Thursday, August 27, 2015

Get the "Grey Areas" Out of Your Life!

If you've read the books "The Harbinger," and "The Mystery of the Shemitah," by Jonathan Cahn, then you need to watch this video!

I found this video, which he recorded on August 19th, just this last week. It is a MUST WATCH VIDEO for Christians all over the world!                                               

"Be alert and sober of mind, for your adversary, the devil, roams about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8).

The bible tells us that we are to die to our own wants, needs and desires. "I have been crucified with Christ and it is I who no longer live, but Christ who lives in me." (Galatians 2:20).

It's time to get all the "grey areas" out of our lives! I had a friend, who, while we were debating the planned parenthood video's, said my friend, who is the former Director of our local Alpha Crisis Pregnancy Center, "stupid." She said that everyone knows "it's a baby." This coming from a person who is not saved and had 3 abortions herself? She wasn't just calling my friend stupid, she was calling everyone in that support group, and the pastors who support the center, every counselor and even God, stupid! I finally had to say, "I'm done."

I spent 15 years planting, watering, etc., to no avail.  So now, even though I no longer wish to associate with her, (See post below, "The Abortion Debate: My Friend was Stupid?"), I am still praying for her and her family, that the Lord touches their hearts and minds and brings them into a saving belief in Him, before it's too late. I wouldn't wish being left behind on this planet on my worst enemy! The bible says that "In those days, men will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die and death flees from them." (Revelation 9:6).

The last warnings before the Rapture, which occurs in Revelation 4:1, are in Revelation 3. "I know your deeds. You have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of My God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard. Hold it fast and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." (Revelation 3:1-2).                                                                        
Another warning, which is very close to what Rabbi Cahn is saying in this video is this: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of My mouth. You say, 'I am rich, I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich, and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness, and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me." (Revelation 3:15-19).                                                                                                                       
A believe that an even greater time of testing is about to come upon us. We either have Christ, or we do not. You cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom, so repent of your sins, call on the name of the most High God, and you will be saved for The days are short! Time to be on our knees, even if it's only in our hearts, because these are the days that we should "pray without ceasing." (1 Peter 5:7).                                                                                     
So pray up! Get rid of those grey areas in your life and stand clean before the Lord, because eternity is just around the corner!                                                                                

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Please Lord, Save Hume Lake Christian Camp?

I just learned that Kings Canyon Lodge has burned down, and in this photo, you can see Hume Lake Christian Camp, which is to the east of Kings Canyon. To the right of the lake, where all the first responders are parked, is the dark green slope of the dining room where we met to eat all of our meals and had to do "KP duty" at least once or twice while we were there.                                                                                                                       

I just now sat here and cried. I went to Hume Lake in my sophomore year of high school with the Sr. High Youth group at my church, First Baptist Church, Covina, CA. That was in 1978. I went again with the ladies at First Baptist Church, Fairfield, CA., in the winter of 1991. I was older, had 2 kids and just needed to get away from it all, and the thought of going back? Well, I was excited!

The first time I went was in the summer and the last time, in the winter. The roller skating rink was filled up with water and allowed to freeze so we could go ice skating! That was super fun! They had a cart with hot chocolate and other winter treats, and we all had a really great time!

When I went with my youth group in the summer of 1978, the praise worship band booked for that week, caught me playing the piano and singing"Desperado" by The Eagles in the kid's meeting lodge all by myself, just before our evening praise and worship service. I apologized, thinking I wasn't supposed to be there, but they thought I was good, so they invited me to play for all of the campers that night to open the service. It's a treasured memory, one I will never forget.

I just felt like when my parents looked at us, all they saw was each other? It was like they didn't want to raise us at all. It really was an awful time in my life, with all the abuse I was going through at home and I was relieved to be away from it, even if it was just for a week? I just felt like no matter what I did, it was never going to be good enough.

God bless my step dad, who talked my mother into letting me go that summer. It was a week of pure peace! The mountainous terrains we hiked, the fishing boats we rowed out onto the lake, jumping in fully clothed if we got too hot and then trying not to tip the entire boat over while trying to get back into it? The rocks we climbed, and the stream coming from on top of the mountain, over the rocks, with moss grown on them. They were very slippery! We had a terrific time there and other than the guys throwing our Associate Pastor, Bob, who had a great sense of humor, into the lake while they were out on the lake fishing, there were no serious injuries that whole week! 

There were at least 4 youth groups from other churches there, and we all wore different color t-shirts to distinguish between the youth groups. We wore blue ones, and the other campers, wore their colors, and the whole week was a competitive thing, and based on points, our youth group won! We obviously won the talent portion? (Not bragging, but music has always been my greatest gift, besides faith?).

When I went with the ladies in 1991, Barbara Johnson was our speaker. She wrote several books, including "Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy." Boy was she ever funny! She took notice of the fact that she had tickled my funny bone so badly, I simply could not stop giggling and laughing! Every thing she said, made me laugh even harder! I just couldn't help it! By the time she spotted me, I started to shrink down in my seat, trying to avoid detection but even though I'd disappeared from sight, she said, "Nope, that's not gonna work. I can still see you!' To which my friends really started to laugh, along with a lot of the other ladies from other churches that were there that weekend. (I think a few of us were rolling in the aisle, literally, because we couldn't stop laughing! It went on for about five minutes and was hysterical!).

