Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hope Forward

You've probably seen the complete devastation brought about by the terrible storms in Oklahoma and Texas. Prayers must've been said, because the dam at Padera Lake, which it was thought would break, is still intact and the water, little by little is beginning to recede, so thankfully, there was no flooding from the dam.`

There have been several deaths due to these storms. I heard one tally of 19, and another as high as 30. These storms, they are saying, are the most deadly storms they've had in that part of the country in decades. I also read where meteorologists are saying that the storm in Oklahoma was a Derecho. 

I'd never heard that word, so I looked it up. It is defined as "A line of intense, widespread and fast moving windstorms and sometimes thunderstorms that moves across a great distance that is characterized by damaging winds." They say the winds hit above 80 mph. An F1 hovers between 73-112 mph. Those were hurricane force winds! 

For those who were caught up in this horrible swath of storms, I am praying for you. That God would help you rebuild, and that cooperation amongst neighbors will bond you all for life! That is why we are here! It's so we can pass the love of God on to others. Especially in their darkest hours and greatest time of need.

Just remember: There is a silver lining to every cloud. In this instance it's our Lord and Savior, who gives us "Hope."  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Simple Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray now for all of the people on earth who are suffering. Please ease their pain, their agony, and help them, most of all, to find You and get saved? I want and expect to meet these people in heaven Lord, simply because I prayed for them! You told us there was nothing you would deny us if we asked! "You have not because you ask not?"  You said there is nothing you would ever deny us, so please help the people who walk around like empty shells, with no real reason for living, except for their routine? They need You very badly Jesus!

Abba Father, I cry out to you now. I feel alone, ill, in a lot of pain, and I'm fighting with the urge to complain, cry, and just have a temper tantrum. I know You know what is best for me Lord, and I will follow no matter what, where or when You want me to go, in obedience I will obey you Lord.

I love you Father. You are my Maker. You are the best thing in my life, and I can't believe how you've changed me! You've made my "heart come alive."

Thank you for dying for me Jesus. Thank you for being willing to do so. Nobody can ever top what you did for us Lord. Thank you for your love, I can feel it swirling around this room, along with the rustling of angels wings! 

Thank you Jesus for all that you have done for me. Most of all, for loving someone who was unlovable.

My life will forever be different because of You.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day

Memorial Day. If you could sum it up in two words they would be "sacrifice" and "remembrance." Those who have served with honor and distinction in service to this great Country are the gold within the fabric of this Nation, paved with sweat, tears, blood and yes, even violence. Many hundreds of thousands have fought and died for this great land since the Revolutionary War and they deserve our respect, our reverence and our remembrance, for what they did, was not done in vain. 

In a book called "The Real George Washington," Jay Parry explains how Washington tried to get new equipment for his farm at Mount Vernon. He and several other colonists were having a great deal of trouble with this arrangement.

The problem was most of the equipment and other goods ordered by Colonists were being shipped to them by the merchants in Britain broken, in pieces, not even useable, or fixable and yet our forefathers were having to pay full cost for these items because there was no such thing as an "exchange" for a new one or getting your money back in those days. This was one of the first irritants the Colonists had to go through. It was just one of the reasons why they decided that they were done trying to get anywhere with the Crown, who on top of all of this, was overtaxing American's thru the Stamp Act, the Tea Act and all kinds of other taxes.

They finally had enough and wrote the Declaration of Independence, taking matters into their own hands and forming what we now know as "America," and if  the Colonists hadn't had the courage to stand up to looney King George, we would never have been free to become the strongest Nation on the planet. We may have been a pathetic army of farmers, boys, etc, but God was with us! We beat back the largest army in the world at the time and then we eventually, completely eclipsed their supposed might with our own mighty military, now considered the best in the world.

Here are some famous quotes about Freedom and Liberty!

"It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."  Unknown

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." Abraham Lincoln

"Freedom is never one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children through the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on to them to do the same." Ronald Wilson Reagan

"Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed — else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die." Dwight D. Eisenhower

"I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as the law of physics. As government expands, liberty contracts." Ronald Wilson Reagan

"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved." Franklin D. Roosevelt

"We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their souls." Robert J. McCracken

"If we ever forget we are One Nation under God, we will be a Nation, gone under." Ronald Wilson Reagan

Freedom isn't really free. A lot of people have died to secure this "our last best stand on earth," as Reagan put it. So, let's stand together and pray tomorrow, in our homes, backyards, etc., over our steaks, chickens, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon, apple pie, etc., to thank God for our freedoms and remember all those who died to make sure we would never lose them.  

