Tuesday, May 19, 2015

At The Cross

There is endless mercy, grace and unconditional love at the foot of the cross of Jesus. His blood flowed from the cross on the day that Jesus died for all of us. We are washed in His blood and cleansed from our sins, making us white as snow. God's unconditional love is so amazing! It's like the widest, strongest waterfall, flowing down on top of you. You breathe easier, your burdens are relieved. Take whatever burdens you have and take them to the foot of His cross. 

I have a lot of cares on my mind and God knows them all. I've been praying that God would be by the side of every Christian in America, that if they are slumbering, that the Holy Spirit would gently wake them before we're in the thick of it and people lose their patience and composure. And don't worry about what you will wear, eat, or where you will live, because God will provide all of our needs! Trust Him! If you're a prodigal, just come home? And if you've not yet been introduced to Jesus, He died for your sins and He wants to forgive you, if you'll just ask! Give Him your brokenness, your pain, your struggles, your needs, and leave them at His cross! He gives beauty for ashes! He can change everything! (Isaiah 61:1-3).

We will all have to help everyone around us as much as we can, so lay down your burdens and your shame, and get back in right standing with God! It's time to wake up sleepy church! Leave your burdens at His cross, get forgiven, seek His will for you and He will answer in His perfect timing. Just as we long for Him, He longs for us just as much, if not more. He loves us! He's coming very soon, so look up! Our redemption is drawing very near!

"Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing." (2 Timothy 4:8). This is just about all I think about when I'm not distracted from other things. I'm expecting to see Him, and very soon!

Jesus, You are my refuge and my strength. My heart longs for you so much Lord. Please Lord, do not tarry? We are longing for you Jesus! I have longed for You for so long and I have longed for Heaven for as long as I can remember! I surrender completely, in awe of Your never ending love and faithfulness. 

"Where your love ran red, and my sin washed white, I owe all to You, I owe all to You, Jesus."

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JeriAnn Eakin