Please pray that God saves this camp?  I've already lost too darn much in my life to lose this very special place too? It just holds a very special section of my heart, and I don't want to lose it. I've lost my kids who suddenly are grown and gone and don't need me anymore. They never call, text, nothing. I guess they just don't want to talk to me anymore. I've obviously lost my husband, who cheats right here under the roof where we raised our children. What's worse is that he does it when I'm home? It's hard to deal with, but I try very hard to prepare for it, and then be forgiving. I don't want to hold myself hostage by not being a forgiving person about it?

I pretty much lost my dad when my mom kicked him out of the house two weeks before Christmas when I was just eight years old. She did so never once stopping to think about how it would affect my brother or me. He left and five months later, he married my mother's sister! And after marrying her, he became a wonderful father, out of the blue, all of a sudden to her three kids, who all turned out great. 

My poor brother and I most definitely got shafted in the whole arrangement. My dad had his family and my mother remarried and had two step sons that she doted on. My brother and I were the casualties in the whole mess. We were so terribly abused by our mother, and my brother by my dad, that we never had any self esteem whatsoever. I still struggle with that, quite a bit. I have nobody now, except the Lord, and my Twitter friends. I know. Kinda sad huh? I would attend church but it's very hard to move due to the arthritis, which seems to get worse and worse all the time? I still keep watching, and praying, and hoping that the Rapture is close? I have never really felt like I belong here, and this is definitely NOT my home!

For some reason when I saw that this camp was in danger, I flipped out and started to cry and began yelling 'NO, NO, NO, NO," at my television. I've been losing everything, so I just don't think I could handle losing this very special place? 

So could you please, lift up Hume Lake Christian Camp in Central California and the people who run it? So many have come and gone since I was there in 1978 and 1991. I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't all feeling this way right now because a lot of teenagers and women got saved there when I was there, just those two times. A lot of others have also found Jesus there.

Thanks for reading, for praying and for listening. I'm having a bit of a difficult day today. I don't know why, but seeing this? It just literally broke my heart. Please Lord, save this camp? If not for me, for You! These folks really know how to save people for the Kingdom! Please Lord? Save it! Make the wind go a different direction towards nothing but brush and trees?

Thank You Father for all of the folks who run that camp and for all of those who lift the camp up in prayer. Give them good health, a great zest for life and give it to them to the full! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

"God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You!"                                                          

Monday, August 24, 2015

Trust Only in God!

Major sell off's have been occurring on Wall Street, starting with last weeks 531 pt drop and today, it plunged further. Today, there was an initial 1,084 pt drop, rebounding to lose only 588 pts! Think about it. We've lost billions! The headline on Fox News at the close of the markets today, was "Thanks $811 Billion China!" The headline comes from worries that China, as Donald Trump keeps arguing, has been manipulating their currency, which is very destabilizing for the rest of the worlds markets. If all of this has you worried? Put your trust in God because very soon? It may be too late!

Jesus said: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet Your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying, add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin, yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all of his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you, o ye of little faith? So do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all of these things, and Your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." (Matthew 6:25-34).

It may appear that China is trying to manipulate their money in such a way, that it will crash the world markets, but I'm here to remind you that GOD IS IN CONTROL! So please, re-read the above scripture and begin to read your bible because Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me." (John 14:6). 

If you are scared? Do me a favor? Give Jesus just one week! He will change your life forever! After He divided me from my family? He's all I have! I guarantee, if you truly seek Him, you will find Him! "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!" (James 4:8). I'm telling ya people, we're about to get Raptured off of this rock! Jesus is coming soon for His Bride, the Church!

I've been so used, hurt, neglected, abused, etc., etc., that I trust in God and no other! For man only disappoints! "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord. 'For he will be like a tree planted by the water that extends it's roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes, but it's leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit." (Jeremiah 17:7-9).

The bible says, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6).

As for me and other strong Christians, no matter what happens, none of it will bother us. It will be hard, I'm not saying it won't be, but we have to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts! God is calling those who have fallen away from Him, to come back to Him, and at the very moment that the last person meant to be saved, who was "chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in Him, (Ephesians 1:4), occurs? It will trigger the Rapture!

For those of us who truly believe? No matter what, we will not be shaken!

Friday, August 21, 2015

His Mysterious Ways!

My youngest daughter has two best friends. I used to call them "The Three Amigo's" as they were going through middle and high school. They all made a vow to each other, to not have sex before marriage. 

When my daughter was in 7th grade, she asked me, "Why are girls so eager to lose their virginity so young?" I told her that they either want to "fit in" or that they were very insecure, don't have a loving father in the home, and feel like sex is the only way to receive love. I was open and honest, and told her that it was something that happened to me. So I wasn't surprised when later, she never dated, never got serious, never brought anyone home? I think she see's nothing but "the dregs" out there? Seems's she's taken hold of that view, and kept her vow. To my knowledge, she has never broken it.