Then? Think of it this way: "If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can do it in english? Thank a Soldier!" 

"If my people, who are called by My name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14).

May you all be safe, enjoy time with family, not eat or drink so much that you get sick and for goodness sake, PLEASE LOAD UP THOSE NOW BANNED BY THE BOY SCOUT SUPER SOAKERS AND HAVE SOME FUN! (Seriously? Water balloons no bigger than a ping pong ball? Do these people even understand how a water balloon even works? Sheesh!).

God Bless the United States of America and keep us safe from those who seek to destroy us. In Jesus Name I ask it, Amen! 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

At The Cross

There is endless mercy, grace and unconditional love at the foot of the cross of Jesus. His blood flowed from the cross on the day that Jesus died for all of us. We are washed in His blood and cleansed from our sins, making us white as snow. God's unconditional love is so amazing! It's like the widest, strongest waterfall, flowing down on top of you. You breathe easier, your burdens are relieved. Take whatever burdens you have and take them to the foot of His cross. 

I have a lot of cares on my mind and God knows them all. I've been praying that God would be by the side of every Christian in America, that if they are slumbering, that the Holy Spirit would gently wake them before we're in the thick of it and people lose their patience and composure. And don't worry about what you will wear, eat, or where you will live, because God will provide all of our needs! Trust Him! If you're a prodigal, just come home? And if you've not yet been introduced to Jesus, He died for your sins and He wants to forgive you, if you'll just ask! Give Him your brokenness, your pain, your struggles, your needs, and leave them at His cross! He gives beauty for ashes! He can change everything! (Isaiah 61:1-3).

We will all have to help everyone around us as much as we can, so lay down your burdens and your shame, and get back in right standing with God! It's time to wake up sleepy church! Leave your burdens at His cross, get forgiven, seek His will for you and He will answer in His perfect timing. Just as we long for Him, He longs for us just as much, if not more. He loves us! He's coming very soon, so look up! Our redemption is drawing very near!

"Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing." (2 Timothy 4:8). This is just about all I think about when I'm not distracted from other things. I'm expecting to see Him, and very soon!

Jesus, You are my refuge and my strength. My heart longs for you so much Lord. Please Lord, do not tarry? We are longing for you Jesus! I have longed for You for so long and I have longed for Heaven for as long as I can remember! I surrender completely, in awe of Your never ending love and faithfulness. 

"Where your love ran red, and my sin washed white, I owe all to You, I owe all to You, Jesus."

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Watchmen

Do you know what a watchmen is? 

During the American Revolutionary War, Paul Revere was known as a watchman. He devised a way to alert the country side of the British and their invasion which came in the middle of the night. He set up a sign in the Old North Church. Two lanterns were hung in the steeple and were lit once they knew the approach the British would take. They already had information that an attack was imminent within a few days, so Revere devised the "One if by land, two if by sea," lanterns in the steeple of the church, and once lit, the flame only burned for about a minute to alert Revere so he in turn could alert the towns and their militias that indeed the British were coming. 

Once seen, he made his famous ride along with several other less famous patriots who gathered an entire group of men to ride with them to warn the farmers and all the people so they would be awake and be prepared. This alert from Revere gave the farmers, towns and their people time to act in advance of the invasion, which no doubt, saved lives.

That is what a watchmen is. Someone who see's the signs occurring and then tries to warn everyone around them of the impending problem, situation, disaster, etc. Someone who is a Watchmen of God is here to see the biblical prophecies occurring and then warn other Christians, and non-Christians, hoping to save as many as possible before the Rapture. 

Jesus is coming very, very soon. With each disaster that occurs, our economy, the world stage as it is currently set with ISIS and Iran, all of it, means something. For instance, one new sign of the times is the discovery of the descendents of the tribe of Levi. The Levites served as temple priests. These new "Levites" are already practicing animal sacrifices, which will resume once the new Temple is built, which could happen very soon! How amazing is that? They've now found the descendents of Levi to take up their duties as priests once again after the Temple has been rebuilt. It will be built right next to where the Al Aqsa Mosque currently sits as no doubt part of a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine and indeed the rest of the Arab world. The problem is, even when there is a peace deal, it won't last.

