Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Miracle at Memories Pizza!

A tiny town of about 2,000. Only 8 eateries there. A news station walks through the door and puts a 21 year old partner in a pizzeria business on the spot. It's a Christian owned and run business. Crystal O'Connor tells the TV reporter that they'll serve anyone who comes through their doors, but then tells the reporter that if someone comes in and asks them to cater a gay wedding, that they would have to tell them no because of their faith.

The angry death threats start an hour or two later. Phone won't stop ringing. A girls golf coach in a neighboring town in Indiana tweets "Who will help me burn Memories Pizza to the ground?" She's now been suspended, but let's face it, she's not going to lose her livelihood, but she wants a Christian run business to lose theirs. 

Dana Loesch interviews this 21 year old woman, and surprises her with a GoFundMe account set up to help Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, because they've had to close their doors due to this totally unwarranted, idiotic mess. There is quite a lot of money in that account now and it just keeps growing! The support has been tremendous! 

We've all seen other Christian run businesses in recent months being shut down by the heavy anti-discriminatory fines of their state for telling gay couples they won't provide photography, cakes or flowers for their same sex weddings. You know, they may have lost everything because of it, but their reward in heaven will be great because they stood on the promises of God, rather than denying their faith and their moral principles!  

After major blow back by the LGBT communities in Indiana, the RFRA law passed there had to be "tweaked" to make everyone happy, when all it did was give Christian owned business recourse to fight the allegations of discrimination in court. The law, as it now stands, protects these groups from discrimination but now goes nowhere for the Christian business owners, whom the law was meant to protect. It would've been better if they hadn't passed any legislation at all at this point.

We just saw 147 students at a Kenyan university be killed because of their Christian faith yesterday. ISIS has been beheading Christians, crucifying them, forcing them to convert or die in Syria and Iraq. My question? How is this any different? When you kill a Christian run business, you are killing a person! The Supreme Court has said that Corporations are PEOPLE! 

When will these people, who are pushing Christian businesses into fines so huge that they have to close their doors, be prosecuted themselves for this phony 'anti-gay' mayhem? One Gay Group in the Western US is demanding that churches who follow the bible lose their 501(c)3 tax exempt status! Let's face it. We now have a different version of ISIS in our country! 

In the Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case, it was determined that a corporation is a "person" or "people," and thus has the right to fight something that the government has ordered them do to, based on their first amendment right of 'Freedom of Religion." Hobby Lobby was fighting the provision in Obama Care that demands all businesses in the United States provide all kinds of different birth control to their employees. Hobby Lobby was providing birth control to their employees but had a problem with just four forms of birth control that could kill an embryo. They won the case based on the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, signed into law by then President Bill Clinton. 

I want to thank each and every person who donated money to Memories Pizza. I think the Christians in this country, on the verge of the Holiest day of the year besides Christmas, decided "ENOUGH!" Honestly, how is it that these gay rights groups can scream "tolerance," and then turn around and be so "intolerant" of Christians and their businesses? 

It's time we stood up to be counted! Protect religious freedom! If we all donate just one dollar, this family will be set up for life! So far, at the moment this post is Tweeted, $815,811.00 has been raised for this family, who had to close their doors due to the phony agenda of the left who hate all Christians!

Let's support Memories Pizza! Let's make a lasting impression on these people that we are American's too and we aren't going anywhere! 

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JeriAnn Eakin