Monday, August 15, 2016


For some reason, I have writer's block again today, so please bear with me. I think you'll find the video's chosen for this "music post" very spiritual and that they'll get your attention! 

There are things going on in this world, that if we don't start to really love each other, as Jesus loved us when He died for our sin? We're going to have a lot of problems!

S0 Calling All Prayer Warriors! Let's pray! Let's Dance and Let's Sing, and give all the Praise and Glory to God!

Enjoy these selections, and I'll see you back here tomorrow! 

God Bless!
#1 - Exhale all the stuff cluttering up 
your heart and It'll be a better day tomorrow!
#2 Even when we're a mess and everything's 
not fine? Call upon Jesus! He's right there with
you and He wants you to know, that you are loved!

#3 Okay, It's time to get your Worship Grove On!

#4 If only.....If only I could write a letter to my 
younger self that 35 yrs later, 
simply  by accident, I found!

If your eyes are on the storm....
Jesus is there with you, right now! 
Ask for His forgiveness!
You'll have a clean slate & a new life to live!

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JeriAnn Eakin