Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hope Forward

You've probably seen the complete devastation brought about by the terrible storms in Oklahoma and Texas. Prayers must've been said, because the dam at Padera Lake, which it was thought would break, is still intact and the water, little by little is beginning to recede, so thankfully, there was no flooding from the dam.`

There have been several deaths due to these storms. I heard one tally of 19, and another as high as 30. These storms, they are saying, are the most deadly storms they've had in that part of the country in decades. I also read where meteorologists are saying that the storm in Oklahoma was a Derecho. 

I'd never heard that word, so I looked it up. It is defined as "A line of intense, widespread and fast moving windstorms and sometimes thunderstorms that moves across a great distance that is characterized by damaging winds." They say the winds hit above 80 mph. An F1 hovers between 73-112 mph. Those were hurricane force winds! 

For those who were caught up in this horrible swath of storms, I am praying for you. That God would help you rebuild, and that cooperation amongst neighbors will bond you all for life! That is why we are here! It's so we can pass the love of God on to others. Especially in their darkest hours and greatest time of need.

Just remember: There is a silver lining to every cloud. In this instance it's our Lord and Savior, who gives us "Hope."  

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JeriAnn Eakin