Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Abortion Debate: My Friend was Stupid?

The Crisis Pregnancy Center, where I wanted to volunteer back in November 1995, to help other young women in trouble, was run by a gal named Denise. She told me that if I had ever had an abortion, I would need to complete Post Abortion Counseling first before I could counsel other young women on their options. Options other than killing their children, like adoption for instance.

I have a friend, who bears the same name, and doesn't know anything about what Denise went through, but while discussing the latest Planned Parenthood video earlier today, she said that Denise was "stupid" that she didn't know it was a baby and not just "tissue" as the clinic she had gone to told her. 

I'm sorry, but what woman, who has been through this procedure, at a young age, wasn't confused, scared out of their minds, and willing to be comforted by anyone who might absolve them of the act they were about to commit by telling them it was just a few "cells and some tissue?" I got the same counseling when I was 18, but I knew it was wrong. I knew it was wrong in my heart, but I was scared out of my mind because I had been doing drugs and my mother was a very controlling person, and didn't want me having a child out of wedlock. She was afraid of losing her reputation.

I have been witnessing to this woman for years, but she's never actually said the "sinner's prayer" or gone to church with me. I've invited her, but she never wanted to go and has said that she never will. Well, we'll see. Wait until things get really interesting, because people that normally wouldn't darken the doorway of a church? Yup! Their out buying bibles and going to church, getting saved, going to bible studies, Celebrate Recovery, and getting their acts together and gaining a pure reverential fear of the Lord! I say "Hallelujah!" My church had to add back it's Saturday evening service because of this phenomenon!

What's really sad? My friend, the one who called Denise "stupid," has had a few abortions herself. She claims she was able to walk into a drug store and get the morning after pill when she was younger, but it wasn't even legal until several years ago, or am I missing something here? She really gave herself away when she called the Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Center "stupid." She has always been very judgmental of others, considers herself as better and smarter than other people, which is something that the bible expressly states is wrong and seems to be oblivious to her own sinful nature. "Do nothing from selfishness or vain conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves." (Philippians 2:3).

The Crisis Pregnancy Center Director I'm talking about told all of us in one of our group sessions that she was having a hard time forgiving the grey haired grandmother who told her it was just "tissue" before she had the procedure and the Lord gave me a word of knowledge, which I asked to share. God had shared with me that the woman who told her that was "deceived herself." I felt so humbled at the thought that God used me to help her. She was the Center's Director! I have to tell you, I've never felt the Holy Spirit move in a room like that ever before, and not again since, except for maybe a few days before my mom passed away, when the Lord covered me with "peace that surpasses all understanding," and whispered in my ear, "It's ok. She's mine." 

You see, for years, because my mother had been so abusive, both verbally and physically, I really worried that she was not saved! The peace covered me like a big warm blanket, I felt so safe, I can't even explain it? All I know is that the preacher at her funeral spoke of a beetle in another country, that when it dies the big shell opens up and releases a bunch of beautiful baby dragonflies into the air. We got lost going to the cemetery. For some reason there was no processional. We arrived 20 minutes late, and after we arrived, the preacher who had told the story asked us to bow our heads so we could pray. My mom's friends, all non-church going heathens, kept their heads up, and they were treated to a beautiful dragonfly floating over my mother's casket, just over the beautiful red roses, right in front of her photo! I never saw it, but I didn't need to! It was all anyone was talking about at the reception! It was a confirmation to me, that what I had heard was TRUE! (And talk about God's timing? That little dragonfly must've had a very long way to go, because instead of Rose Hills in Whittier, we ended up in DOWNTOWN LA!).

You talk about peace? Wow! It was just like the peace I saw come over Denise's face when I asked her the question that God had spoken to me in my mind! It's a moment I will treasure forever!

When this so called friend said she was "stupid" for not knowing that it was a " baby" I told her I was done, and I hung up the phone. I then texted her and told her not to call me again. She texted two messages to me after that but I deleted both of them without reading them. This? It was the final straw! 

I once heard someone say, "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." Yeah, it's time to let it go. Pray for a waterer and a sower, and let go and let God. I just can't deal with it anymore. She is a "know it all" who loves to put you in your place when you're wrong, and considering that she has had abortions herself, to call another person who had one as a young woman who was frightened, scared, and not knowledgeable enough to know that it's a baby from the moment of conception is just a bit too judgmental for me to listen to. I didn't even know until I had 3 kids! It just wasn't something I was that aware of? My OB never spoke about it? I didn't learn about it in school, I learned about it in CHURCH, that LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION!

I've known this woman for 15 years. I've planted the seed. She did ask me a question earlier this year about "who should we pray to? God or Jesus?" That gave me hope, but I couldn't really get anywhere after telling her that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me." (John 14:6). Even though I encouraged her to start reading the bible, starting with the book of John, she refused to do so. Said she "didn't have time." Well, soon? She'll be completely out of time, and then? Well, then it will be too late.

It's sad, but true. You can really only give so much to one person before you have to take the hint, and stop being their friend. I decided that day was today. Why you ask?

Well, Denise, the Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Center, is connected to several pastors in my town, several of whom I know, one of whom is the builder and former Sr. Pastor of my own church and a very close friend of mine. It would be like turning my back on Jesus to stay friends with her, so I had to walk away. 

This latest Planned Parenthood video where this young woman describes a baby, still alive after being delivered, fully intact, having it's brain cut out? I saw the video. Don't watch it. It will hurt you beyond what you think you can bear? I didn't know that it would be in the video, and was so shocked, but the little baby boy, which fit into this woman's two hands, was laid in a large dish, and his left foot kept moving. The woman in the tape said that a tech showed her, that if you tap the child, the heart will start to beat??????? 


Can you tell I'm just a little too close to this? 

I have to admit it. It was hard, but I walked away. I will continue to pray for her, but I had to cut ties. My pastor would tell me I did the right thing. 15 year investment, with zero return? What would a financial counselor tell me? To bail out of the stock or whatever it is that isn't yielding me anything! That's what I would be told! It's called "boundaries?" You don't keep going back into the ring to get kicked in the teeth, right? I mean, you have to eventually say, "ENOUGH!" 

"Do not give what is Holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6).

It is time, fellow Christians, to get all the "grey areas" out of our lives! That's exactly what happened here? When she said my friend was "stupid," it was if some sort of an "alarm" went off inside of me? It was as if she was calling God Himself, "stupid?" She sent two texts after I hung up and texted her to never call me again? I didn't even read them! I deleted them, and then blocked her from calling, texting, etc. 

There is a scripture that says, "Bad company corrupts good morals." (1 Corinthians 15:33). I know for a fact, that she was a bad influence on me, so it was time to cut her loose.  I will continue praying for her and her family, but I had to walk. After finishing this post, I found this video? I think God was definitely trying to tell me, "It's alright. You stood up for Me. You did the right thing." 

If we've ever needed You, Lord, it's now!
May Your Kingdom come in our hearts and lives,
Let Your Church Arise, Let Your Church Arise!

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JeriAnn Eakin