Her friend Kaitlin had some ups and downs in their sophomore year of high school. Her mother moved to Arizona and left her with one of her friends and her mom, who worked in the District Attorney's office. This girl wound up egging Kaitlin into slitting her wrists! Katie nearly died and I was enraged! I told my daughter, "If you don't go get her and bring her home, I'm going over there, and I'm getting in that girl's mom's face! Put it this way? It won't be pretty!" Katie moved in that very night. She now lives in Arizona with her husband and her three year old son and is doing really well. I'm very proud of her!

Yesterday, the other "Amigo," who found out a few months ago that she is pregnant, asked me about how to get Medi-Cal insurance. I told her to call Health and Human Services for the county, and even texted her the number through my daughter. I then remembered that I had checked out the website of the crisis pregnancy center I volunteered at in the mid '90's earlier that day and how surprised I was at the great expansion of services they now offer to young women, especially those who want to keep their babies and raise them on their own. I beamed that phone number to my daughter too, and she didn't understand why I was so excited! (All one need do, is read the post below this one, and you'll see what I'm excited about!).

They can help her with free maternity clothes, free baby clothes, diapers, formula, bottles, parenting classes, prenatal vitamins, a car seat, crib, etc., along with counseling. I didn't think of it while she was here, but I texted my daughter the number and told her to tell her about it.

God is so good isn't he? If you don't know Jesus, He is there for you! The door is always open, just as my door will always be open to these girls, my 5 extra daughters! Yes, that's how many young ladies we've taken in over the years. 3 for my youngest daughter, 1 for my oldest daughter and one when the children were younger. 

What happened yesterday? Well, it doesn't bother me anymore. God gave me peace that I did the right thing. I've cut ties with someone who called someone I really admire "stupid." And she didn't just call her stupid, she called me, every other woman in the group that day, stupid and she called my pastor stupid. The pastors in this community really help the center to stay open!

There is a path, His name is Jesus. 

She was on the road, thinking she had a long way to go, but the journey begins and ends with Jesus! It's not that far to go, you know? It just takes a step or two. 

What are you waiting for? He's waiting for you! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Abortion Debate: My Friend was Stupid?

The Crisis Pregnancy Center, where I wanted to volunteer back in November 1995, to help other young women in trouble, was run by a gal named Denise. She told me that if I had ever had an abortion, I would need to complete Post Abortion Counseling first before I could counsel other young women on their options. Options other than killing their children, like adoption for instance.

I have a friend, who bears the same name, and doesn't know anything about what Denise went through, but while discussing the latest Planned Parenthood video earlier today, she said that Denise was "stupid" that she didn't know it was a baby and not just "tissue" as the clinic she had gone to told her. 

I'm sorry, but what woman, who has been through this procedure, at a young age, wasn't confused, scared out of their minds, and willing to be comforted by anyone who might absolve them of the act they were about to commit by telling them it was just a few "cells and some tissue?" I got the same counseling when I was 18, but I knew it was wrong. I knew it was wrong in my heart, but I was scared out of my mind because I had been doing drugs and my mother was a very controlling person, and didn't want me having a child out of wedlock. She was afraid of losing her reputation.

I have been witnessing to this woman for years, but she's never actually said the "sinner's prayer" or gone to church with me. I've invited her, but she never wanted to go and has said that she never will. Well, we'll see. Wait until things get really interesting, because people that normally wouldn't darken the doorway of a church? Yup! Their out buying bibles and going to church, getting saved, going to bible studies, Celebrate Recovery, and getting their acts together and gaining a pure reverential fear of the Lord! I say "Hallelujah!" My church had to add back it's Saturday evening service because of this phenomenon!

What's really sad? My friend, the one who called Denise "stupid," has had a few abortions herself. She claims she was able to walk into a drug store and get the morning after pill when she was younger, but it wasn't even legal until several years ago, or am I missing something here? She really gave herself away when she called the Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Center "stupid." She has always been very judgmental of others, considers herself as better and smarter than other people, which is something that the bible expressly states is wrong and seems to be oblivious to her own sinful nature. "Do nothing from selfishness or vain conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves." (Philippians 2:3).

The Crisis Pregnancy Center Director I'm talking about told all of us in one of our group sessions that she was having a hard time forgiving the grey haired grandmother who told her it was just "tissue" before she had the procedure and the Lord gave me a word of knowledge, which I asked to share. God had shared with me that the woman who told her that was "deceived herself." I felt so humbled at the thought that God used me to help her. She was the Center's Director! I have to tell you, I've never felt the Holy Spirit move in a room like that ever before, and not again since, except for maybe a few days before my mom passed away, when the Lord covered me with "peace that surpasses all understanding," and whispered in my ear, "It's ok. She's mine." 

