Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Best is Yet to Come!

I've been watching the world very closely because of biblical prophecy. Even when I'm down, in pain, wanting to literally die, all I need to do is think to myself, "Jesus is coming soon. Stop being a baby." In watching the world, I've realized how blessed I am to have been born in the United States, that I have a roof over my head, food to eat, cars in the driveway, even though I don't drive much these days and that my children are working, healthy, good people etc. They are without a doubt, the best thing I've ever done or will ever do. 

The horrors of ISIS are well documented, including the act of burning a Jordanian pilot to death in a cage, a full month before telling the Jordanians how he had died. It was a taunt like no other. After they killed him, the Jordanians spent a month trying to negotiate his release in exchange for the release of a female terrorist who had been sitting on death row since 2005. They spent that month negotiating with King Abdullah and the Jordanians, making them think they could get their pilot back. 

I heard Bill O'Reilly say that "He wouldn't have done that," referring to what King Abdullah did by hanging two terrorists who were already sitting on death row less than 12 hours after they saw the video of what ISIS had done to their pilot. I'm sorry Bill, but I totally disagree! (Hint? Read the Old Testament!). King Abdullah is a Monarch. He is a King. He's not as weak as I once thought and I think he had to do exactly what he did to respond to the savage way they put that poor 26 yr old  pilot to death. I mean, can you even imagine? They strung the Jordanians along for a whole month, letting them think they could trade a terrorist for this pilot. I would have responded the same way. He is a King! You don't mess with a King! The one thing I don't understand is why we aren't helping them more? The Germans are supplying the Peshmerga and we aren't helping anyone? We're usually the first ones to the fight! It almost makes me ill watching what is going on here.  Obama could do a lot more to help the Jordanians and the Peshmerga, but instead he keeps looking for Syrian rebels to train? AHEM: They are all dead! If there are 50 left, I'd be surprised.

Just another Obama promise that didn't make it out of the starting gate. He's sitting there and mulling things to death, while innocent people are raped, tortured, hung, crucified, persecuted for being Christians, buried alive, executed or beheaded and left in a ditch. These monsters have even beheaded BABIES! (If you remember, there was a King named Herod who put all the first born males to death, up to two years of age while he was looking for Jesus!). This is not the first time this has happened! 

I don't know what is going to happen next and I really don't need to know. All I need to know is that God is in control! So lift up your heads! For our redemption draweth nigh! Jesus is coming soon! All of the signs he mentioned in Matthew 24 have already happened! It could be in the next second! That's how close we are to the time when we will be called up to heaven with a shout!

Personally, I can't wait! I'm old, I'm sick, and I'M READY! I keep praying for God to heal me so that I can get out again and do more for others than this blog. I want to reach the lost for Christ and hopefully, I will get the chance, but I know exactly where I'm going. I know it in my heart, mind and soul, that I am a child of the King and I will go to heaven!

The bible says we will answer for every idle word ever spoken. If I didn't already have forgiveness from Jesus, I'd be doing a lot of answering for a lot of things, but I'm covered in His blood! I'm washed clean, I am new, I am His! This is not my home, heaven is, and I cannot wait to get there! 

Y'all should get ready because from what I've read, we are in for a world of hurt just before Jesus comes to take us home, but take heart, we're headed for a place where there will be no more pain, no more sorrow, 24/7 joy, mansions prepared for us, it's going to be unimaginable, so please get right with God! He's calling your name! "Lo, I stand at the door and knock!" Open the door! Let Him in, because what we have down here, even if our life seems perfect? 

This ain't nothin'. The best is yet to come!

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JeriAnn Eakin