Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dog is God Spelled Backwards

Around noon today, my husband was returning from a Carpenter's Local roll call. (Pray for him! He needs a job!). When he pulled up, this sweet little guy was wandering in the street right in front of our house.

He spent some time coaxing him out of the street to safety, and once he had won him over, he carried him in under his arm and said, "Look who I found!" I was immediately doing that thing us women who love dogs do..."Awwwww....oh he's just SO CUTE!" (You know ladies, the word "cute" is always at a higher pitch right? lol).

We put him on the floor and he immediately started to play with our other Dog, Duke, who is a Pit/Chocolate Lab mix, which is the same as our last dog, Boomer, who never got very excited. He never jumped on people and had a great disposition, but he never was socialized with other dogs properly so he had issues with other dogs.  I think with the two cat litters we had and how mama would let him sniff at her little kittens right after they were born, I think Boomer thought he was a cat! He was very protective and a great dog. I will never forget him. Duke is now 4 yrs old and loves to play with other dogs, but we were smart to socialize him with other dogs properly from the time he was a puppy. He didn't have any problems with this little guy and neither did our kitty cat Calleigh! It was so sweet to see how well they all got along. It was like it was "meant to be?" Of course we will check into whether he's chipped but he didn't have a rabies tag, which would have traced him to his owners very quickly. We had a lovely Pomeranian who wandered into our yard one day that I thought was just as cute and when I got the tag number and called the County, I found the owner with very little effort. When they came to get her, I asked if I could just keep her, kind of like a joke? I was floored when the owner said they had been looking for a new home for her anyway? She was a very sweet dog. She slept on our bed each night. I cried for days when she passed. It wasn't until some kid broke into our home two years later and stole my son's Play Station 2 that we found it necessary to get the Late Great Boomer as he is now known in our home. We are animal lovers and have blown up framed photos of every pet we've ever had. 

A lot of folks, friends, Tweet friends, FB friends, etc., were praying for me this week because of the pain I have been in for weeks due to severe psoriatic arthritis. Then today? This little guy? Just twenty minutes on the couch with my family and our cat and our dog? WOW! It really is true. Animals do tend to take the "bad" feelings, or pain and block them a bit! Just a little lick on the face with that wagging tail? Best I've felt in weeks, especially emotionally. It literally seemed to make my pain ease! I felt better than I have in months, even if it's just until his owners claim him. (Is it sinful to hope they don't? lol). Our other dog is kinda big, so even though I love him, I kind of like the idea of having another dog that is a bit smaller and likes to cuddle? It just made me feel better, it's just kind of unexplainable!

In any case, I'm glad the lil guy wandered into my street, just as my husband was pulling in. If he hadn't coaxed him in, there's no telling what might have happened to him, but if someone dropped him off in my neighborhood to get rid of him? All I can say is "Thank you God." Thank you for hearing the prayers of my friends and leaving him where my hubby would find and rescue him. I sure did need that wagging tail and that sweet little lick. He's such a little sweetie! (Ok ladies, I'm doing that "Oh he's just so cute, (high pitch) thing again!). I think everyone knows what that sounds like! Tee hee!

Also, if anyone knows what kind of terrier mix he might be, email me please? 

Thank you Lord for dropping this sweet little drop of heaven in front of my house today. I sure did need to meet him! Just goes to show you, people are right about service dogs for Veterans, the ill and the elderly. Thanks for sharing with me the unconditional love of a Dog, which is Your name spelled backwards. Adam named this animal, just as he named all of the animals and creatures that are on the earth. I believe Adam named him Dog because the dog was the most faithful of all the creatures he had encountered and I thank you for all of our domesticated little friends because they are more than just friends to a lot of us. They are family. Everyone needs a little love, even if it's just from a four legged friend. I know I'm grateful for meeting this little guy today. 

All of my children have names that begin with "B." I've named a lot of animals the same way, so if we get to keep this sweet little guy, I think we'll name him "Buddy" because, today? God gave me one, just when I needed a buddy the most!

To learn more about service dogs for the elderly or for veterans, go to: Assistance Dogs International.

Today, instead of a music video, here is one to pay tribute to Man's Best Friend. Enjoy and God Bless you and all of your family pets! Just remember, if you do not own a dog, beware! They will leave paw prints on your heart forever!

UPDATE: Our daughter was leaving for work yesterday and saw a flyer on the stop sign on our corner. My husband sat for awhile and finally went out and dialed the number on the sign. A lady answered and suddenly, her car, full with her husband and two kids, stopped at the stop sign as she and my husband realized they were talking to each other! We told them we had their pup and they took their kids to school and came back to get him. Hubby forgot to mention doggy play dates, so I don't know if we'll get to see him again. I cried all day yesterday after they came and got him. He really had a deep impact on me while he was here for the five wonderful days that we had him. He was a blessing from God. Just wish nobody had started looking for him ya know? We fell in love, and we all fell hard. It was hard to give him up, but at least he's where he belongs now. 

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JeriAnn Eakin