You see, for years, because my mother had been so abusive, both verbally and physically, I really worried that she was not saved! The peace covered me like a big warm blanket, I felt so safe, I can't even explain it? All I know is that the preacher at her funeral spoke of a beetle in another country, that when it dies the big shell opens up and releases a bunch of beautiful baby dragonflies into the air. We got lost going to the cemetery. For some reason there was no processional. We arrived 20 minutes late, and after we arrived, the preacher who had told the story asked us to bow our heads so we could pray. My mom's friends, all non-church going heathens, kept their heads up, and they were treated to a beautiful dragonfly floating over my mother's casket, just over the beautiful red roses, right in front of her photo! I never saw it, but I didn't need to! It was all anyone was talking about at the reception! It was a confirmation to me, that what I had heard was TRUE! (And talk about God's timing? That little dragonfly must've had a very long way to go, because instead of Rose Hills in Whittier, we ended up in DOWNTOWN LA!).

You talk about peace? Wow! It was just like the peace I saw come over Denise's face when I asked her the question that God had spoken to me in my mind! It's a moment I will treasure forever!

When this so called friend said she was "stupid" for not knowing that it was a " baby" I told her I was done, and I hung up the phone. I then texted her and told her not to call me again. She texted two messages to me after that but I deleted both of them without reading them. This? It was the final straw! 

I once heard someone say, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." Yeah, it's time to let it go. Pray for a waterer and a sower, and let go and let God. I just can't deal with it anymore. She is a "know it all" who loves to put you in your place when you're wrong, and considering that she has had abortions herself, to call another person who had one as a young woman who was frightened, scared, and not knowledgeable enough to know that it's a baby from the moment of conception is just a bit too judgmental for me to listen to. I didn't even know until I had 3 kids! It just wasn't something I was that aware of? My OB never spoke about it? I didn't learn about it in school, I learned about it in CHURCH, that LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION!

I've known this woman for 15 years. I've planted the seed. She did ask me a question earlier this year about "who should we pray to? God or Jesus?" That gave me hope, but I couldn't really get anywhere after telling her that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me." (John 14:6). Even though I encouraged her to start reading the bible, starting with the book of John, she refused to do so. Said she "didn't have time." Well, soon? She'll be completely out of time, and then? Well, then it will be too late.

It's sad, but true. You can really only give so much to one person before you have to take the hint, and stop being their friend. I decided that day was today. Why you ask?

Well, Denise, the Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Center, is connected to several pastors in my town, several of whom I know, one of whom is the builder and former Sr. Pastor of my own church and a very close friend of mine. It would be like turning my back on Jesus to stay friends with her, so I had to walk away. 

This latest Planned Parenthood video where this young woman describes a baby, still alive after being delivered, fully intact, having it's brain cut out? I saw the video. Don't watch it. It will hurt you beyond what you think you can bear? I didn't know that it would be in the video, and was so shocked, but the little baby boy, which fit into this woman's two hands, was laid in a large dish, and his left foot kept moving. The woman in the tape said that a tech showed her, that if you tap the child, the heart will start to beat??????? 


Can you tell I'm just a little too close to this? 

I have to admit it. It was hard, but I walked away. I will continue to pray for her, but I had to cut ties. My pastor would tell me I did the right thing. 15 year investment, with zero return? What would a financial counselor tell me? To bail out of the stock or whatever it is that isn't yielding me anything! That's what I would be told! It's called "boundaries?" You don't keep going back into the ring to get kicked in the teeth, right? I mean, you have to eventually say, "ENOUGH!" 

"Do not give what is Holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6).

It is time, fellow Christians, to get all the "grey areas" out of our lives! That's exactly what happened here? When she said my friend was "stupid," it was if some sort of an "alarm" went off inside of me? It was as if she was calling God Himself, "stupid?" She sent two texts after I hung up and texted her to never call me again? I didn't even read them! I deleted them, and then blocked her from calling, texting, etc. 

There is a scripture that says, "Bad company corrupts good morals." (1 Corinthians 15:33). I know for a fact, that she was a bad influence on me, so it was time to cut her loose.  I will continue praying for her and her family, but I had to walk. After finishing this post, I found this video? I think God was definitely trying to tell me, "It's alright. You stood up for Me. You did the right thing." 

If we've ever needed You, Lord, it's now!
May Your Kingdom come in our hearts and lives,
Let Your Church Arise, Let Your Church Arise!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

He is Always Enough

In January 2008, I had an MRI done by David Grant Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base. I was diagnosed with a spinal birth defect called "spinal stenosis." I wound up losing my job and then couldn't work. I did work from home, but now that income has left the state? The last job I had outside of the home, was in September 2007 through January 2008 when I was laid off. 

The pain I have been in since August 2007, seemed to subside with the proper medication, but now things have gotten much worse. I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, which I have under control but will need to test my glucose levels forever now, and then in June of 2014, I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, which is the most painful thing I've ever had to endure.  

My new RA is having a difficult time treating me because I keep spiking fevers and showing high white blood cell counts. She's afraid if she puts me on methotrexate to try to put me in remission from the PA, that it could cause a severe infection and land me in the hospital. The last three times I was in a hospital, (2 live births and 1 surgery), I nearly died of staph infection. Apparently, I'm highly susceptible to staph which is where most people get it, in the hospital.

So, to make a long story short, I have two different auto-immune disorders that are ravaging my earthly tent. I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia twice, but don't have too many of the side effects that go along with it? I did read a medical journal that said that spinal stenosis is the #1 cause of fibromyalgia so I guess it's possible that I just got lucky?

