Saturday, May 2, 2015

In The Stillness

"Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10).

How many times have you heard or read that verse? Have you ever taken the time to really think about it and what it means to be "still?" Have you ever heard the phrase "let go and let God?" Have you thought about what it would mean to really "let go and let God," giving Him complete control over every aspect of your life?

We all struggle with this one because putting every aspect of our lives in God's hands can be difficult if not down right impossible. We miss blessings when we take things we've surrendered to God back to deal with them on our own. It's not punishment, it's just missing the blessing we could've had if we had waited on God instead of taking back control. I have trouble with this aspect of my walk because my flesh can be weak in this department and I know I'm not the only one. This is one of the most difficult areas for Christians as we're growing and learning to trust God with everything. Sometimes it can take years, if at all. Billy Graham excluded, I think that this is a struggle for 99% of Christians not because we lack belief, but because we lack deeper faith which comes from the benefit of spending a lot of time with God in prayer, reading His word and really searching for what it means to be more surrendered and "Christ like."

Being fully surrendered means total dependence, not just for a few things like food, clothing, jobs, rent money, etc., it means everything! I know it can be hard to do though. I would surrender everything on my knees at the altar and by the time I got home, I was back in the same confused rut. 

When I got older and really started to search for God, I found Him. I am so blessed to be able to even write that sentence. I was a rebel. I thought I was mistreated by a lot of people and I acted like a two year old for most of my early adulthood just to feel like I mattered. I needed a lot of attention and when I didn't get it for being a "good girl" I went nuts at 17 1/2 and I made a huge mess for 4 years railing in anger at everything. That's time I will never get back. The good news is that my story, obviously, did not end there and if you're reading this? Well then your story isn't over either is it? It's time to allow God to work. Give Him room! Slow for the God Zone! Let Him do the work He needs to do in you! "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1:6).

Jesus is waiting for you, so come as you are. You don't need to get dressed up for Jesus. He just wants you to pour your heart out to Him so He can comfort you with His presence and through His word. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8). If your motives are right in your heart when you seek Him? Well then, get ready for the surprise of your life! God is gonna show up and He is going to change everything!

In the stillness of my heart, He is always there. In my most confused moments I bow in prayer and He is there. In my most fearful moments, I run to Him and He calms my fears. In my most painful moments, I cry out to Him. He understands. 

"Your days and your times were destined for our dance." Jesus

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JeriAnn Eakin