Saturday, April 4, 2015

Another Time, Another Place

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I LOVE to sing! I was in a praise team from the time I was about 16 until I was about 40. My health problems keep me from attending church, but my church has a video on Vimeo every week, so I can always watch our services a few days after they occur. 

I was sitting here, early in the morning, feeling a little nostalgic, singing some great songs by Sandi Patti, who became famous when they unveiled the Statue of Liberty after it was restored during "Liberty Weekend," on July 4th, 1986. This was a very special dedication because of the Centennial of Lady Liberty! President Ronald Reagan, my favorite President in my whole life, asked Sandi Patti to sing our National Anthem. I remember that the next day, she was all over the news! People were just blown away by her beautiful voice! (One time, I sang one of her songs in church as a song offering before the message and when I sat down, one of the other ladies that I was in the choir with, who also had a truly beautiful voice, leaned over from behind us in our pew and said, "Nice job Sandi!" I will always treasure her comment! It was the nicest compliment I ever received after singing in church. It made me feel very special. I had such a great ability to sound like her! It was really cool. I don't sound as good today as I did then, but I still love to give the old pipes a good work out! Praising God is my thing! I just love to sing praises to Him each day! I start the morning with "Beautiful Day" by Jamie Grace. My I-tunes account is so full I have hours and hours of music to listen to! Matthew West to Michael W. Smith, who I have listened to for 30 years now, I love them all! Such great talent! I just feel like celebrating! 

Tonight I was listening and singing along to some of her songs and when I heard this one, I started to cry. One of the lines is "Oh my heart's been burning, my soul's been yearning, sometimes I can't hardly wait, for that sweet, sweet someday, when I'll be swept away, to another time, another place." It's kind of hard to sing when you're weeping though! 

I'd like to give a special shout out to those of you in the Ukraine! God bless all of you and may your country find a way to have peace! I pray for you all daily, everyone who reads this blog! God knows who you are, even if I don't!

May you be richly blessed as you watch this video! We are "expectant" now, with all that is going on in this world, and I can't wait to see Him, in all of His Glory when He calls us home with a shout, "Come up hither!" We will hear the sound of a Shofar (trumpet) and we will be changed in an instant and meet the Lord in the air. And ever after, we shall be with the Lord! So start looking up! For our redemption draweth nigh!

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JeriAnn Eakin