Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mercy and Grace

In the last month or so, I've been having health problems that couldn't have come from anywhere other than hell itself. I've been absolutely miserable, so I read a bit of Job earlier, and the most impressive thing I believe he ever did, was to offer sacrifices on behalf of his children, just in case they had sinned.

"When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, 'Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.' This was Job's regular custom." (Job 1:5).

I remember doing a particular type of evangelism outreach that had us praying for every family on our block, including our own. I think it's time that we all commit to doing it, not just in our own neighborhood, but in the neighborhood's of our loved ones as well! You may not know any of them, but believe me, God does!

I've had the privilege of praying for my four kids over the years, but I became much more serious about it when they got older and moved away from home. We have a standing rule in our home that this dwelling is still their home and they know they can come home, any time they need to.

I challenge all of you to pray for every member of every household on your block, 'til Jesus comes to get us and take us out of here, because that day is fast approaching. Many of the prophetical teachers I listen to are saying the same thing. All of the things Jesus told the disciples would happen? They're happening, or have happened already! 

It's time to prepare ourselves, especially spiritually, because if we're not looking for Him? We're probably not going with Him?

I am a wretched sinner, saved by grace, (Ephesians 2:8-9), and the mercy of God. Jesus died for my sins, and took upon Himself all of my hurt, my pain, my illness and diseases. He put it all onto Himself, for ALL of us. Jesus literally died, 'Once for All!'

I get very tired of people saying two specific words. "I deserve." I know that I deserve to burn forever in the lake of fire, but because of Jesus, I'm going to go to heaven instead! After the dead in Christ rise, we who are alive and remain, will be changed in an instant and be caught up together with them in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord! (See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).

Thank you Lord for Your endless mercy, love and forgiveness. 

You're the only true BFF I've ever had, and yet, I know in my heart, that I don't deserve You.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Can I Help You Pack Mr. Kaepernick?

As most football fans know, as well as others, Colin Kaepernick of the 49rs, sat down thru the last three preseason games during the National Anthem. It wasn't until this last Sunday, that he was in full uniform, carrying his #7, that people finally noticed.

I have a message for Mr. Kaepernick, and any other person who HATES this country, for whatever reason.


I'm sorry folks, but when I heard about this behavior from this SPOILED ROTTEN adopted BRAT, who's adoptive parents are white, I lost it! The kid's had everything handed to him on a silver platter! He's got this "I'm mad at the world" look all the time, and personally? I think he's a detriment to the Niners and he should be cut from the team! 

I don't care if he converted to Islam or what he converted to, when you're representing the NFL, which is as American as "apple pie," and refuse to stand with your hand over your heart with your teammates as this song is played, it's just downright disrespectful!

This song was written by Francis Scott Key while watching a battle from a ship. He took note, especially of the flag because it was tattered and torn, but it was still waving! This is a testament to the bravery of our Patriotic Founders and the God who gave us an impossible victory over the British, who outnumbered us and had the largest Navy in the world. They were beaten by a General and a bunch of farmers!

I really used to enjoy Colin playing "who's got the football." Now? I just want him GONE from the Niners and I hope he fades to the last column of every sports section in the United States. This act was so UN-AMERICAN, it shouldn't be tolerated by Chip Kelly, his teammates or the league! 

Why is this okay, but the NFL denies the Cowboy's request to add stickers to their helmets to remember the five fallen officers who were ambushed and murdered in Dallas? This is just pure CRAP and it needs to be nipped in the bud Goodell! (Man, I really wish he'd retire! He's the worst NFL commish ever!).

I'm sorry Colin, but if you'd like? I'd love to help you and any other AMERICA HATING individual PACK and ship your boxes anywhere in the world you want them to go! I've had it with crybabies like you.

Here's the song, as sung by Sandi Patty. She became famous when Ronald Wilson Reagan, our 40th President, had her sing the National Anthem when they unveiled the restored Statue of Liberty.  

Next time you look at that flag? Remember, those "colors don't run!" This is one of those moments that should NOT be overlooked! If you don't like this country? LEAVE! Nobody is keeping you here. You're free to leave at anytime!

