Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Persecution & the Family: Follow Up

Boy, when it rains, it pours?

My nephew was married on 8/3. I thought it was my husband and kids who didn't want me there? Yes, that cheating husband? I moved away from my family in LA to move to Northern California in '85, which is when we got married. Our anniversary, if you can even really call it that anymore is on 10/27. 30 years. I won't get so much as a "kiss my _____' from him.

Now to find out it was his sister, the one most solid Christian in his entire family, who didn't invite me? WOW! 

I guess it's just You and me now Lord? Please, hold me tight? I need You Jesus, more than I ever have.

Forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing Jesus.

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