon! Be at peace! Rejoice, for we will soon be delivered from this evil world. He said "it shall be in the days of Noah," and the evil is GROWING ever more dangerous, is it not? So stop worrying! Jesus has you covered!

No matter what you've done, or where you're at in your walk with Him, He loves you anyway! Don't ever forget it! He's coming soon to redeem us!

Oh Lord, please, come and change our hearts again!

Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11: We will Never Forget!

On September 11, 2001, I got up at 5:30 am, as usual, started the coffee, ran back into the bedroom to wash my face and then headed back to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal. What happened after that is something I will never forget.

I turned on the TV and the world literally, stopped turning.

I remember everything that happened that day very vividly. It was our youngest son's 11th birthday, which was my first concern. I worried that he would somehow think it was his fault. I tried to make his birthday as special as possible and gave him his biggest gift that morning before I explained that there was some really bad news that I had to explain to them and that it was in no way, his fault. 

It was a difficult day for every American. But as a military wife, I decided to make it as normal a day as possible because I thought that it was the best thing to do for my kids and when I think about it now, I know I did the right thing.

We celebrated our sons birthday a bit differently than we had first planned, but it was salvaged pretty well.

As we reflect and remember what happened 14 year ago today, please remember the families who lost a loved one on those planes, in those buildings in New York, at the Pentagon, and in a lowly field in Pennsylvania, where hero's took matter's into their own hands, even though they knew it might mean their own deaths, in order to save the Capital or the White House in D.C.

Pause, reflect but especially pray. In recent weeks, we've seen a number of law enforcement officers gunned down simply because they wear a uniform. All of our military men and women who proudly wear the uniform that represents this great country have targets on their backs as does every first responder in this country, firemen, EMT's, community service officers, etc. 

Please pray for all of them to be kept safe today. Pray for our country, that we would remember from where we came, and turn our hearts, minds and souls back towards God because He is the only one who can save America now. We're watching it all slip away, and we're all pretty ticked off about it, but the best thing we can do is to get on our knees and pray for those in uniform, that there isn't another terrorist attack on our country and that our markets don't crash!

God Bless this great nation and all of our men and women in uniform, whether they serve in our country's military, here and abroad, or serve our communities here at home as law enforcement officers, firefighters or emergency medical personnel because anyone who wears a uniform in this country, seems to have a target on their back!

As a country, in unison, we need to get back to our roots, or we will be gone! The greatest super power in the world could be completely destroyed, and I'm not the only one who doesn't want to see that flame extinguished.


May we NEVER FORGET the great tragedy of September 11, 2001!

God grant you all peace and safety this day, and may He once again, bless the United States of America.

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We thank them for sharing this post with us today, on a day we will all remember forever. God Bless the United States of America and all who have served, we thank you, humbly, for your sacrifice to this great nation. May we band together, to bind up our wounds, pray for our sins, and heal this great land, revival is coming! Jesus Is NEAR! "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to YOU!" James 4:8.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


We've all heard Donald Trump declare that China is getting away with murder by devaluing their dollar? Hal Lindsey explains in this video, (posted below), why they are doing it, and just how volatile and unstable our current global economy really is!

Christian? If you are not aware of the brick wall that is headed our way, it's time to WAKE UP, STAND UP & LOOK UP, BECAUSE OUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NIGH! (Luke 21:28). 

It's like a fire drill, only there really is a fire? It's like an alarm clock going off yelling, "WAKE UP CHRISTIAN!" I mean, c'mon Pluto has a crater in the shape of a heart on it? "Hello? I'm God? I love you? Please pay attention before it's too late?" There's also the phenomenon known as the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper and when you correlate that to the story of the woman at the well? (John 4:4-15), it's kind of amazing? Jesus said to her, "Woman, if you knew who was asking you for a drink, you would ask Him to give you living water." I was reading that portion of John recently and realized something I'd never noticed before. Logically as Spock might say, when you draw water from a well, you use a bucket. To drink the water from the bucket, you need a LADLE! Or a "DIPPER!" THERE ARE TWO DIPPERS in the sky to remind us that God our Father, and Jesus, His Son, who died for our sins, are watching out over us! The sky truly is "God's Billboard!

We've had the tetrad moons, or "Four Blood Moons," all occurring on high Jewish holy days, Passover and The Feast of Trumpets, or "Sukkot." On top of all of this, we've had a full solar eclipse on 3/20 of this year, or Nisan 1 and another partial eclipse will occur on Elul 29, or 9/13, which is the last day of the "Shemitah" year, or "Sabbath" year. 9/14 begins "The Feast of Trumpets," or "Yom Ha Din," the "Day of Judgment!" The last blood moon will be on 9/28/15 which is the first day of  "Sukkot!" Jonathan Cahn, the author of "The Mystery of the Shemitah," believes that "a great shaking" will occur on or around that date! PLUS the markets just took a HUGE tumble about a week ago? Could that be the tremor, a sign of a bigger earthquake about to take place?