God bless the United States of America and Long May that Glorious Flag of Ours Wave!                                                  

Sunday, August 28, 2016

It's Time for Sunday Funnies!

You ever had one of those days, where you just needed a little humor to forget your problems? That's what these posts are aiming to do. Offer something that helps make people smile, when they don't feel like it.

So, if you woke up feeling blue, watch this and hopefully, you'll feel a little better! 

It's Christian ONLY Comedy, so there are no curse words to offend. These are just "funny stories" that people tell, that just happen to be terribly funny!

Here's Chonda Pierce with "Honeymoon Package." It's HILARIOUS!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Trusting His Will

"I can do ALL things through Christ, who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13).

I may be in a lot of pain, but of course, that's the way our enemy, that serpent of old, gets into our brains and says, "You'll never be good enough/healed/taken care of, because you've been deserted by God. Why not just get over writing this pathetic blog. Nobody reads it anyways." That's his MO! It's what he does to destroy us from within.

Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me yet not My will, but Yours be done." (Luke 22:42). The bible says he "sweat drops of blood." He let Himself be arrested, knowing that Judas had betrayed Him and that He would die, for all of us, who don't deserve what He did for us that day on Calvary's hill.

I have to pray a lot and sometimes I don't hear from God right away, so sometimes, when I wonder why I'm not hearing from Him, I ask if there is a sin that is separating us so I can be brought back into good standing with the Lord again. Some days? I have to pray that prayer without ceasing! I now ask God, daily, to show me what the will of God is, so that I might grow as a Christian. 

I think we should all begin to pray, "Not my will Lord Jesus, but Yours!"

God bless and have a very happy Saturday/Saturday night!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Soros & the New World Order

This video was very enlightening, so I thought I would share it. Hal talks about George Soros, a Hungarian/Jew and how pro open borders he is. He's pushing a New World Order, or as the elites call it, "Globalism."

Hal also mentioned that there were only 8 Christians who were allowed into the United States from Iraq/Syria and there have been problems in Twin Falls, Idaho with Syrian refugee's and their behavior towards the locals there. Hal also mentioned a five year old girl being raped by boys who were from Sudan and Iraq! These people think they're somehow "entitled" to come here and just take over our country. Idaho? You're in our prayers!

Always remember, that in the Psalms, God promises His protection to the righteous and their children. King David said, "I was young, and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." (Psalm 37:25).

After seeing the video of Peshmerga soldiers taking a bomb vest off of a young teenage boy, my blood began to run cold! They give these kids drugs to disorient them, put the vest on them and then send them to a crowded area so they can remotely trigger the bomb! This is a horrific practice carried out by COWARDS!

We need to pray with all our might that people who aren't saved, hear the Gospel and turn to Jesus. For me, the alternative to heaven? It's just too evil and horrible to contemplate.

I know I'm past my limit of these images and stories, so I have to turn it off at times. Just don't ever give up! Jesus wants us to endure to the end so don't get discouraged. That's exactly what the devil wants! 

May God bless you all this week and keep you safe!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday Funnies!

Today, is the first installment of "Sunday Funnies." I'll be posting a bit of Christian comedy to help start your week off with a smile! 

Today, I want to start with my favorite Christian Comedian, Mark Lowry. He tours with Bill and Gloria Gaither, and sings with the Gaither Vocal Band.

Okay folks! Get ready to LAUGH!

Pretty funny guy, isn't he?

I could identify with this "Broken Leg" story because I've been in constant pain for the last few weeks. As I asked God over and over, "Why," I forgot something I learned last year about how the devil uses our emotions against us. His favorite emotion to use, is misery! He uses our pain against us! We don't see it, because we think the culprit is the problem inside of us, making us feel the pain.

I remembered this late last night so I prayed."In my trouble I cried out to the Lord and He answered me." (Psalm 120:1).

Just remember, "The battle belongs to the Lord," and He WILL fight your battles, whether it's a broken leg, broken heart, broken spirit, serious illness, no matter what your situation is! Jesus is already doing battle with the enemy OVER YOU!