Even though I'm suffering on a daily basis, through some really fiery trials, I know that in these trials, God is showing me His strength! He lends it to me every day for, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! (Philippians 4:13).

So I will continue to offer Him my praise! I will lift my hands to the One who "can do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:20). 

Just as Paul did, I have asked God to take these trials from me, and to heal me completely. When Paul asked a third time for the thorn in his side to be removed, "God said, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." (2 Corinthians 12:9).

I ask Him every day to help me, for "apart from Him, I can do nothing." I totally trust Him. As Job said, in his agony and misery, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." Job 13:15). What Job sufferred? He gained everything he lost double fold! Because he trusted God!

I trust Him too!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Persecution & the Family: Follow Up

Boy, when it rains, it pours?

My nephew was married on 8/3. I thought it was my husband and kids who didn't want me there? Yes, that cheating husband? I moved away from my family in LA to move to Northern California in '85, which is when we got married. Our anniversary, if you can even really call it that anymore is on 10/27. 30 years. I won't get so much as a "kiss my _____' from him.

Now to find out it was his sister, the one most solid Christian in his entire family, who didn't invite me? WOW! 

I guess it's just You and me now Lord? Please, hold me tight? I need You Jesus, more than I ever have.

Forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing Jesus.

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Removal of God's Blessing on America

"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:31).

As for the blessing and cursing, this is what God meant: A Nation founded on Judeo/Christian values like America, who is turning her back on Israel, will lose His blessing. 

Remember WWII? What did we find? Nazi death camps filled with Jews. The Jews were saved because of who? America and the Allied Armies of Europe! What happened right after that? America was declared the indisputable "super power of the world." WE BLESSED ISRAEL AND GOD BLESSED AMERICA!

We have now turned our back on Israel, several times in this current administration, and God is beginning to remove His blessing! We are being cursed because we no longer stand behind God's chosen people, Israel! 

There is a scripture in Ezekiel 38, that speaks of a "great cloud forming on the land," that is coming against Israel. That great cloud has already started to form. ISIS is the beginning of that cloud! Ancient Assyria is where "terrorism" actually began and modern day Assyria is in northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, south eastern Turkey and eastern Syria! HELLO, MCFLY, IS ANYBODY HOME?

Jesus is definitely coming to get us very soon. The question is, are you prepared? Have you asked forgiveness for your sins and asked Jesus to be Lord of your life? Lamentations 3:23 states, "His mercies are new every morning. Blessed be the name of the Lord." This means that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9), AND we can do it anew every morning! Why not take advantage of that? Sin is what separates us from God! We don't pray through an alternative, we pray through Jesus Christ! His Cross is the "bridge" that crosses the cavern that separates us from His Father! He said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me!" (John 14:6).

I believe that America is in the midst of losing her blessings from God almighty! If we don't come to our senses soon, there could be great calamity in America. If that does happen, however, do not fear! Did you know that the Bible says "do not fear' 365 times? That's one for each day of the Gregorian calendar! I think that is very interesting. We are not to be afraid for our lives, what we will eat, wear, etc. Jesus told us not to! Now, I kinda understand why. We are protected! The bible says so! "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life; You stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand delivers me." (Psalm 138:7).

If you haven't talked to Him in awhile, or ever? Maybe this is a good time to do so. If you get forgiven and walk with Him on a daily basis, and stay awake, and don't fall back into a lull of security or your bad habits, then you'll not only get Raptured, you'll be able to stand before Him clean! Jesus is our defense lawyer and the devil will be our prosecutor on the day of judgment. When Jesus says, "Your honor, she/he is with Me," the Lord will see that our names are indeed, written in the "Lambs Book of Life," and we will be escorted out of the judges courtroom and into heaven where we belong!

This world is temporary. It always has been! This is not our "permanent" home! Heaven is! It's time. Get right with the Lord! He misses you! He wants you saved, and He wants you back, before it's too late! It's time to get forgiven and get all that weigh's you down off of your shoulders and onto His! Lay them at the foot of His cross. "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you!" (1 Peter 5:7).

Jesus loves you. He doesn't want to leave without you, but He will if He has to. I love you too and I want you there. I wouldn't wish the 7 years of hell this earth will go through during the great tribulation on my very worst enemy!

May those who read this, hear what it is You are trying to tell them Jesus? I hope that we'll all be together on that day, standing before You on clouds of glory! 

Oh Jesus, I can't wait to touch Your sky! 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

God Misses You!

God misses you! He needs you to come home so that you can come with us on that amazing day when He will come on a cloud, and we'll be in the middle of a word, (hopefully, it won't be an idle one), and we'll finish it in front of Jesus!

In Luke 21:36, Jesus told the disciples, "Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."  

God misses you and so do we, your brothers and sisters in Christ! If you've fallen, please listen to this song, and remember what it was like to go to church, worship Jesus and how close you had gotten to Him before the devil robbed you of your belief, your hope and your joy? "The thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy. I came that you might have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10).

