Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Paul once said that he counted the whole world as dung, (garbage, refuse, manure), compared to knowing Jesus. (Philippians 3:8). It may have taken me much longer than it should've, but I finally got to a place in life where seeking God became an every day effort. Through a lot of prayer, study and trying to see the world I was seeing through His eyes, I gained a new level of compassion, boldness, contentment, hope, love, endless faith and joy, just to name a few. I've discovered through this process exactly what Paul meant. Living the best I know how, every day, for Jesus? It's what I live for! Paul was right. The rest is all just junk!

I think that when we finally reach the end of ourselves, that is to say, we've finally exhausted our own ideas of how to find God or find favor with Him and begun to simply seek Him for the answers, everything kinda comes together. When you get to that place, you start finding something you didn't see before in a lot of people you see out in the world. They have no hope. I've got a burden like wild fire growing inside of me right now and I want to do more than just write this blog! I need to get well so I can get out into the world and start using that boldness! 

I hate hiding behind a computer screen simply because I'm not well. This feeling of being helpless and insignificant is probably just the devil workin me, but I want to be healed so I can do more for Jesus! I want to do more for others but with my health failing I need a miracle because otherwise all I can do is write these posts and pray a lot because it's becoming more and more obvious that the world is going through what the bible calls "labor pains," which means we are in the end days! (Matthew 24).

"My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you. Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to (acknowledge) Him and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:1-6).

It's pretty simple. God wants us to be obedient, but not because He's some dictator who lives in the sky. He wants us to be obedient so He can bless our socks off! When we are forgiven and fully surrendered, we start noticing things we've done wrong immediately after doing it, which allows us to ask God to forgive us so we don't lose our "connection," or His favor. Humility is a key ingredient in our obedience and God see's that humility in our changed motives.

Maybe it's time to clean out the closets of our hearts, getting rid of our lofty thoughts about ourselves and clear the wax from our ears so we can listen and hear what's really being said and put a piece of tape over our mouths to shut us up when we start to complain! 

It's time for some spring cleaning to make room for the blessings of God in our hearts and in our lives! God will forgive you. It's never too late to start over. God still loves you and no matter what you've done, He will forgive you! All you need to do is ask! 

Thank you Jesus for saving me every day and help me to help others when they are hurting by showing them Your love and compassion. We may be the only example of You that they ever see Jesus, so help us to become more and more like You so we can help those who need You more than we do! 

Help us to save some lives Lord instead of worrying about our own. "He who loses His life for my sake shall find it." (Matthew 10:39).  

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JeriAnn Eakin