He's fighting our battles!

Friday, August 19, 2016

A Promise of Protection

There are over 3,000 promises to us as believers in the bible. Isaiah 45:11 states "Commandeth ye me," meaning that if we know the promises of the bible, and we are in right standing with God, that we can literally "demand" that He holds up His end of the bargain. 

I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and strength, and I will continue to shout His name to the rooftops, as long as their is air in my lungs. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Him! (See John 14:6).

As Christians, we don't have to worry! God will see to it that we don't go hungry, or unclothed, etc. "The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him, though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." (Psalm 37:23-25).

My family is PROOF that this scripture is TRUE! It's a powerful thing, when you pray and are in right standing with God! He'll give you everything you need to get by. "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19).

If you have concerns about the future, over what you'll do for food, clothing, etc., remember the words of Jesus! "Look at the birds of the air. They do not reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26).

Jesus return for His Bride, could come at any moment. All of the biblical scholars I've listened to, read books, etc., over the years, have all said the same thing. That all of the things Jesus said would happen, have happened, or are happening. He could come at any time, and I really don't want people unprepared! We have to be in expectation of His coming, or I believe we'll be left behind.

I hope you're all holding on, because the road might get bumpy, so fasten your seatbelts!

This is going to be an amazing ride!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

It's Christian Music Video Night!

How is your week going? Hope you're having a great week, but if not? Just remember, Jesus loves you!

God bless and have a spectacular rest of the week! 

Jesus took the fall & thought of us, "Above All."

Creation reveals His Majesty! Give Him Praise & Glory!

Is your faith beginning to fade?
Jesus is the answer!
Is God the God you want, or the God who IS?
Come Home Prodigals! Jesus will forgive you!
Jesus Loves You!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fight the Good Fight

"As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" (Acts 9:3-4).

We all know the story of Paul. He was literally transformed by that particular experience, and is responsible for writing most of the New Testament. He was a CHANGED man after his "Road to Damascus" moment. God decided he wanted Paul, and He went and got him!

In the Word, it says that when a shepherd has 100 sheep, and one gets lost, he leaves the others to go and find that lost sheep. It's what Christ does for us, and we see it here, where He does the same for Paul. (See Matthew 18:12).

Jesus saved this lost sheep, a Pharisee of the highest order, one who hated the Christians, tortured them and carried out all manner of violence against them. They were boiled in oil, eaten by lions in the coliseum to a cheering crowd, etc., etc. These events were carried out on his orders and Jesus went and "found him?" But who else could've been more credible than Paul, a man known for his evil attempts to wipe out the Christians?  

At the end of his life, just before he was killed for preaching the Good News, Paul said, "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day and not only to me, but also to all who have longed (or 'loved'), for His appearing." (2 Timothy 4:7-8).

Being a Christian takes commitment. It takes the commitment of a prize fighter in training, only instead of physical training, we need to do some mental and biblical training in order to reach the lost for Christ.

Paul is a great example of someone who was changed immediately and forever by Jesus. There's one thing I know for sure. I'll never be the same again for "I am a new creation in Christ." (2 Corinthians 5:17).

We all are!

God Bless you all! Have a terrific week!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Broken Inside and Out

I've been trying to write this post for hours now, only to delete the whole thing, and start over and over again, only to continue to do the same.

Sometimes, words aren't enough to cover everything I'm feeling, so I've chosen this particular medium to send a message to all those in the world who suffer from chronic pain, and can't really do anything about it. Some days running away sounds good but I have no place to go and everytime I try to work, I wind up getting sent home right after lunch. (Thank you Workman's Comp!).

I may be suffering, but I also know that Jesus hears me when I pray. The answer to my prayer might be, "Not yet."

Be blessed and thank you for reading. You are all in my prayers!

Monday, August 15, 2016


For some reason, I have writer's block again today, so please bear with me. I think you'll find the video's chosen for this "music post" very spiritual and that they'll get your attention! 

There are things going on in this world, that if we don't start to really love each other, as Jesus loved us when He died for our sin? We're going to have a lot of problems!

