Monday, April 27, 2015

Broken Pieces

I've been in a lot of pain lately and it's starting to affect my ability to type. Please say a prayer for me? I just need a respite from the arthritis pain, which some days is excruciating, but at least my attitude is sunny!

I had a very hard time learning to lean on God when I was younger. I thought I knew everything. But I didn't. That's why, when we come to Him, our hearts broken, feeling unfixable and burnt to ashes, that we can lay our sins at the foot of His cross, and then He can take what seems like a completely ruined, unfixable life and restore it completely. 

Today, I just wanted to share this wonderful song with all of you! I hope it is uplifting and gives you a good message to think on!  I'm praying for all of you. I pray that God gives you His amazing peace which makes us feel whole. That He gives you strength to make it through this day and every day and that you will smile, knowing that someone out here cares about you. 

May God take the broken pieces of your life and turn them into something beautiful! He can give you Beauty for Ashes and exchange your mourning for joy! (Isaiah 61:3-5).

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JeriAnn Eakin