The birth pangs that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, are ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, RIGHT BEFORE OUR VERY EYES! Go read it for yourself and ask God to give you wisdom, because in order to understand it all, you will need it! At any second, Jesus could swoop down here on top of a cloud and call to us with the sound of a trumpet, "Come up hither!" You'll be here on earth, putting on a t-shirt, and by the time you're finished putting it over your head, you'll be standing in front of our Lord and Savior! Can you even stop for just one second to think about what that will be like?

There is ABSOLUTELY NO SHAME, OR CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS! (Romans 8:1). Also, "You were chosen before the foundations of the world, to be holy and blameless in Him." (Ephesians 1:4). Jesus loves you so much, that he stretched out his arms on that cross and died! He died for every sin you've committed in the past, and all of your future sins! The entire debt for your entire life, is "Paid In Full," because of  His redemptive work on the cross. A "Pearl of great price!" (Matthew 13:45-46).

I haven't understood exactly what it was Donald Trump was saying about China devaluing their dollar and how it's hurting us, and I knew that the US was printing money like it's going out of style, but it turns out, the Chinese are doing it too! That's making the world economy very unstable! It's a house of cards! Hal explains that the only way out could be a "one world currency?" (YEAH, DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION NOW???? GOOD!). 

Jesus is coming for His Bride, the Church! It's time to get ready, get ready, get ready! PRAY UP, LOOK UP, CUZ WE'RE GOIN UP! Just remember? If you're not expecting Him? You're probably not going! So please, Christian? WAKE UP AND SOUND THE ALARM BELLS! 

As I was listening to Hal talk, I just about jumped out of my chair, dancin around the room! I'm so excited! I can't wait to go home! And Hal makes it very easy to understand! The Lord's anointing is definitely upon him! 

May you be blessed by what you learn, and may you return to your one and only Father, Abba, Daddy, God, before it's too late! Please share this if you believe in what you hear! 

Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches! Come Lord Jesus, Come! 

Even So Come, Lord Jesus Come!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

I Stand With Kim Davis!

Recently, we all heard about a County Clerk in Kentucky, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. After the court ordered her to "issue the licenses, or else," she still continued to refuse, based on her religious beliefs. She simply did not want her name on the marriage licenses.

When she kept refusing, based on her 1st amendment right to freedom of religion, she continue to refuse to issue same sex marriage licenses. The ones that WERE issued, are not even signed by her, an elected official, so they are literally INVALID!

The Court Clerk in Kentucky, Kim Davis,  is a devout Christian, who didn't refuse to issue the marriage licenses, she just didn't want her signature on them, because she felt that it would be going against God's laws!

In Acts 5, the apostles were rounded up because they kept preaching the Good News, even though they had been warned by the religious leaders of the day, the Sanhedrin, not to do so. 

"At that, the Captain went with his officers and brought the apostles. They did not use force, because they feared that the people would stone them. The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 'We gave you strict orders not to teach in His name,' he said, 'Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood.' Peter and the other apostles replied, "We must obey God rather than man." (Acts 5:27-29).

The Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage is legal and their ruling went over and above states rights, (Federalism), and the Constitution regarding the 1st amendment, which gives us freedom of religion. The Constitution is being burned a little bit at a time by the man currently occupying the peoples house!

Hopefully, after the next election cycle, whoever the new president is, and I truly believe it will be a Republican, perhaps some of this stuff can be reversed with the new President's "Pen and Phone?"

Kim, we are praying for you! Please don't feel that you are alone because Jesus is always with you! We are all in prayer lifting you up because you had the courage to stand up for the Lord! May God bless you, and may He give you the strength and continued courage to stand up for Him! Just remember, He is doing battle on your behalf for "the battle belongs to the Lord!" So stick to your beliefs! Don't give up! Stay where you are! People out there are in amazement that you would stand up against the court who ordered you to do something against your spiritual conscience! You are not alone! We love you, sister Christian! Jesus Loves you so much because you are standing up for HIM, that there will be rewards beyond your imagination in heaven, just waiting for you!

I don't know that many people who would have the kind of courage you have shown so far and continue to show, but I'm glad you have become such an excellent example to the rest of us to do what is right when man's laws are against the laws of God. (2 Chronicles 20:14).

Thank you for your faithfulness Kim! You are in all of our prayers!

Friday, September 4, 2015

His Mercy Endureth Forever!