S0 Calling All Prayer Warriors! Let's pray! Let's Dance and Let's Sing, and give all the Praise and Glory to God!

Enjoy these selections, and I'll see you back here tomorrow! 

God Bless!
#1 - Exhale all the stuff cluttering up 
your heart and It'll be a better day tomorrow!
#2 Even when we're a mess and everything's 
not fine? Call upon Jesus! He's right there with
you and He wants you to know, that you are loved!

#3 Okay, It's time to get your Worship Grove On!

#4 If only.....If only I could write a letter to my 
younger self that 35 yrs later, 
simply  by accident, I found!

If your eyes are on the storm....
Jesus is there with you, right now! 
Ask for His forgiveness!
You'll have a clean slate & a new life to live!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Second Chances

I had it rough growing up, as you've no doubt read in some of the other posts on this blog. I was abused in every way and in every sense of the word. Name calling at school, constant feeling of rejection, never feeling like I fit in, never feeling like I was just "normal?" 

I did a lot of crazy things once I had a little freedom and a car. I did things I never thought I would do. Thanks peer pressure! I still to this day don't understand the "why" behind the things I did back then. I guess I just wanted to kill the pain I was in? I know that sounds like an "excuse" but there are no excuses for the things I did to myself. The body is a temple, and we are to treat it like one. I wasn't doing that. I figured, "Hey everyone else is doing it," so why not me?

That was the first of many traps the devil had laid out for me, that inevitably bit me on the behind!

Soon after, I fell away from the Lord. I stopped going to church, and I was showing up to school late every day. One of my teachers, Mrs. Anderson, was so disappointed in me, that another girl sang the solo at our graduation. The rejection I felt at home and at school, where I'd been teased relentlessly since 2nd grade, finally came to a head with the final rejection from my favorite teacher? Yup. I went off the deep end into a rebellion against everyone and everything!

I had my fun, but the night I turned 21, I turned a corner. It was that all important day for all of us. The feeling of freedom was awesome! Only mistake I made was letting my roomie take me to El Torito and get me drunk! So drunk, I couldn't stand up the next day without falling down! I even hit the porcelain with my head which really hurt, I mean talk about getting your bell rung? 

I had a lot of things going on in my life that I just didn't understand. One of them was that child abuse victims have a hard time "growing up?" We get stuck in an "emotional age," which is how the devil keeps us captive, keeps us doing the same things, over and over, until we ultimately, destroy ourselves with alcohol, drugs, etc., till it gets so bad, we start thinking about suicide.

I don't want people to get hurt because of their emotions. It's part of the reason I write this blog. I lived off of my emotions for years and then discovered through a bible study at church, that our emotions is where the devil can find a way into our lives and then, through other ugly or bad thoughts, own us! If we're not careful? He can sneak in very quickly, without us knowing it, and the next thing you know? Well, you get the picture.

Thankfully we have a blessed Savior who will forgive us, no matter what we've done wrong. He loves us and is the King of Second Chances! 

Lord, I'm not tough enough for this world anymore. I'm in constant pain, and I need You so much! Please? Don't ever let me go? I love You Lord. Please continue to help me through the hard times and even harder times that might be yet to come? I'm nothing without You and can't get anywhere without You. I need You so much.

Jesus? Please, keep saving me?                                                      

Friday, August 12, 2016

Stop and Smell The Roses!

I'm really enjoying the roses I've been bringing in every day off of the two rose bushes I planted in our front yard back in 1994. I don't think I've ever seen quite this many roses on those two bushes before! Some are hybrid, pink/yellow & I wind up getting peach colored roses too! 

It's something I've really begun to enjoy and  have"bloomed" significantly in doing it!

As for "Stopping and Smelling the Roses," even if you don't own a rose bush, there are still "Roses" in your life.

Maybe this weekend, you could help a very special "Rose" in your life. Your spouse for instance? Help out with the chores, even if it means mowing the lawn! This goes for all you guys out there too! Pick up your socks, clean up after yourself, etc., and I know she'll appreciate it. (I know I did!).

