Saturday, September 5, 2015

I Stand With Kim Davis!

Recently, we all heard about a County Clerk in Kentucky, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. After the court ordered her to "issue the licenses, or else," she still continued to refuse, based on her religious beliefs. She simply did not want her name on the marriage licenses.

When she kept refusing, based on her 1st amendment right to freedom of religion, she continue to refuse to issue same sex marriage licenses. The ones that WERE issued, are not even signed by her, an elected official, so they are literally INVALID!

The Court Clerk in Kentucky, Kim Davis,  is a devout Christian, who didn't refuse to issue the marriage licenses, she just didn't want her signature on them, because she felt that it would be going against God's laws!

In Acts 5, the apostles were rounded up because they kept preaching the Good News, even though they had been warned by the religious leaders of the day, the Sanhedrin, not to do so. 

"At that, the Captain went with his officers and brought the apostles. They did not use force, because they feared that the people would stone them. The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 'We gave you strict orders not to teach in His name,' he said, 'Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man's blood.' Peter and the other apostles replied, "We must obey God rather than man." (Acts 5:27-29).

The Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage is legal and their ruling went over and above states rights, (Federalism), and the Constitution regarding the 1st amendment, which gives us freedom of religion. The Constitution is being burned a little bit at a time by the man currently occupying the peoples house!

Hopefully, after the next election cycle, whoever the new president is, and I truly believe it will be a Republican, perhaps some of this stuff can be reversed with the new President's "Pen and Phone?"

Kim, we are praying for you! Please don't feel that you are alone because Jesus is always with you! We are all in prayer lifting you up because you had the courage to stand up for the Lord! May God bless you, and may He give you the strength and continued courage to stand up for Him! Just remember, He is doing battle on your behalf for "the battle belongs to the Lord!" So stick to your beliefs! Don't give up! Stay where you are! People out there are in amazement that you would stand up against the court who ordered you to do something against your spiritual conscience! You are not alone! We love you, sister Christian! Jesus Loves you so much because you are standing up for HIM, that there will be rewards beyond your imagination in heaven, just waiting for you!

I don't know that many people who would have the kind of courage you have shown so far and continue to show, but I'm glad you have become such an excellent example to the rest of us to do what is right when man's laws are against the laws of God. (2 Chronicles 20:14).

Thank you for your faithfulness Kim! You are in all of our prayers!

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