Sunday, February 8, 2015

I Still Trust You Lord

Lately, the devil and his demons have been knocking me around like a rag doll, but I still trust Jesus.

I hope this song, (Lyrics posted), will bring you a happy, healthy, normal day because when your health goes, it can take a nose dive? So please trust Jesus. Leave your cares at His cross, because He's already pardoned you.

No matter how much pain I am in, I always try to think positive, which is really hard some days. But at least I try. I mean, what can I do? Only He can step in and save us. 

Please remember Jesus loves you so much that He died on Calvary, so that no matter what the pain is, He'll never leave, nor forsake us! He's right there, so cry out to Jesus for your needs, marriage, health, rocky marriage, etc., because when we stop focusing on ourselves and focus on the good in our lives and to love Him with all our heart, might and strength, even if we have very little left. 

I hope this song will bless you and bring you a message of HOPE! Things are darkest before the dawn, and that dawn, is coming very soon, so "lift up your heads for your redemption draws nigh!"  (Luke 21:28).

I Still Trust You Lord

I've seen the righteous man suffer in pain,
When it looked like the wicket would go free,
And in my frustrations, it just didn't seem right to me.

I prayed for sunshine, but you sent the rain,
I cried for healing but only got pain,
I know Your love will see me through,

Lord, I still trust you!

I still trust you Lord,
I still trust You Lord,
That You're able to guide me through,
This dry barren land,
When I don't know which way to turn or go,
I still trust You Lord,
So let me hold to Your hand

I trust you because You've been so faithful to me,
And You said in Your Word,
I'll never leave  nor forsake you,
You said, "Lo, I'll go with you until the end
Your blood has cleansed me
from all guilt and sin
Your promise I'll hold, hold onto
 Lord I love trust in you.


Let me Hold To Your Hand

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JeriAnn Eakin