Just in case, you should complete a few things from the "Honey Do" list! This is a relatively easy thing to do and the best part? Your spouse will be speechless! And you? You'll be the one who saved the day!

If you have children, make sure to set special time aside for them as well, whether it's reading "Good Night Moon," 5 times a night or taking your son to see his/her favorite movie.

Here's one more very important thing to remember. Your kids aren't expecting it, so don't get extravagant. Always be within your household budget. Keep those finances in the black!

Now, sometimes change can throw you, but don't let it. You'd be amazed at what helping others will do for you! It'll put a spring back into your step to be sure, but be careful? Doing nice things for other people? It tends to get pretty addictive!

God bless you all and have a beautiful day!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

No More Pain

"Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." (Psalm 103:2-3).

I live with chronic pain, every day. I've been giving this blog my all, every day as of late, no matter what, and I do hope that it's reaching people for Jesus Christ! We have so little time left to disagree about politics, religion, over what to cook for dinner....those are all pretty much minor things, when you really put things into perspective?

I'm having a bad night tonight, and I would appreciate your prayers. I hope you're all doing well, that things are going great, that your relationship with the Lord is on track and set to break records of hours spent in prayer over our failing nation. I predicted, after Britain decided to leave the European Union, that Trump will be our next President, and that he'll take us isolationist again. (Last time was during the late 30's. We didn't get involved in WWII until Pearl Harbor, 12-7-41). 

My point? Well, Britain did it. We're next. It fits, again with (ad nauseum, I know), Ezekiel 38-39! It says that "The Merchants of Tarshish and the villages (or young lions), will say, 'have you come to take a plunder?' It will be, without a doubt, the dumbest question any politician, King or Queen has ever asked. 

What's interesting is that in order for the Merchants of Tarshish to be around, Britain has to leave the European Union. America has to do the same thing, go isolationist, for that part of biblical prophecy to occur.

In any case, If you're having a hard time tonight? Please know, you are being prayed for. I don't like going through tough stuff alone, so if you need a friend, please email me through the address on this blog, or make a comment in the comment section below.

God bless you all, and have a terrific night/day in Christ Jesus!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Letter to Jesus

Dear Lord Jesus,

I'm writing this post as an open letter to You. 

Thank You first of all, for never giving up on me. You've been leading me to write this blog since April 24th, 2012. At the time You did so, You were pulling me off of a ledge that had I jumped, would've destroyed my life. 

It is my highest hope Lord, that this blog reaches those who need to read it most, and that You continue to whisper to me the things You want me to focus on, whether a situation or a bible verse, that will really reach others who either aren't saved, or who have fallen away, as I have done, many times.

You have truly blessed this page. It's being read all over the world, in so many countries, I couldn't list them all. I'm just a nobody, but when You called my name, I answered, because every time I do, without fail, You've blessed me! I'm so glad You called me to do this! It has become my greatest ambition in life to reach the lost for You!

Lord Jesus, I give You all the praise and all the glory for what You have done! I know there are many grateful hearts who have come to know You, and I know that they were never the same again. I know I'll never be the same either. The more I get to know You Lord, the more changed I become! Yes, it is hard work, but it's about "transformation" of our minds, our hearts, and everything else in our lives.

I'm trying very hard to do a good job with this blog, and I hope You are happy with my work. There is one scripture I hope, someday, to master completely. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).

I pray for everyone who reads this blog, that they are enlightened by Your Holy Spirit, and that they dedicate their lives to You as I have.

There are so many out there, walking around so lost, hurt, downtrodden, feeling dead inside, on drugs, feeling worthless like I used to, so please, Jesus, intervene in their lives in such a way that they cannot deny it's You? 

You really are my best friend Jesus. Thank You for setting me free. I'll continue to tell everyone everything You've done for me, and I'll shout Your name to the heavens in gratitude & give You all the glory! 

I love You so much Lord. I truly want to be a "pleasing child on that final day!" 