The devil doesn't only roam about like a "roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour," (1 Peter 5:8), he is also very sneaky! I remember hearing a bible teacher once say, "You must know your enemy very well, in order to #1 see him coming, #2 see his attacks for what they are, a way to get you to sin and be separated from God, and #3 to lull you into a sense of complacency, which will could eventually leave you wondering, "what the heck just happened," when we get raptured, and you get left here for seven years of hell on earth? I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!  A.W. Tozer, the famous bible scholar said it this way: "Complacency is the death knell to all spiritual growth." Complacency is what has caused the "great falling away," as the bible calls it. "Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, (destruction, lawlessness)." (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

If you are watching what is going on in this country, and haven't felt God tug on your heart, or have and didn't answer? How long before it will be too late and you get left behind? A lot of people who are Christians, seem to think they'll get raptured simply because they believe! Even the demons believe Jesus is the Son of God! You have to have a few other things there, like for instance, "Faith without works," well, it's dead. (James 2:19-20), "Love one another, as I have loved you." (John 15:12), and "Without faith, it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6). This scripture does not refer to "intellectual belief," but rather "trust." Each one means something completely different from the other. 

I heard this description of the difference once: Say you're at Niagara Falls and some guy is walking across the falls on a tightrope and asks the crowd gathered to watch his amazing feat, "How many of you think I can make it to the center of the falls and back again?" Of course, because your own lives are not at stake, you would applaud and egg him on to try. So say that the tightrope walker walks to the center of the falls, grabs something, a wheelbarrow, and pushes it across the tightrope and comes back. Once he makes it back to the side where you are gathered with the crowd, say the tightrope walker asks this time, "How many of you think I can push this wheelbarrow all the way across the falls and make it back again?" Of course, again, because your life is not in any way threatened, you applaud with the rest of the crowd for him to try. That is....until he asks, "Can I get a volunteer to get into the wheelbarrow?"

The question is, if Jesus was the one pushing the wheelbarrow, would you get into it? If you can say yes, that you trust Him to keep you safe, from all harm, knowing that He wouldn't let you fall, then you trust Him for your life. However, there are other scriptures that speak of people who are delusional in their belief systems, and thus, this has caused a "great falling away from the faith," by many! They are now dead and dying in their sin! "I told you that you would die in your sins, if you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins." (John 8:24). 

In the book of Revelation, Jesus says, "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth."  (Revelation 3:15-16). This is the last warning He gave us before John was taken to heaven in the Spirit, to see what would come after all these things came to pass and in his own limited way, John described what the seven year tribulation would be like.

Jesus also warned us about our motives when we do good works! "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name and in Your name drive out demons and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you! Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.' Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall because it had it's foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash." (Matthew 7:22-27).

I don't know about you, but I know I have friends that I know have fallen away from the Lord. I have friends and family members that I'm not sure are even saved. I pray for them all of the time, and if you aren't doing that? Time to dust off that "Sword of Truth that lies dusty on your shelf," and start using it again! We've all walked away from God, some of us for longer than others and I am no exception! I'm a sinner, pure and simple. The Word says, "All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God!" (Romans 3:23). 

Revelation 3:15-16 is the last warning in the bible to those of us who are believers! "After this I looked and there was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this." (Revelation 4:1). 

If you listen to some of the same scholars I have listened to, both Christian and Christian Jew, then you know that Revelation 4:1, is where the Rapture of the Church will take place. That is why, at least I believe, that this warning occurs in Revelation 3:15-16! If the Rapture occurs in Chapter 4, verse 1, then this IS THE LAST WARNING JESUS GIVES US! 

A time of great testing is headed our way, and I would suggest that you not worry, but that you pray for God to reveal Himself to you. That you pray for all those in your family, and all of your unsaved friends, that they will see the things we have all been telling them about, and that God will use what we have told them to draw them to Himself! "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you, cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your heart, you double minded." (James 4:8). If you give Jesus just ONE WEEK, He will change EVERYTHING!

"Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling. Calling for you and for me. See on the portals He's waiting and watching. Watching for you, and for me."

"Come home, come home, ye who are weary come home. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling. Calling, oh sinner, come Home."

Will L. Thompson

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Abortion: Denial Of The Deluded

I was a stupid 18 year old kid when I got pregnant. I'd been doing drugs. My mother made the appointment and walked into the clinic, paid for the "procedure" and then left me there, all alone. After it was over, I went home and wrote in my diary "I killed my baby today." As for why I was home, going in to see the "doctor," my mom said I was "having female problems," and had to have some tests run. I went along with her "lie" because I was so ashamed.

When I was 20, it happened again. Same thing happened. "You've been doing drugs, the baby won't be right." She made an appointment, paid, and left me there, alone. 

The first time, someone counseled me. Told me it was just "tissue," but I knew that wasn't true. I was so scared & so messed up, especially emotionally, that I could barely take care of myself, much less a child. Also, no other options were ever discussed!

The second time, my mom made another appointment at the same "clinic." There was no counseling this time, just an exam. Then, I got left on a gurney with my legs in weird, "all the way up to the knees" stirrups on the side of the gurney where my hands were and I was left uncovered and given no dignity at all. I probably at that point, didn't deserve any. I remember a bunch of people walking by, doctor's, nurses, etc., and they were all looking at me and giving me a "stare," of disapproval. How dare they do that! They were doing hundreds of these "murders" a week! God help them! The doctor looked at me with such judgment, I've never gotten over the judgmental "look" he gave me as he was walking by. 

