Thursday, February 12, 2015

Love, Please Take Me Over!

Ever feel like the whole world is crushing in on you? The last three months have been one of the deepest valley's I've endured during my time on earth. I've been through a lot in my life, but nothing so debilitating as arthritis. 

I've been hiding because I can hardly move. It feels like every joint in my feet, hands, fingers, elbows, etc., are affected. Those of you who are fellow sufferers know what I'm talking about. Good news is my glucose levels are way down! Yippee! Praise the Lord! The debilitating pain is keeping me from eating whatever I want, so I haven't been eating much! I'm losing weight and my glucose levels are SO normal it's almost scary!!

I had been crying here, to my friends on Twitter, FaceBook and on the phone begging them for prayer. I'm reporting now to all of you, I've had a breakthrough! It's as if the clouds parted, and now I can see the Sun! It was warmer today, so I was moving a bit better and could do more, with help of course, but now I'm starting to hurt again. I get a couple of good hours a day, so I need to use them wiser than I have been. The point is, that all of my bellyaching at God about healing me? Well, you know that old saying, "God helps those who help themselves?" I finally had the wax cleaned out of my ears today and this is what I heard: "For whom the Lord loves He reproves. Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights." (Proverbs 3:12).

So I believe now that God is disciplining me! He wants me well, but He also wants me to work at it! A friend today helped me see that when we are in misery, the devil will steal our joy, hope and sanity from us. I have to tell you, I was beginning to lose hope! The devil uses our feelings to take us on the ride of our lives! He is such a liar! He takes the "feelings" of pain, heartbreak, betrayal, etc.. and tries to destroy us! He's wiley, but today? I stopped crying for healing for long enough to hear that scripture whispered in my ear! Praise God! My joy and my hope are higher than ever! I called my friend to tell her about my breakthrough and she was ecstatic! We prayed and talked and I can't tell you how much lighter I feel now! The pain is still awful, but I am not doubting. I am not hopeless. It's like when you first accept Christ as Lord and Savior! AMAZING!

When you start to lose your joy? It totally eats you alive! You start to doubt yourself, God, His mercy, His grace, the devil just works you over when you're so miserable in pain that it's all you can think about. It's all that you're feeling, so it can tend to take over. That's probably why that little dog we found was such a refreshing break from the monotony of being bedridden in pain. I'm still missing him, but I'm glad we found the little guy's owners. I saw a story on the net today about a dog who was missing his mama, who was recovering from surgery at a hospital about 20 blocks from her home. The dog slipped out of the yard and made the 20 block trek, using her nose, to find her! They have video of her slipping into the hospital and walking down the halls looking for her! The nurses were so amazed, they broke the rules and let her stay and visit! Isn't it amazing that animals can do things like that? It amazes me every time I hear a story like that. 

In any case, my joy is higher than usual now, and my faith, which was beginning to take a pretty hard hit is stronger than ever and now the pain is bearable! It's amazing! "I was lost, but now I'm found" has a whole new meaning to me tonight! I'm so glad I was quiet long enough for God's voice to be heard, or I'd still be sitting here wondering, "Why God? Why is this happening to me?" 

I'd like to take this moment to say to my readers how sorry I am for the way I've used this blog to glorify my pain, instead of glorifying God through it.It isn't very uplifting when all you read is complaints is it? I'm sorry. I hope you can all forgive me. I've now had a revelation of sorts and God has put me in my rightful place! 

"Sorrow may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning," (Psalm 30:5), is a scripture that a friend on Twitter shared with me the other day. It's really true. Just when you feel like you've been left all alone, God steps in and reminds you that you are His, you are loved, that He has never left you before and that He never will and that in our weakness He is the one holding us up because through that weakness, He reveals His strength! "I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who gives me STRENGTH!" (Philippians 4:13).

I am in prayer for all who read this blog. So just know, if you are going through something equally as difficult, someone is praying for you. = )

Lord, please let Your love flow from this post, all over the world! Let Your love float above us like a flame! Start a fire in our hearts, so we can be Your hands and feet! Help us to not be afraid to share the Gospel with those who are lost, hurting, ill, etc. Give us "divine appointments" to help others find YOU!

Lord, please take all of me and fill me up with Your Love! Let it be an all consuming fire that I share with everyone I meet! Help us all to do the same! AMEN!

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JeriAnn Eakin