It is in Your most Precious Name that I pray, 


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Let's Be Honest

Okay, it's time to be very honest. Tonight, as I was watching Lou Dobbs, something occurred that jolted me out of my chair! I got started a little late, but was just in time! I heard him say the following:

"Tensions rising between Turkey and the West over last month's coup attempt. Turkish President Erdogan today, praised Putin, Vladimir Putin, as his dear friend! Meeting with the Russian President for the first time since Turkey shot down a Russian jet fighter last November. Erdogan also warning European leaders that his country could allow millions of illegal immigrants and refugees to cross into the European Union IF Turkey's demand for visa free travel isn't met." (From Lou Dobbs Tonight 8/9/16).

In 2009, after Obama was sworn in, I had a vision of the Titanic. It was sitting on a pivot point, teeter tottering back and forth like it couldn't decide whether to sink or not. A few days ago, I saw the Titanic again. But this time, I was above it. However, instead of moving forward towards America, she was turning around, heading back to England, who just voted to leave the EU in the historic "Brexit vote."

If Donald Trump is elected, he's going to focus on America's problems/troubles, first. It's a "screw everything and everybody else until we've set our country right again," mentality. If we fail to set the course straight again? The whole world will fail with us!

I was praying again earlier, and I saw America, again, from above, only I could see the whole country. I saw what seemed to be a wall being built, going around the country, a little at a time. It reminded me of a diorama, the kind we made in elementary school. If Trump is elected, we very well could isolate our country, just like Britain has decided to do. We'll isolate the US as we try to pick up the pieces of our broken economy and move forward.

Mrs. Clinton's sudden health issues are definitely not helping her, so I think it's very possible, that he could win the election. This man gives no apologies. He's got a very high IQ and he knows when he gets into something, exactly how to win it. 

So don't get all freaked out! If you're a Christian, then you know that God's ultimately in control. If you're not? Scroll down this page, click on 'older posts' & you'll see a post called "Got Jesus?" Read it! Pray for forgiveness and get right with God! He loves you very much and wants you in a good relationship with Him! Email me and I'll pray for you. We need to work hard folks! Millions need to hear the "Good News" or they could get left behind when the Rapture occurs! 

I know some think I'm a whackjob? Well, all I have to say to that is this. God doesn't!

God bless you all and have a terrific rest of the week!

The Last Days

Folks, we are watching the events foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 coming to pass right before our very eyes. 

This pic is of current day Damascus.

In Isaiah 17:1 it states, "A prophecy concerning Damascus. It shall be as a ruinous heap of rubble." I think that pretty much describes this photo of a well, ghost town! There's no people there, just Syrian Rebels and the Russians.

In a gunfight in Ukraine, a Russian soldier was killed, so there are fears that Russia will try to overthrow the government of Ukraine, and that they could go after some of the other Baltic States as well.

Russia has also been highly involved in Syria. 150,000 soldiers were sent in to help shore up President Assad. When they exited Syria, not all of them left. They left their engineers over there to rebuild Assad's air strip and to build a Russian base. I find it quite interesting that Erdogan in Turkey, is refusing to let our planes land at their bases to refuel. We need an alternative because on July 22nd, the Russian's bombed our base in Syria, so it is no longer usable.

The world is very quickly spinning out of control. It is time for TOUGH LOVE! You all need to slap yourselves, and WAKE THE HECK UP!

These are the events foretold by Jesus, John, Paul, Isaiah, Joel, Ezekiel, Daniel, I can't COUNT how many things have happened that fit right into the slots of biblical prophecy! All of them have occurred, so Jesus could return at any moment!

Are you prepared for that? I pray every morning for those who read this blog because I don't want anyone left behind. Jesus is at the door. Will you open it? "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20).

Jesus is waiting for you. Open the door and let Him in! I promise, once you do? You'll never be the same again!

So don't weep! As I watch the stuff that's going on, it can be quite scary, or kind of cool! But don't worry!

I also see the coming of the Lord!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

When the Day Is Done

There are many that say we should "worry about today, and stop worrying about tomorrow." Even Jesus said we should do that! (Matthew 6:34). 

I think they may be onto something! Even the Apostle Paul, said "This one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind, and striving towards what lies ahead." (Philippians 3:13).