In 1995 I wanted to help our local Crisis Pregnancy Center, who counsels young women about adoption, and other alternatives to "murder," or as the left calls it "abortion." I was told I would have to go through "Post Abortion Counseling" before I could counsel other young women. What was really difficult, is that I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and I was going through counseling at the same time. My greatest fear was that they would do that to me again, just like that judgmental dr. in the clinic did the second time around. 

The gal who counseled me one on one was a nurse and she worked for an OB/GYN. She told me exactly how the surgery would go, and that it was most likely the devil dropping guilt on me that was making me feel ashamed, afraid, etc., that it would happen to me again. She told me it was not something I needed to worry about, and it wasn't. I was on a gurney, completely covered and nothing happened til after I was under anesthesia and knocked out completely. I'm so grateful she was there and she was my counselor! It was a very difficult thing to go through, especially knowing I was going to lose my womb, which carried my four children to term and held my two children whom I mudered, when I was young, stupid and felt like there was no other way out.

My "triggers" for the PTSD some of us go through, were 7up and oranges and new car smell because my mom had a brand new Cadillac. Those triggers would bring the memories back so vividly, and we talked about them a lot. In one of our group sessions, the Holy Spirit was VERY STRONG! Our fearless leader, who founded the center was having a problem with forgiving the "grey haired grandmother" that told her it was "just tissue." Suddenly, I had a very strong word of knowledge. I raised my hand and said, "God just gave me a word of knowledge about you." She said to share it, so I sheepishly asked her, "Did you ever think that maybe the woman who told you that was deceived by the devil herself?" I will never forget the look of relief that came over her face! That was one of the most amazing moments of my life! 

At the end of counseling, the last thing we did was imagine our children in heaven with Jesus. The center filled pink, blue and white balloons with helium, white representing their purity and innocence, and on a Saturday after our counseling was all completed, we released one for each child that had been taken through deception, or our own weaknesses, even those of us who knew it was totally wrong, like I did. We all held hands and we all prayed. God has forgiven me for what I did, and the devil doesn't bring it up anymore! God has completely lifted that demon off of me and drop kicked him around the world forever! I never have to feel ashamed again! I could've stood up to my mother but I was too scared, too young and too messed up.

After that particular "procedure," when I was 20 years old, I was so badly affected afterwards, that when someone introduced me to cocaine, I began doing it to kill the pain of what I had done, and boy did I ever feel totally worthless! I wound up with a $100 a day cocaine habit. This went on for several months and finally, a few moments before midnight on 9/22, I did the last line on the mirror and looked up right after the clock struck midnight on 9/23, which was my 21st birthday, and prayed,"God, if you've ever loved me, I won't need this tomorrow." He answered me IMMEDIATELY! I was DELIVERED THE VERY NEXT DAY!

It took me several years to figure it out, but not only was I completely delivered from illegal drugs that very moment, I can't even take prescription pain killers! Everything they put me on makes me sick as a hound with the flu! YES! GOD DID THAT!

I'm a murderer. I've hated people in my thoughts and due to our sin nature, I don't know one person on the planet who doesn't have at least one person in their life that they really hate? So I've committed two types of murder, but God has forgiven me for all of it! In fact, He knows every word that is on our tongue before it comes out of our mouths and every sin we'll ever commit, from now until the day He returns to take us home. He died once for ALL OF OUR SINS! NOT JUST SOME OF THEM! The bible says "He who hates his brother or sister is a murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him." (1 John 3:15). This is a very personal and difficult subject for me and it makes me want to throw up when I hear these people in these video's, what's being said, and what's being blurred, with the gentlemen who exposed them asking, "is that a foot?" 

Please, if you've had an abortion, and you feel like I did? That you're "over it," and that it "no longer bothers you?" Go find a Crisis Pregnancy Center and ask to go through a post abortion counseling program? It will be hard, but you will come out the other side a whole new person! You'll no longer be hounded by the devil that you are a rotten person, a murderer, and that you don't deserve goodness, forgiveness, etc., in your life. God loves you! He wants to help you get through it and over it! 

He needs those of us who've been there to step up! These people? They are all DELUSIONAL! "JUST TISSUE" MY EYE! THEY'RE RETRIEVING BABY ORGANS FOR R&D? SERIOUSLY?????? THIS IS MURDER, PURE AND SIMPLE! 

I remember a famous Christian once saying, "If there was a window to the womb, abortion would end tomorrow." And you know what? I think people are for the very first time, seeing these video's, and hearing all of this and thinking, "Oh God, what have we done?" God is bringing things out of the darkness into the light, for all to see! Just like I was completely exposed in that hallway on that gurney, completely uncovered, all the lies and undisclosed secrets, etc., are going to come out whether we want them to or not! "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." (Luke 8:17). 

Isn't that what is happening here? What has been done in "secret" Is being made known by these brave souls who go into these clinics, posing as "buyers," and who are "exposing" what was once "hidden in secret."