The signs are here and I am a watchman, watchperson, however you want to say it. I've been studying this stuff for years now and I know what I'm seeing and it's just miraculous! I think as Christians, we should all be shouting His name to the rooftops and trying to plant seeds of greatness in others who may not be where we're at with their faith. After we're raptured, many of them will bend their knee and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and they will need guidance! We should start praying for God to give it to them now! He knows who they are, it doesn't mean we have to, but we should be faithful to pray for everyone who isn't saved and for those who get saved after we're gone. 

Personally, I want to do all I can before Jesus comes to rescue us from this evil world. I am longing for home so badly and I know that I don't belong here. I think I've got "Jesus-Itis." I'm expecting Him to come every minute of every day! Oh, how I long to be with Jesus! He is my everything! 

The world is in constant turmoil, kind of like a hurricane. It has a calm center to it, but there are going to be days where we're in the thick of it and days where it will seem like things aren't that bad, and may even seem like their getting better, but it won't last. But Jesus does! He is forever. I want to do all I can to help Him save those of us on this planet who have yet to make a decision to accept His redemptive work on the cross. They need to believe or not believe and their putting it off. We need to pray for those people among us who have no hope and are afraid. I know bible sales are way up, so I think that's encouraging, but then there are snake oil salesmen out there? So pray that those that receive Christ aren't deceived either! Even Jesus warned us. He said, "Let no man deceive you, for many will come in my name." The only place He will come from is the sky, so don't go to another state or anything crazy, He'll come and we'll hear His voice and we'll be changed in an instant! Honestly? I think that part is well worth the wait and well worth the pain of this life. What comes after this is going to be so amazing! So awesome! So humbling.

So, even though times are coming that are going to be quite difficult, be strong and courageous because all the signs have occurred. Famine, plagues, earthquakes, drastic changes in weather, hot wars, cold wars, a great apostasy, (falling away from the faith), it's all happening right before our eyes! (Matthew 24, Luke 21).

And with that, there's only one thing left to say. Come Lord Jesus! Do not tarry! We long for you Jesus! This is our prayer. 

Even so, come! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Flawless Diamond

"Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48).

Now of course, God doesn't expect us to be perfect. After all, there was only one person who ever walked this earth who was indeed, perfect. His name was Jesus. 

So, why, if it is impossible while still in our fleshly bodies to be "perfect," does this particular scripture verse exist? Because even though God knows we can never be absolutely 100% perfect, He would like for us to try our best to be more like His Son, Jesus. Is it possible, if you truly believe in Jesus, to do and be better as a person? I and many others are living proof that it is. I may have been tossed around by gale force winds a few times in my life, but Jesus held my hand and walked me through it all. Each time, my faith in Him grew stronger.

But again, this perfect stuff? I believe God looks at every brand new believer as a "diamond in the rough." A diamond is usually found inside of a rock like the rocks that come out of mines, etc. In their uncut state, they look more like a rock. The jeweler takes the rock apart, removing the rocky parts from the stone, which is very much like what God does with us when He "prunes" us like a rose bush. Just like the jeweler takes the ugly rock that formed around the brilliant stone and discards it, keeping the beautiful part, God prunes the parts of our lives that are hurting us and Him as He watches us struggle. There are things we are still doing as Christians that He needs to remove from us, but that only happens when we truly study His word, commit those words to memory, write them on our hearts, etc., and then live by them, the best we can, every day of our lives.

God will work on you until the day that He calls you home! One thing of comfort I can tell you though? Being that we are diamonds in the rough, it should give us confidence that God is going to be there to help us be better as people, which is Christ working through us. The closer to being like Christ that we are? The more flawless we become!

Jesus took this horrible looking rock (me) and is in the long process of turning me into a beautiful, flawless diamond. Now if you know anything about precious stones, you know there is no such thing as a "flawless diamond." Only lab created stones are flawless. 

They aren't the real thing. But Jesus and the work He is doing in us, most certainly is!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Paul once said that he counted the whole world as dung, (garbage, refuse, manure), compared to knowing Jesus. (Philippians 3:8). It may have taken me much longer than it should've, but I finally got to a place in life where seeking God became an every day effort. Through a lot of prayer, study and trying to see the world I was seeing through His eyes, I gained a new level of compassion, boldness, contentment, hope, love, endless faith and joy, just to name a few. I've discovered through this process exactly what Paul meant. Living the best I know how, every day, for Jesus? It's what I live for! Paul was right. The rest is all just junk!