So, if today was your last day on earth, would you give what time you had left to the Lord? I know I would, especially if it meant I got to share the Gospel with someone that hasn't met Him yet.

I woke up in pain again today, and yet, "Today is the day that the Lord hath made and I will rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24). I only got 3 1/2 hrs of sleep, but here I am, back at it again! I'm not going to stop until I drop! That's how devoted I am to Jesus!

Let us pray for and reach those who are searching for the Lord, comfort one another with the Word, reach out to a friend going through a hard time and lead the lost to Jesus, if an opportunity exists to tell them about the Good News! And Lord? Let us do it, without fear but with grace!

I hope you all have a wonderful, blessed day in Jesus! God bless you all, and please, be safe out there. 

Just remember this. Don't waste even ONE minute!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Lord? Can You Hear Me?

There has always been one friend I could talk to who didn't mind me contacting them, even in the middle of the night. His name is Jesus, and He's with me constantly. "A man/woman who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24).

Even when all of your friends disappear? He's right there, and He will NEVER turn His back on you! It's because of Him, that I can face every day, even though I never know one day to the next how I'm gonna feel. Regardless, I still wake up and thank the Lord for another day. Some days are worse than others, with regard to my pain, but I still thank Him for giving me another day to blog and try to reach the lost.

When I have trouble standing up, which is now an every day occurrence, I call out His name and He's right there! Jesus truly does replace your weakness with His strength. "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9). Without Him? Don't even wanna go there.

I can't imagine my life without Jesus. It's why I write this blog. There are too many walking around dead inside out there. They need to know there's a Savior who died for them and that He loves them and that He's there for them, too. Jesus will always be there. He's not going anywhere. He loves us and wants us to commit our lives to Him fully and be totally DEPENDENT on Him. He'll never let go of you. It's usually us, that let go of Him.

Here's something I got from Joyce Meyer about insecurity. She gave us one line to say to ourselves, over and over, in order for us to defeat our enemy, satan, who lies to us, saying "You'll never be good enough," etc. 

"God has you on His mind. He thinks your wonderful."

Friday, August 5, 2016

Don't Worry!

Yeah, I know, people tell you not to worry all of the time right? 

I never paid much attention to it, but after I had kids, I began to immediately worry for their future! In fact, I continued to worry, off and on, but now? 

Well, I heard a pretty popular preacher say that worry is a sin! I guess that makes sense right? If we have faith in God, and believe His promises, nothing is impossible! One of those promises is to "never leave us, nor forsake us." So why do we doubt so much? Is it a Alpha thing? Honestly? I've never understood it, but I sure know how to do it! 

The really amazing thing is, that when we "cast our cares upon Him," He cares for us, so He's definitely paying attention to our question, prayer, etc. (1 Peter 5:7). But the one thing we all do, is place it in God's hands, and suddenly snatch it right back, which comes from a place of self-importance. "I can do a better job at raising them than anyone else," starts to hit us too!

God has given me a great deal of faith. Sometimes, it's kind of amazing, considering everything our family has gone through, and is currently going through? I could've given up, but didn't. I never will.

Jesus said, "Who among you can add even one hour to your life by worrying?" When I really began to ponder the verse, it dawned on me, that nobody, no matter what they do, can add an hour, even a minute to their life, because God has a schedule! He takes us at a specifically predetermined time, so if that's the case, why do we worry?

We're human and we make mistakes. I just think of all of today's mom's and how hard it is to "let go."

We serve an amazing, awesome, loving and patient God! We need to lift praise to the roof tops, even if you can't sing! The bible says "Let everything THAT HATH BREATH give praise to the Lord." (Psalm 150:6).

Just remember, God? He doesn't want us to worry about anything. If we'll just leave it at His feet? He'll pick it up, and run it into the end zone FOR US! All He wants is us to TRUST Him!                                              

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Honoring our Veterans

The man who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart came on Fox News early this morning to stand up for Mr. Trump. Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman, served in the United States Army in one of the most elite groups in the Armed Forces. He served with the 101st Airborne's Screaming Eagles out of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.