God, please be with all the young women in this country who are deceived into believing that an abortion is their only way out, their only option? Please open the eyes of those who work in these clinics! THESE ARE BABIES! NOT FETUSES! 

This horrible procedure known as "abortion," has taken 58,144,659 babies in the United States ALONE since the Roe V Wade decision by the Supreme Court in 1973! That was a Shemitah year! There was a stock market crash that year in the fall! Read "The Mystery of the Shemitah," by Jonathan Cahn and you will see how CLOSE we are to ETERNITY! This Link will take you to the World Wide Abortion clock! If you don't believe me, check for yourself! The numbers are changing every minute! THIS IS A HOLOCAUST OF THE WORST KIND!

If you are pregnant, scared, and thinking you have no other way out, please find your local Crisis Pregnancy Center or contact Online For Life and get counseled on the other options available to you. Abortion is not the only answer! God is waiting for you to turn TO HIM! Let Him help you! 

God bless all who have read this. Please begin to pray for the scales to drop off of the eyes of these doctors, so that they are repulsed and leave the biz! It starts with "changing hearts and minds."

You know? I really know something is horribly askew when people are crying over a protected lion killed by a dentist in Kenya, but these horrible, ghastly video's, of people discussing the sale of baby body parts, organs, etc., don't cause people to shed even one tear! That is an abomination before God! Read Psalm 139 people! It's all in there!

Are you Pro Choice? So then decide. A lion? Or a baby waiting to be born?

It's time to choose the life of an infant in utero over the lion, beetle, owl, bugs, etc. People today seem to want to give them, and eventually it will be rocks, more rights than an infant in the womb! 

That is just how delusional some people really are. And that? Well, it's just terribly sad.  

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Persecution and The Family

In the Gospels, Jesus told the disciples, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man's enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 10:34-36). 

I now have the distinct pleasure of being hated by my entire family for Jesus sake. I believe my faith get's in their way? It's something I believe, so they get convicted? My husband cheats on me with another woman right here, under the roof where we raised our children and he does it WHEN I'M HOME! The kids have been ignoring me for years, and I know that's normal but to not receive so much as a text to wish me a Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, or a Mother's day card, text, flowers? I just get a "whole lot of nuthin."

Yeah, that one hits you hard. A knife in the heart, twisted, in unison, by your husband and all of your children. I ALWAYS called my mom on her birthday, Christmas and Thanksgiving and I certainly never forgot her on Mother's Day and she was a complete witch! I expect one or two to forget, but not ALL FOUR OF THEM!

I'm beginning to believe that I will be completely healed by God so that He can use me for His Kingdom! I've been writing this blog since April 2012 when He "tapped me on the shoulder," to remind me that He is there and in control. Ever since then, I've had visions, I think differently, and while I've fallen a few times, (well, maybe it's more like a gillion times?), I keep getting up and dusting myself off. It's the only way to make it through the hardest times in life. One thing I constantly keep in mind as the emotional torture continues is this: "This one thing I do, not looking behind, but striving towards what lies ahead." (Philippians 3:13b).

Some say that we are put through trials, tribulation, illness, all the bad stuff, so that God can make us stronger? I feel like that's what I'm going through. I know it sounds weird, but that's how it feels. I realized a long time ago that God was separating the "sheep from the goats" in my family, just as He will do in heaven during the judgment! To those He will say, 'I never knew you." 

So today, even though I'm living a broken life, when God decides to breathe air back into me? Watch out! Cause I'm gonna "break a few heads," but just mentally? I'll make them THINK FOR THEMSELVES! They are all being led astray by evil demonic spirits just like my kids are!

You know, I feel like my life is something between, "SNAFU" (Situation Normal all Fouled Up."), and "FUBAR" (Fouled up Beyond All Recognition."). I feel so abandoned and alone, that my heart is literally beginning to break. There are people out there, especially my entire family, who need to get right with God! I believe what I'm witnessing in my own family, is something the rest of the world, as Christians, are going through as well. I know I'm not the only one.

All I can think of is that God is going to take this broken mess, named ME and turn it into something amazing! I'm grateful for Jesus, for without Him, I would certainly have committed suicide a long time ago. That's how much abuse I have endured since the day I was born! Now I get left alone for days at a time, my best friend hates me because I'm trying to warn her of the time of the end and my kids treat me like I don't exist. Kinda makes you feel like a pile of inconvenient dog poo. 

God bless and have a good day, and if you're going through the same thing? Don't worry. God can restore anything He decides to restore! If you've screwed up, like I did, and they found out and lost all respect for you, just remember this: The only person whose opinion matters is God! No matter what they think you are, you're flawless because Jesus died for you on a Roman cross! But ya know? Family? They're the hardest to please and the hardest to get an "I forgive you" from and it will always be like that. Some are chosen, and some are called, but they all just think I'M CRAZY! 

So, I'm just gonna sit back, ignore them the way they've ignored me (they don't want to talk to me anyway?), and just wait for Jesus to take me and use me for His Kingdom, or just rapture me with the rest of the church and take me to heaven, which is the only place I feel I truly belong.

"When you see these things happening, stand up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28). 

Thanks for taking time to read this. You are all in my prayers!