Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In His Presence

Jesus said that He would send "the comforter" to help us through our everyday lives after He ascended to heaven. When we are completely broken and ask Jesus for forgiveness, His Holy Spirit enters our hearts. Baptism of the Holy Spirit can happen at any time after we get saved. It could happen the minute we are saved too, but for most of the people I know, they say it took them time to get that "baptism" and that when it happened to them, it was a moment they will never forget. That is how unmistakeable the experience is. And once you've felt it, you want more! Just to be in His presence is such an overwhelming gift!

When I was in my late twenties, I prayed and asked God for baptism by the Holy Spirit because I had read all about it in the bible, but hadn't received it yet. At least it didn't feel like it. I hungered for a deeper understanding of  God and then, one day, it just happened. I heard God speak in my head and  I knew it was Him! I can honestly say that God brings me so much joy and hope at times, that it is difficult to contain it! 

When the Holy Spirit comes upon you it can be overwhelming. God is overwhelming. He is my everything. Jesus is my best friend, my rock, my Savior and my Lord! He is always with me. The Holy Spirit, which came upon the early church in the book of Acts, came upon me suddenly, like a flood! I know that doesn't make much sense, but it's the only way I can describe it. Like water rushing from the center of my soul, it just came rushing up out of me like someone had opened up a fire hydrant!  

Those of us who have felt the Spirit in our lives know it's God because when the Spirit moves, we can feel it! We know He's there, we know He cares, we know He loves us very deeply, and that all of His promises are true! I have felt His presence and I'll tell you, there is nothing else like it in the whole world!  

"The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you. In His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing!" (Zephaniah 3:17).

Oh, how I long to be in Your presence Lord!  

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JeriAnn Eakin