Our eldest son graduated from Ft. Benning, Georgia in October '05. He came home for a few months, and then left for Ft. Campbell. He deployed to Iraq in January 2006, for his first tour in Iraq. He served with the 1o1st Airborne in Iraq for 2 tours and then he got bored, went to the 10th Mountain Division and got trained to serve in Afghanistan, where he went for his 3rd and (Thank you Lord), final tour of duty. 

When I saw the Screaming Eagle patch on Lt. Col. Dorfman's shirt, I stood at attention and saluted him. After all, the military is a band of brothers, no matter what war you serve in. Even though he couldn't see me, I think as a Blue Star Mom? I felt like I should do it. He and my son are "brothers." 

When Lt. Col. Dorfman heard about all the nasty things being said about the Purple Heart he had given to Mr. Trump, he said he had to speak up about how it actually went down. He explained what really happened when he gave it to him. Trump asked "Well, do you want me to give it back after the rally," and he told him "No, I want you to have it." Yeah, MSM, some "replica" huh? 

Trump graduated from New York Military Academy before attending college. When he said, "I've always wanted one of these," which some military families found "distasteful," all I could think was, "Wait a sec. What was it he said that was so wrong?" When a real war hero gives you something you never served for nor earned by being wounded in battle? That's gonna throw ya!

If a man who had earned a Purple Heart came up to me and wanted me to have it? I'd be SPEECHLESS, unless of course it was left to me by my dad! It's no wonder what he said came out a bit strange. I think he was absolutely STYMIED! I think he was nearly speechless over it! It was a bit of a bungle, sure, but isn't it kind of understandable? If Hillary had said it, it wouldn't have even made the news!

My heart goes out to all the Gold Star Families, and I pray for our soldiers every day, because as a Blue Star Mom, I know how hard it is to send your son or daughter onto a battlefield. I did it 3 times. You literally have to prepare yourself for their death, just in case, so you don't literally fall apart if something bad happens to them. God has been very good to us, and to our son, for which I will forever be grateful!

There's an old saying that most of you will recognize.

"If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can do so in English? Thank a soldier!"

Thank you to all the men and women who wear the uniform of either the military or law enforcement, who protect our freedom and keep us safe! You're all in my prayers every day!     

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

All Lives Matter!

We've all seen the marches, the protests, etc., of the group "Black Lives Matter." 

During a DNC event, one of the democratic candidates, said, "All Lives Matter," and two women took the microphone & yelled and screamed at the crowd about it being "Black Lives" that matter, no other lives, which is just preposterous. Jesus loves us all equally, but as He so eloquently stated,"A house divided against itself cannot stand!" (Mark 3:25).

This country is greatly divided. I don't want to place blame on anybody, because I believe that ultimately, God is in control! He wants us to "love one another," not hate each other, or judge each other. We need to start in our communities, even if it's a block at a time, and start coming together, or we're going to tear each other apart.

I believe it's part of the church's mission to pray with them, invite them to church, and offer them a job, even if it's just doing yard work that you don't have time to do. We should also be teaching them what we know! The bible is very clear that we are to learn from those a generation or two ahead of us.

Paul said, "You who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble." (1 Peter  5:5).

It might take a lot of patience, but I believe we can begin to heal this racial rift through prayer as well as kind, loving and respectful behavior towards everyone, especially our law enforcement officers. Yes, Blue Lives DO Matter! As Rudy Giuliani put it, they don't care what color you are, they just come to help you when you call!

The unborn matter too and I pray every day that someday, abortion will be such a disgusting practice that every abortion clinic on the planet will have to close their doors!

We're very near to the Rapture of the Church. The days are indeed, getting shorter and shorter. I am STUNNED in amazement at how quickly things are going! Once Jesus returns for us, His Bride, the Church? He will wipe every tear from our eyes, and escort us through the pearly gates and welcome us to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!

Whether you are an African American, Latino, Asian, German, Russian, Middle Eastern, etc., etc., YOUR LIFE MATTERS! It matters to God and it matters to our Savior, Jesus Christ, so it also matters to me! 

"Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world." Ray Stevens.

"If we gotta start sometime, I say now."