Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It's a Beautiful Life!

Talk about a reset button! In Touch Ministries tweeted a verse, James 1:17. "Every good and perfect gift is from above," and something just clicked!

I was in a weird mood the last two days. Couldn't figure out why I was in a funk? Prayed a bit and then came to Twitter, where I found that tweet. It reminded me of a song I had heard, and I went to YouTube to find it.

After listening to the song, it's as if a lonesome switch, one that hadn't been used in awhile, switched and suddenly? I was all smiles! I had just gotten done telling the Lord that I didn't know exactly what was wrong, but I asked for forgiveness for my rotten attitude and told Jesus, "You are the vine. I am the branch. Apart from you? I can do nothing!" That's all it was. Just a humble prayer.

I think a bit of my problem has to do with being alone a lot? I'm left at home for hours at a time, by myself, and it's very difficult to do things for myself. It's even taking longer for me to type these posts, and my hands and everything else is hurting really bad with the psoriatic arthritis, but I'm at least losing weight and getting my blood glucose back under control by cutting out all the sugar? Sugar tricks your body into thinking you need it which is how we get addicted to junk food? I'm the worst junk food junkie ever! Sometimes I'd laugh about it, but believe me, it's now no longer funny. The weight on my joints is causing terrible pain and it just never goes away. Some days, I beg God to just take me home. I don't belong here anyway, and I'm not afraid! As Christians, our last breath here, is our first breath there, but obviously, He is trying to teach me something and I can be a bit mule headed? Some times it just takes me a bit longer.

So, if you're having a bad day, having a bad attitude or whatever has you down, please remember that all good things come from God. He has a plan for you and doesn't want you to wander aimlessly. He wants to lead you. He loves you. He wants more for you than you currently want for yourself. He is a good, gracious, loving all powerful God who can do anything, "above all that we ask or think!"  (Ephesians 3:20).

God bless and have a great day!

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JeriAnn Eakin