Friday, April 17, 2015

Just Sayin?

Even when we walk away from God, He is still there watching over us. I've had times when I have walked away, not on purpose, but life just got busy, the world creeped in, my heart went numb.....I was flying blind and making a big mess along the way. Can you relate? 

I love to listen to music as a way to keep calm even when I'm upset, or angry. It just tends to really calm me down. This particular song recently got my attention because of the nature of the song. It points out how distant we have become as families due to these small, hand held devices that we just can't live without. Yes, I just said that! Cell phones, iPads, iPod's, you name it, we're all tuning each other out! This is bad for our kids too. We need to take their phones/tablets away just one day a week and talk to them! If they don't want to just sit and talk, go to the park as a family! Try to re-connect. It's really important. 

Now don't get me wrong, I think technology is wonderful, but we have all become cell phone/tablet trapped zombies to the point where we need a PSA regarding "texting while driving?" Anyone whose tried it can attest to how difficult it is to do and how dangerous it can be. Doesn't it just seem safer in your head not to do that? A lot of people even struggle with separation anxiety! That's right, some people actually suffer separation anxiety when their little devices are removed from them! This is happening to adults, not just to kids! People have become so reliant on their personal devices that an entire new class of anxiety disorders have been created. 

At home, we've turned into zombies who go about their daily lives barely even communicating with our family. The kids are doing their thing, parents separate and aloof with each other.....things are different. What has changed? Technology has created another dimension, which will no doubt be studied for years, but it is definitely having an affect on our families, some for the better, but some, not so good. 

We've forgotten that God should come before everything else. I know for a fact that when you put God in the center of your life? Everything else just seems to come together.

But seriously, if you and your family are not communicating on a daily basis, take the phones away if you have to dad/mom! Make conversation with your kids at the dinner table. The years we have with our children are precious. We should use the small amount of time we have with them to teach them how to live properly so that they can avoid the pitfalls we have fallen into along the path called life. It's not that difficult, really, is it? Just put the devices on the chargers and watch a movie together. If you try, you can make it really fun!

C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-E! There is coming a time very soon when that communication may be what saves a life! And kids, you're parents love you! They want to make sure you're okay out there every day, so listen and be respectful and tease them a lot! Make them laugh at themselves a bit and they'll seem a little more human! = ) (Parents, give them some leeway? After all, they're just kids?).

The family that prays together? 

Just sayin.

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JeriAnn Eakin