I think that when we finally reach the end of ourselves, that is to say, we've finally exhausted our own ideas of how to find God or find favor with Him and begun to simply seek Him for the answers, everything kinda comes together. When you get to that place, you start finding something you didn't see before in a lot of people you see out in the world. They have no hope. I've got a burden like wild fire growing inside of me right now and I want to do more than just write this blog! I need to get well so I can get out into the world and start using that boldness! 

I hate hiding behind a computer screen simply because I'm not well. This feeling of being helpless and insignificant is probably just the devil workin me, but I want to be healed so I can do more for Jesus! I want to do more for others but with my health failing I need a miracle because otherwise all I can do is write these posts and pray a lot because it's becoming more and more obvious that the world is going through what the bible calls "labor pains," which means we are in the end days! (Matthew 24).

"My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to (acknowledge) Him and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:1-6).

It's pretty simple. God wants us to be obedient, but not because He's some dictator who lives in the sky. He wants us to be obedient so He can bless our socks off! When we are forgiven and fully surrendered, we start noticing things we've done wrong immediately after doing it, which allows us to ask God to forgive us so we don't lose our "connection," or His favor. Humility is a key ingredient in our obedience and God see's that humility in our changed motives.

Maybe it's time to clean out the closets of our hearts, getting rid of our lofty thoughts about ourselves and clear the wax from our ears so we can listen and hear what's really being said and put a piece of tape over our mouths to shut us up when we start to complain! 

It's time for some spring cleaning to make room for the blessings of God in our hearts and in our lives! God will forgive you. It's never too late to start over. God still loves you and no matter what you've done, He will forgive you! All you need to do is ask! 

Thank you Jesus for saving me every day and help me to help others when they are hurting by showing them Your love and compassion. We may be the only example of You that they ever see Jesus, so help us to become more and more like You so we can help those who need You more than we do! 

Help us to save some lives Lord instead of worrying about our own. "He who loses His life for my sake shall find it." (Matthew 10:39).  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In His Presence

Jesus said that He would send "the comforter" to help us through our everyday lives after He ascended to heaven. When we are completely broken and ask Jesus for forgiveness, His Holy Spirit enters our hearts. Baptism of the Holy Spirit can happen at any time after we get saved. It could happen the minute we are saved too, but for most of the people I know, they say it took them time to get that "baptism" and that when it happened to them, it was a moment they will never forget. That is how unmistakeable the experience is. And once you've felt it, you want more! Just to be in His presence is such an overwhelming gift!

When I was in my late twenties, I prayed and asked God for baptism by the Holy Spirit because I had read all about it in the bible, but hadn't received it yet. At least it didn't feel like it. I hungered for a deeper understanding of  God and then, one day, it just happened. I heard God speak in my head and  I knew it was Him! I can honestly say that God brings me so much joy and hope at times, that it is difficult to contain it! 

When the Holy Spirit comes upon you it can be overwhelming. God is overwhelming. He is my everything. Jesus is my best friend, my rock, my Savior and my Lord! He is always with me. The Holy Spirit, which came upon the early church in the book of Acts, came upon me suddenly, like a flood! I know that doesn't make much sense, but it's the only way I can describe it. Like water rushing from the center of my soul, it just came rushing up out of me like someone had opened up a fire hydrant!  

Those of us who have felt the Spirit in our lives know it's God because when the Spirit moves, we can feel it! We know He's there, we know He cares, we know He loves us very deeply, and that all of His promises are true! I have felt His presence and I'll tell you, there is nothing else like it in the whole world!  

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you. In His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing!" (Zephaniah 3:17).

Oh, how I long to be in Your presence Lord!  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The God Zone

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wanted to reach out to someone who was having a bad day but didn't because you had things to do? Maybe you were on a tight schedule, etc., and as you passed that person by, you said a prayer for them and their situation, asking God to send someone else to intervene on their behalf.

I've been in that situation. I was too busy to stop to help someone, sending up a prayer for them instead and the minute I was too far away to change anything I'd have this horrible change of heart, but by then, it would always be too late. I can't tell you how many times I've had an inkling or even a push from the Holy Spirit and then did nothing. I was too busy with my own family, problems, etc., and wasn't hearing God. He was sending me, but I wasn't responding the way I think He would've wanted me to.

Looking back on those events, I realize how selfish I was as a person. Praying it forward to the next Christian person who passed along, believing my faith and my prayer could make a difference when the prayer was said in a moment of sin? That's just flat out arrogant! But God is gracious and He understands our frailties, understanding that in our specific maturity level in Christ, we can make errors not knowing we are making them. I think God picks specific moments to shake us up, making our faith in Him stronger thus helping us to surrender more of our life to Him. This, in turn, increases our level of faith and dependence on Him because let's face it, apart from Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5).

