Monday, August 10, 2015

The Removal of God's Blessing on America

"I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." (Genesis 12:31).

As for the blessing and cursing, this is what God meant: A Nation founded on Judeo/Christian values like America, who is turning her back on Israel, will lose His blessing. 

Remember WWII? What did we find? Nazi death camps filled with Jews. The Jews were saved because of who? America and the Allied Armies of Europe! What happened right after that? America was declared the indisputable "super power of the world." WE BLESSED ISRAEL AND GOD BLESSED AMERICA!

We have now turned our back on Israel, several times in this current administration, and God is beginning to remove His blessing! We are being cursed because we no longer stand behind God's chosen people, Israel! 

There is a scripture in Ezekiel 38, that speaks of a "great cloud forming on the land," that is coming against Israel. That great cloud has already started to form. ISIS is the beginning of that cloud! Ancient Assyria is where "terrorism" actually began and modern day Assyria is in northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, south eastern Turkey and eastern Syria! HELLO, MCFLY, IS ANYBODY HOME?

Jesus is definitely coming to get us very soon. The question is, are you prepared? Have you asked forgiveness for your sins and asked Jesus to be Lord of your life? Lamentations 3:23 states, "His mercies are new every morning. Blessed be the name of the Lord." This means that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9), AND we can do it anew every morning! Why not take advantage of that? Sin is what separates us from God! We don't pray through an alternative, we pray through Jesus Christ! His Cross is the "bridge" that crosses the cavern that separates us from His Father! He said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me!" (John 14:6).

I believe that America is in the midst of losing her blessings from God almighty! If we don't come to our senses soon, there could be great calamity in America. If that does happen, however, do not fear! Did you know that the Bible says "do not fear' 365 times? That's one for each day of the Gregorian calendar! I think that is very interesting. We are not to be afraid for our lives, what we will eat, wear, etc. Jesus told us not to! Now, I kinda understand why. We are protected! The bible says so! "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life; You stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand delivers me." (Psalm 138:7).

If you haven't talked to Him in awhile, or ever? Maybe this is a good time to do so. If you get forgiven and walk with Him on a daily basis, and stay awake, and don't fall back into a lull of security or your bad habits, then you'll not only get Raptured, you'll be able to stand before Him clean! Jesus is our defense lawyer and the devil will be our prosecutor on the day of judgment. When Jesus says, "Your honor, she/he is with Me," the Lord will see that our names are indeed, written in the "Lambs Book of Life," and we will be escorted out of the judges courtroom and into heaven where we belong!

This world is temporary. It always has been! This is not our "permanent" home! Heaven is! It's time. Get right with the Lord! He misses you! He wants you saved, and He wants you back, before it's too late! It's time to get forgiven and get all that weigh's you down off of your shoulders and onto His! Lay them at the foot of His cross. "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you!" (1 Peter 5:7).

Jesus loves you. He doesn't want to leave without you, but He will if He has to. I love you too and I want you there. I wouldn't wish the 7 years of hell this earth will go through during the great tribulation on my very worst enemy!

May those who read this, hear what it is You are trying to tell them Jesus? I hope that we'll all be together on that day, standing before You on clouds of glory! 

Oh Jesus, I can't wait to touch Your sky! 

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JeriAnn Eakin