Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Simple Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray now for all of the people on earth who are suffering. Please ease their pain, their agony, and help them, most of all, to find You and get saved? I want and expect to meet these people in heaven Lord, simply because I prayed for them! You told us there was nothing you would deny us if we asked! "You have not because you ask not?"  You said there is nothing you would ever deny us, so please help the people who walk around like empty shells, with no real reason for living, except for their routine? They need You very badly Jesus!

Abba Father, I cry out to you now. I feel alone, ill, in a lot of pain, and I'm fighting with the urge to complain, cry, and just have a temper tantrum. I know You know what is best for me Lord, and I will follow no matter what, where or when You want me to go, in obedience I will obey you Lord.

I love you Father. You are my Maker. You are the best thing in my life, and I can't believe how you've changed me! You've made my "heart come alive."

Thank you for dying for me Jesus. Thank you for being willing to do so. Nobody can ever top what you did for us Lord. Thank you for your love, I can feel it swirling around this room, along with the rustling of angels wings! 

Thank you Jesus for all that you have done for me. Most of all, for loving someone who was unlovable.

My life will forever be different because of You.

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JeriAnn Eakin