Sunday, September 6, 2015


We've all heard Donald Trump declare that China is getting away with murder by devaluing their dollar? Hal Lindsey explains in this video, (posted below), why they are doing it, and just how volatile and unstable our current global economy really is!

Christian? If you are not aware of the brick wall that is headed our way, it's time to WAKE UP, STAND UP & LOOK UP, BECAUSE OUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NIGH! (Luke 21:28). 

It's like a fire drill, only there really is a fire? It's like an alarm clock going off yelling, "WAKE UP CHRISTIAN!" I mean, c'mon Pluto has a crater in the shape of a heart on it? "Hello? I'm God? I love you? Please pay attention before it's too late?" There's also the phenomenon known as the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper and when you correlate that to the story of the woman at the well? (John 4:4-15), it's kind of amazing? Jesus said to her, "Woman, if you knew who was asking you for a drink, you would ask Him to give you living water." I was reading that portion of John recently and realized something I'd never noticed before. Logically as Spock might say, when you draw water from a well, you use a bucket. To drink the water from the bucket, you need a LADLE! Or a "DIPPER!" THERE ARE TWO DIPPERS in the sky to remind us that God our Father, and Jesus, His Son, who died for our sins, are watching out over us! The sky truly is "God's Billboard!

We've had the tetrad moons, or "Four Blood Moons," all occurring on high Jewish holy days, Passover and The Feast of Trumpets, or "Sukkot." On top of all of this, we've had a full solar eclipse on 3/20 of this year, or Nisan 1 and another partial eclipse will occur on Elul 29, or 9/13, which is the last day of the "Shemitah" year, or "Sabbath" year. 9/14 begins "The Feast of Trumpets," or "Yom Ha Din," the "Day of Judgment!" The last blood moon will be on 9/28/15 which is the first day of  "Sukkot!" Jonathan Cahn, the author of "The Mystery of the Shemitah," believes that "a great shaking" will occur on or around that date! PLUS the markets just took a HUGE tumble about a week ago? Could that be the tremor, a sign of a bigger earthquake about to take place?

The birth pangs that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, are ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, RIGHT BEFORE OUR VERY EYES! Go read it for yourself and ask God to give you wisdom, because in order to understand it all, you will need it! At any second, Jesus could swoop down here on top of a cloud and call to us with the sound of a trumpet, "Come up hither!" You'll be here on earth, putting on a t-shirt, and by the time you're finished putting it over your head, you'll be standing in front of our Lord and Savior! Can you even stop for just one second to think about what that will be like?

There is ABSOLUTELY NO SHAME, OR CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS! (Romans 8:1). Also, "You were chosen before the foundations of the world, to be holy and blameless in Him." (Ephesians 1:4). Jesus loves you so much, that he stretched out his arms on that cross and died! He died for every sin you've committed in the past, and all of your future sins! The entire debt for your entire life, is "Paid In Full," because of  His redemptive work on the cross. A "Pearl of great price!" (Matthew 13:45-46).

I haven't understood exactly what it was Donald Trump was saying about China devaluing their dollar and how it's hurting us, and I knew that the US was printing money like it's going out of style, but it turns out, the Chinese are doing it too! That's making the world economy very unstable! It's a house of cards! Hal explains that the only way out could be a "one world currency?" (YEAH, DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION NOW???? GOOD!). 

Jesus is coming for His Bride, the Church! It's time to get ready, get ready, get ready! PRAY UP, LOOK UP, CUZ WE'RE GOIN UP! Just remember? If you're not expecting Him? You're probably not going! So please, Christian? WAKE UP AND SOUND THE ALARM BELLS! 

As I was listening to Hal talk, I just about jumped out of my chair, dancin around the room! I'm so excited! I can't wait to go home! And Hal makes it very easy to understand! The Lord's anointing is definitely upon him! 

May you be blessed by what you learn, and may you return to your one and only Father, Abba, Daddy, God, before it's too late! Please share this if you believe in what you hear! 

Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches! Come Lord Jesus, Come! 

Even So Come, Lord Jesus Come!

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JeriAnn Eakin