Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Believe Much?

I was having a rough time getting started today.  I will admit it.  I am still bound by the flesh of this earth, so my body still needs rest and so does my mind occasionally lol.  Building a ministry on the say so of God can be exhaustive but He is providing strength, fortitude, and "stick toitness," like never before!  This site was built by God Himself!  I am having a "white haired, mountain peak, burning bush" type of experience with the Lord which is why it is having an effect!  He is girding me with righteousness for His name sake!  (Ps 23:2).

He has been sharing messages with me about mercy, grace and His redemptive work and how it is the only way He can lead us all home!  

I always think of the scripture "Great is thy faithfulness, His mercies are new every morning."  (Isaiah 3:23).  This means that we can have a BRAND NEW START EVERY DAY!  If you get caught up in your thoughts, which might be against what God says in Philippians 4:8, about letting our minds dwell on the good things instead of the bad?   Do it for just one day and watch God move!

I am literally getting my socks blessed off by the Lord right now.  He is making me believe Him for the secrets He is sharing with me right now and how to make it in the end days.  We are going to be tested Church!  Get UP!  Go OUT!  Get off the "Pity Pot" and see what God can do!  JUST TRUST HIM!  BELIEVE HIM! BE OBEDIENT TO HIM!  IF HE IS CALLING, ANSWER HIM!

His mercies are filling me with His grace and His love!  I am so not worthy of the honor to Hear his voice like this!  Please pray for me if you are a Christian and you read this?  He is rising me up to be Mighty in Him!  For He is MIGHTY TO SAVE!  And He is saving me from the devil's snares daily!  I cannot express how this is so different from anything I have ever felt!  His Grace is upon me!

Thank you Jesus for those that will read this and be spurred to come home to You Lord!  May you lift them up to do a great ministry and great works in your Name and for those who just need you Father, I ask that they will say this prayer, "God, I'm a mess.  But I want to be yours!  I believe that Jesus died for my sins and I want Him to come into my heart and help me live for Him alone!  Please forgive me for my sins.  Save me Jesus so I can come home and be your child again!  Amen!"  

If you prayed that prayer, please know that there is help.  If you want knowledge or you need prayer, please call me at 1-888-359-5439 and ask.  Call also if God is moving in your life!  I want to hear from you for it spurs me on to do more!

I hope this post is blessed by He who breaths life even into a set of dry dead bones!   He is breathing life into my dry, weary, broken and scared life.  Is He doing that for you?   Reach out and claim that promise!  Breathe life into our broken lives Lord!  Restore us all!

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JeriAnn Eakin