Saturday, February 14, 2015

Don't Stop Believing!

Sometimes this world can drag you down. You feel like every hallway ends with a slamming door. But don't stop trusting God or believing His promises because you can trust God to make good on what He's promised us in the bible.

Last night, I was watching Hal Lindsey. He was talking about the "everlasting Covenant" God made with Abram in Genesis 12. God confirmed the covenant with Abram in Genesis 15. Please go read Genesis 12:1-5 to see what God said He would do. He uses the 1st person, "I will" which means that He will do as He had promised and that nobody else could fulfill it but Him. In Genesis 15:7-17, God confirms this promise to Abram. He is instructed by God to bring certain animals for a sacrifice, but because God knew that Abram had a simple mind and that a transaction was being confirmed, the ritual of walking between the two halves of the animals who were sacrificed would be the confirmation of commitment of God's promise. But God put Abram into a deep sleep, and came to Him in a vision promising Abram that He would give Him the Holy Land as a possession for all of his descendants. He awoke Abram just in time for him to see the smoking fire and torch walking between the two halves of the animals, which Abram believed they would do together, but God was the Almighty! The Covenant He made with Abram could only be fulfilled by God Himself. Abram received the promise and he obeyed God which God "Credited to him as righteousness." 

The promises of God are timeless and everlasting. He sent Jesus to die a horrific death on the cross at Calvary so that if we just believed that He died for our sins, we could be forgiven and become "co-heirs" with Christ!" Those who believe are called "Saints" in the bible! We were "Chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in Him." (Ephesians 1:4).

So, if we believe, we must trust that God will follow through with every promise He made in His word! Just because you feel alone, or feel like He isn't listening, there may be something He's doing in the background that you can't even imagine! As my friend put it, "He may be working on a future blessing." I found this out the hard way folks. I was in so much pain, the devil used those feelings of misery to rob me of joy, hope, my mind, etc., and I felt so lost and so alone! But God never leaves us, we leave Him! And when we are too weak to walk alone, He carries us! But when we are in misery, we tend to get really confused because we're not feeling like we're even saved? We beg Him for healing and then just get more and more pain, but that doesn't mean He's forgotten us! He actually cries with us! He loves us so much, that when we hurt, so does God! 

Just because you feel like He isn't listening, doesn't mean He doesn't hear every word, so please don't give up? Keep on trying? Life is hard. Sometimes it just downright sucks, but the gifts and promises of God can light you back up when you go dark! Read the word! Don't just read it, because even if you just pick out one scripture and mull it over for awhile, that is studying your bible! You don't have to make it a contest to see if you can read the bible through in a year! You don't have to do anything but select a few good verses, one for each day of the week, or use a Daily Devotional, which you can find online, (check the sidebar for "Daily Devotional - Bible Gateway), and use it to boost yourself in the morning everyday. 

I use Lamentations 3:23 a lot when I write. Some people don't understand that "His mercies are NEW every morning." All we have to do is say a prayer to ask for forgiveness for our sins, every morning or every night, whichever you wish, and the Holy Spirit will begin to lead you! Be humble! Get on your knees, even if it's only in your heart! He knows what you are going through, even if you're too weak, blind, misled by the devil, etc., to see it! You have to realize that His promises are AWESOME! Lean on them! Read them, believe them, have faith that God does in fact love you so much that He gave His only Son, to die for YOU! He took away your sins and if you are a believer, you are washed in the blood and made white as snow! You are already healed! I'm really ill, and I'm already thinking that either way, death or rapture? I'll be ok with it! I KNOW WHERE I WILL BE GOING WHEN I LEAVE THIS EARTH, NO MATTER HOW I END UP LEAVING IT! HALLELUJAH TO THE LAMB OF GOD! I'M SAVED! I BELIEVE HIS PROMISES AND I WILL NEVER LET THEM GO EVER AGAIN!

It's time to give it one more try. So that's what I'm going to do. Care to join me?

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JeriAnn Eakin