Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Please Lord, Save Hume Lake Christian Camp?

I just learned that Kings Canyon Lodge has burned down, and in this photo, you can see Hume Lake Christian Camp, which is to the east of Kings Canyon. To the right of the lake, where all the first responders are parked, is the dark green slope of the dining room where we met to eat all of our meals and had to do "KP duty" at least once or twice while we were there.                                                                                                                       

I just now sat here and cried. I went to Hume Lake in my sophomore year of high school with the Sr. High Youth group at my church, First Baptist Church, Covina, CA. That was in 1978. I went again with the ladies at First Baptist Church, Fairfield, CA., in the winter of 1991. I was older, had 2 kids and just needed to get away from it all, and the thought of going back? Well, I was excited!

The first time I went was in the summer and the last time, in the winter. The roller skating rink was filled up with water and allowed to freeze so we could go ice skating! That was super fun! They had a cart with hot chocolate and other winter treats, and we all had a really great time!

When I went with my youth group in the summer of 1978, the praise worship band booked for that week, caught me playing the piano and singing"Desperado" by The Eagles in the kid's meeting lodge all by myself, just before our evening praise and worship service. I apologized, thinking I wasn't supposed to be there, but they thought I was good, so they invited me to play for all of the campers that night to open the service. It's a treasured memory, one I will never forget.

I just felt like when my parents looked at us, all they saw was each other? It was like they didn't want to raise us at all. It really was an awful time in my life, with all the abuse I was going through at home and I was relieved to be away from it, even if it was just for a week? I just felt like no matter what I did, it was never going to be good enough.

God bless my step dad, who talked my mother into letting me go that summer. It was a week of pure peace! The mountainous terrains we hiked, the fishing boats we rowed out onto the lake, jumping in fully clothed if we got too hot and then trying not to tip the entire boat over while trying to get back into it? The rocks we climbed, and the stream coming from on top of the mountain, over the rocks, with moss grown on them. They were very slippery! We had a terrific time there and other than the guys throwing our Associate Pastor, Bob, who had a great sense of humor, into the lake while they were out on the lake fishing, there were no serious injuries that whole week! 

There were at least 4 youth groups from other churches there, and we all wore different color t-shirts to distinguish between the youth groups. We wore blue ones, and the other campers, wore their colors, and the whole week was a competitive thing, and based on points, our youth group won! We obviously won the talent portion? (Not bragging, but music has always been my greatest gift, besides faith?).

When I went with the ladies in 1991, Barbara Johnson was our speaker. She wrote several books, including "Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy." Boy was she ever funny! She took notice of the fact that she had tickled my funny bone so badly, I simply could not stop giggling and laughing! Every thing she said, made me laugh even harder! I just couldn't help it! By the time she spotted me, I started to shrink down in my seat, trying to avoid detection but even though I'd disappeared from sight, she said, "Nope, that's not gonna work. I can still see you!' To which my friends really started to laugh, along with a lot of the other ladies from other churches that were there that weekend. (I think a few of us were rolling in the aisle, literally, because we couldn't stop laughing! It went on for about five minutes and was hysterical!).

Please pray that God saves this camp?  I've already lost too darn much in my life to lose this very special place too? It just holds a very special section of my heart, and I don't want to lose it. I've lost my kids who suddenly are grown and gone and don't need me anymore. They never call, text, nothing. I guess they just don't want to talk to me anymore. I've obviously lost my husband, who cheats right here under the roof where we raised our children. What's worse is that he does it when I'm home? It's hard to deal with, but I try very hard to prepare for it, and then be forgiving. I don't want to hold myself hostage by not being a forgiving person about it?

I pretty much lost my dad when my mom kicked him out of the house two weeks before Christmas when I was just eight years old. She did so never once stopping to think about how it would affect my brother or me. He left and five months later, he married my mother's sister! And after marrying her, he became a wonderful father, out of the blue, all of a sudden to her three kids, who all turned out great. 

My poor brother and I most definitely got shafted in the whole arrangement. My dad had his family and my mother remarried and had two step sons that she doted on. My brother and I were the casualties in the whole mess. We were so terribly abused by our mother, and my brother by my dad, that we never had any self esteem whatsoever. I still struggle with that, quite a bit. I have nobody now, except the Lord, and my Twitter friends. I know. Kinda sad huh? I would attend church but it's very hard to move due to the arthritis, which seems to get worse and worse all the time? I still keep watching, and praying, and hoping that the Rapture is close? I have never really felt like I belong here, and this is definitely NOT my home!

For some reason when I saw that this camp was in danger, I flipped out and started to cry and began yelling 'NO, NO, NO, NO," at my television. I've been losing everything, so I just don't think I could handle losing this very special place? 

So could you please, lift up Hume Lake Christian Camp in Central California and the people who run it? So many have come and gone since I was there in 1978 and 1991. I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't all feeling this way right now because a lot of teenagers and women got saved there when I was there, just those two times. A lot of others have also found Jesus there.

Thanks for reading, for praying and for listening. I'm having a bit of a difficult day today. I don't know why, but seeing this? It just literally broke my heart. Please Lord, save this camp? If not for me, for You! These folks really know how to save people for the Kingdom! Please Lord? Save it! Make the wind go a different direction towards nothing but brush and trees?

Thank You Father for all of the folks who run that camp and for all of those who lift the camp up in prayer. Give them good health, a great zest for life and give it to them to the full! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

"God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You!"                                                          

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JeriAnn Eakin