"O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever. O give thanks unto the God of gods, for his mercy endureth forever. O give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his mercy endureth forever. To him who alone doeth great wonders, for his mercy endureth forever. To him that by wisdom made the heavens, for his mercy endureth forever. To him that stretched out the earth above the waters, for his mercy endureth forever. 

To him that made great lights, for his mercy endureth forever. The sun to rule by day, for his mercy endureth forever. The moon and stars to rule by night, for his mercy endureth forever. To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn, for his mercy endureth forever, and brought out Israel from among them, for his mercy endureth forever. With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, for his mercy endureth forever. To him which divided the Red sea into parts, for his mercy endureth forever. And made Israel to pass through the midst of it, for his mercy endureth forever. But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea, for his mercy endureth forever! 

To Him which led His people through the wilderness for his mercy endureth forever. To him which smote great kings, for his mercy endureth forever. And slew famous kings, for his mercy endureth forever. Sihon king of the Amorites, for his mercy endureth for ever. And Og the king of Bashan for his mercy endureth for ever And gave their land for an heritage, for his mercy endureth for ever, even an heritage unto Israel his servant, for his mercy endureth for ever. Who remembered us in our low estate,  for his mercy endureth for ever. And hath redeemed us from our enemies, for his mercy endureth forever. Who giveth food to all flesh. For his mercy endureth forever. 

O give thanks unto the God of heaven! For his mercy endureth for ever." (Psalm 136).                                                                                                                                        
Thank You Jesus, for Your Mercy Has Saved Me!  

I have had a hard time in the last two years. I've been dealing with several problems, not just physical, but emotional, psychological, etc. If I didn't have Jesus? I would've probably committed suicide by now? 

Paul said "Cast your cares upon Him, for He cares for you!" So do it! Like the Nike slogan, 'JUST DO IT!' Please? I don't want anyone I know, or even the ones I don't know, getting left behind! This earth is going to be like hell for seven straight years! The bible says "Men will seek death and not find it." (Revelation 9:6).

Don't believe that you don't deserve to be forgiven ok, because that is a lie! The devil is a murderer and a liar from the beginning and he likes to use our emotions to get us running in circles. I have done that most of my life and I'm going to be 53 on 9/23! He's led me by the nose so many times, I cannot count because it started when I was just a little kid. I felt  unloved, insignificant, helpless, abandoned, neglected, you name it, I had that hang up. I was physically, verbally and sexually abused, so I've been thru plenty, and God still looks at me through His Son Jesus's eyes! Jesus has forgiven me, so God has removed my sin as far as the east is from the west and He loves me and you so much, that He sent Jesus, His one and only son to die on a wooden Roman cross, to take all of our sin and our sufferings upon Himself, because that is how much He loves us! Give Him a chance? I promise you, He will change your life! It will never be the same! And the days are growing shorter and shorter! Please heed my warning? Even if you don't understand most of what I put on this blog, just do this one thing? Not for me. Not for anybody but you? Jesus loves you! He'a at the door knocking. Will you let Him in?

You will be SAFE with Jesus!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Prodigal, Come Home!

And He said, A man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.’ So he divided his wealth between them, and not many days later, the younger son gathered everything together and went on a journey into a distant country, and there he squandered his estate with loose living. Now when he had spent everything, a severe famine occurred in that country, and he began to be impoverished. So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would have gladly filled his stomach with the pods that the swine were eating, and no one was giving anything to him. But when he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired men have more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired men.”’ So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and celebrate for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.’ And they began to celebrate." (Luke 15:11-32).

Have you wandered away from your Father? Do you hear Him calling your name? If you do, it is time to get rid of the grey area's in your life and come back home! He misses you and wants you to be in right standing with Him because He is about to send His Son, Jesus, to bring His faithful children back home, to heaven! If you believe in Jesus, He's already died for ALL of your sins! And it's His blood, that flowed from a Roman cross, that makes us white as snow!  

If you don't believe in hell, you really should. Whether you believe in it or not, there is such a thing as "eternal life," and you're going to spend it somewhere. You can spend it in heaven, or you can spend it in hell, where there will be "weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth." The choice of where you will go when you die, is completely up to you. There is nothing you've done, no matter how bad it is, that God will not forgive! Don't let the devil tell you lies! He only does that to keep you right where he wants you. In his evil clutches!

Please come home? Jesus is waiting for you. He's willing to forgive you! And trust me, no matter what type of sin it is that you've committed, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

Believe me, God has something so much better for you! It's already all lined up for you! He's just waiting on you to ask His forgiveness so He can forgive you! The story of the Prodigal is all about us! We all need Jesus, especially when we think we don't!

So stop running! It's time to come home prodigal! It's time to come home!