Friday, August 21, 2015

His Mysterious Ways!

My youngest daughter has two best friends. I used to call them "The Three Amigo's" as they were going through middle and high school. They all made a vow to each other, to not have sex before marriage. 

When my daughter was in 7th grade, she asked me, "Why are girls so eager to lose their virginity so young?" I told her that they either want to "fit in" or that they were very insecure, don't have a loving father in the home, and feel like sex is the only way to receive love. I was open and honest, and told her that it was something that happened to me. So I wasn't surprised when later, she never dated, never got serious, never brought anyone home? I think she see's nothing but "the dregs" out there? Seems's she's taken hold of that view, and kept her vow. To my knowledge, she has never broken it.

Her friend Kaitlin had some ups and downs in their sophomore year of high school. Her mother moved to Arizona and left her with one of her friends and her mom, who worked in the District Attorney's office. This girl wound up egging Kaitlin into slitting her wrists! Katie nearly died and I was enraged! I told my daughter, "If you don't go get her and bring her home, I'm going over there, and I'm getting in that girl's mom's face! Put it this way? It won't be pretty!" Katie moved in that very night. She now lives in Arizona with her husband and her three year old son and is doing really well. I'm very proud of her!

Yesterday, the other "Amigo," who found out a few months ago that she is pregnant, asked me about how to get Medi-Cal insurance. I told her to call Health and Human Services for the county, and even texted her the number through my daughter. I then remembered that I had checked out the website of the crisis pregnancy center I volunteered at in the mid '90's earlier that day and how surprised I was at the great expansion of services they now offer to young women, especially those who want to keep their babies and raise them on their own. I beamed that phone number to my daughter too, and she didn't understand why I was so excited! (All one need do, is read the post below this one, and you'll see what I'm excited about!).

They can help her with free maternity clothes, free baby clothes, diapers, formula, bottles, parenting classes, prenatal vitamins, a car seat, crib, etc., along with counseling. I didn't think of it while she was here, but I texted my daughter the number and told her to tell her about it.

God is so good isn't he? If you don't know Jesus, He is there for you! The door is always open, just as my door will always be open to these girls, my 5 extra daughters! Yes, that's how many young ladies we've taken in over the years. 3 for my youngest daughter, 1 for my oldest daughter and one when the children were younger. 

What happened yesterday? Well, it doesn't bother me anymore. God gave me peace that I did the right thing. I've cut ties with someone who called someone I really admire "stupid." And she didn't just call her stupid, she called me, every other woman in the group that day, stupid and she called my pastor stupid. The pastors in this community really help the center to stay open!

There is a path, His name is Jesus. 

She was on the road, thinking she had a long way to go, but the journey begins and ends with Jesus! It's not that far to go, you know? It just takes a step or two. 

What are you waiting for? He's waiting for you! 

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JeriAnn Eakin