I heard the Spirit speak this verse to me just before writing this post. I heard, Exodus 20:6. "You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments." (Exodus 20:4-6).

Okay, so putting my own "stuff" ahead of someone that God put in my path so I could reach out with the love of the Lord, is not just a sin, it's putting something else, my own issues, above God. And that is called idolatry.

Speaking of idolatry, here's one I know everyone will understand. Pity party's. Ever have one of those? "Oh, poor me. Is there no person who can make me feel better or make me happy?" The problem with this feeling is the word ME. That again, makes us idolaters because it raises our issues, feelings, problems, etc., above God! That's one that a lot of us really need to get a hold of.

As I was reading Exodus 20:6 I found an (a) above the word "thousands." It references Deuteronomy 7:9. It says "Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments.

Now that is one heck of a promise. Even if we disappoint Him because we don't hold up our end of the bargain, He will always love us. So share your faith, even if you start with a daily kindness, like opening a door, or saying hello more often to people, being approachable, kind, helpful, etc. Share the love of Christ. Show them there is something different about you. Let your light shine! They will see that there is something different about you and they'll want what you have. It may take time to reach just one person, but never forget that even if someone responds badly to the message, you've planted the seed and God will send people to come and water that seed until God is ready to send someone to harvest the seed planted by you, into that persons mind and heart.  And when the moment comes, and you meet someone who asks you about your faith, always be ready with an answer for the hope that you have through your faith in God. (1 Peter 3:15).

Step out of your own little world long enough, and you'll see everything you've been too busy to notice. A great big world, with plenty of interesting, caring people who are hurting. They need you to tell them about Jesus and share His love with them. Some of them are your dearest friends. Some are your enemies. Some are just people you don't even know that you may bump into on the street. But it's no matter, because Jesus said, "When you do this to the least of these my brethren, you are doing it to me."  (Matthew 25:40).

As believers in Jesus, we have plenty of hope to go around but what good is that hope if we're not sharing it with those who need it most?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

In The Stillness

"Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10).

How many times have you heard or read that verse? Have you ever taken the time to really think about it and what it means to be "still?" Have you ever heard the phrase "let go and let God?" Have you thought about what it would mean to really "let go and let God," giving Him complete control over every aspect of your life?

We all struggle with this one because putting every aspect of our lives in God's hands can be difficult if not down right impossible. We miss blessings when we take things we've surrendered to God back to deal with them on our own. It's not punishment, it's just missing the blessing we could've had if we had waited on God instead of taking back control. I have trouble with this aspect of my walk because my flesh can be weak in this department and I know I'm not the only one. This is one of the most difficult areas for Christians as we're growing and learning to trust God with everything. Sometimes it can take years, if at all. Billy Graham excluded, I think that this is a struggle for 99% of Christians not because we lack belief, but because we lack deeper faith which comes from the benefit of spending a lot of time with God in prayer, reading His word and really searching for what it means to be more surrendered and "Christ like."

Being fully surrendered means total dependence, not just for a few things like food, clothing, jobs, rent money, etc., it means everything! I know it can be hard to do though. I would surrender everything on my knees at the altar and by the time I got home, I was back in the same confused rut. 

When I got older and really started to search for God, I found Him. I am so blessed to be able to even write that sentence. I was a rebel. I thought I was mistreated by a lot of people and I acted like a two year old for most of my early adulthood just to feel like I mattered. I needed a lot of attention and when I didn't get it for being a "good girl" I went nuts at 17 1/2 and I made a huge mess for 4 years railing in anger at everything. That's time I will never get back. The good news is that my story, obviously, did not end there and if you're reading this? Well then your story isn't over either is it? It's time to allow God to work. Give Him room! Slow for the God Zone! Let Him do the work He needs to do in you! "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6).

Jesus is waiting for you, so come as you are. You don't need to get dressed up for Jesus. He just wants you to pour your heart out to Him so He can comfort you with His presence and through His word. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8). If your motives are right in your heart when you seek Him? Well then, get ready for the surprise of your life! God is gonna show up and He is going to change everything!

In the stillness of my heart, He is always there. In my most confused moments I bow in prayer and He is there. In my most fearful moments, I run to Him and He calms my fears. In my most painful moments, I cry out to Him. He understands. 

"Your days and your times were destined for our dance." Jesus