Monday, May 18, 2015

The Watchmen

Do you know what a watchmen is? 

During the American Revolutionary War, Paul Revere was known as a watchman. He devised a way to alert the country side of the British and their invasion which came in the middle of the night. He set up a sign in the Old North Church. Two lanterns were hung in the steeple and were lit once they knew the approach the British would take. They already had information that an attack was imminent within a few days, so Revere devised the "One if by land, two if by sea," lanterns in the steeple of the church, and once lit, the flame only burned for about a minute to alert Revere so he in turn could alert the towns and their militias that indeed the British were coming. 

Once seen, he made his famous ride along with several other less famous patriots who gathered an entire group of men to ride with them to warn the farmers and all the people so they would be awake and be prepared. This alert from Revere gave the farmers, towns and their people time to act in advance of the invasion, which no doubt, saved lives.

That is what a watchmen is. Someone who see's the signs occurring and then tries to warn everyone around them of the impending problem, situation, disaster, etc. Someone who is a Watchmen of God is here to see the biblical prophecies occurring and then warn other Christians, and non-Christians, hoping to save as many as possible before the Rapture. 

Jesus is coming very, very soon. With each disaster that occurs, our economy, the world stage as it is currently set with ISIS and Iran, all of it, means something. For instance, one new sign of the times is the discovery of the descendents of the tribe of Levi. The Levites served as temple priests. These new "Levites" are already practicing animal sacrifices, which will resume once the new Temple is built, which could happen very soon! How amazing is that? They've now found the descendents of Levi to take up their duties as priests once again after the Temple has been rebuilt. It will be built right next to where the Al Aqsa Mosque currently sits as no doubt part of a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine and indeed the rest of the Arab world. The problem is, even when there is a peace deal, it won't last.

The signs are here and I am a watchman, watchperson, however you want to say it. I've been studying this stuff for years now and I know what I'm seeing and it's just miraculous! I think as Christians, we should all be shouting His name to the rooftops and trying to plant seeds of greatness in others who may not be where we're at with their faith. After we're raptured, many of them will bend their knee and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and they will need guidance! We should start praying for God to give it to them now! He knows who they are, it doesn't mean we have to, but we should be faithful to pray for everyone who isn't saved and for those who get saved after we're gone. 

Personally, I want to do all I can before Jesus comes to rescue us from this evil world. I am longing for home so badly and I know that I don't belong here. I think I've got "Jesus-Itis." I'm expecting Him to come every minute of every day! Oh, how I long to be with Jesus! He is my everything! 

The world is in constant turmoil, kind of like a hurricane. It has a calm center to it, but there are going to be days where we're in the thick of it and days where it will seem like things aren't that bad, and may even seem like their getting better, but it won't last. But Jesus does! He is forever. I want to do all I can to help Him save those of us on this planet who have yet to make a decision to accept His redemptive work on the cross. They need to believe or not believe and their putting it off. We need to pray for those people among us who have no hope and are afraid. I know bible sales are way up, so I think that's encouraging, but then there are snake oil salesmen out there? So pray that those that receive Christ aren't deceived either! Even Jesus warned us. He said, "Let no man deceive you, for many will come in my name." The only place He will come from is the sky, so don't go to another state or anything crazy, He'll come and we'll hear His voice and we'll be changed in an instant! Honestly? I think that part is well worth the wait and well worth the pain of this life. What comes after this is going to be so amazing! So awesome! So humbling.

So, even though times are coming that are going to be quite difficult, be strong and courageous because all the signs have occurred. Famine, plagues, earthquakes, drastic changes in weather, hot wars, cold wars, a great apostasy, (falling away from the faith), it's all happening right before our eyes! (Matthew 24, Luke 21).

And with that, there's only one thing left to say. Come Lord Jesus! Do not tarry! We long for you Jesus! This is our prayer. 

Even so, come! 

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JeriAnn Eakin