Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Last Days

Folks, we are watching the events foretold in Ezekiel 38-39 coming to pass right before our very eyes. 

This pic is of current day Damascus.

In Isaiah 17:1 it states, "A prophecy concerning Damascus. It shall be as a ruinous heap of rubble." I think that pretty much describes this photo of a well, ghost town! There's no people there, just Syrian Rebels and the Russians.

In a gunfight in Ukraine, a Russian soldier was killed, so there are fears that Russia will try to overthrow the government of Ukraine, and that they could go after some of the other Baltic States as well.

Russia has also been highly involved in Syria. 150,000 soldiers were sent in to help shore up President Assad. When they exited Syria, not all of them left. They left their engineers over there to rebuild Assad's air strip and to build a Russian base. I find it quite interesting that Erdogan in Turkey, is refusing to let our planes land at their bases to refuel. We need an alternative because on July 22nd, the Russian's bombed our base in Syria, so it is no longer usable.

The world is very quickly spinning out of control. It is time for TOUGH LOVE! You all need to slap yourselves, and WAKE THE HECK UP!

These are the events foretold by Jesus, John, Paul, Isaiah, Joel, Ezekiel, Daniel, I can't COUNT how many things have happened that fit right into the slots of biblical prophecy! All of them have occurred, so Jesus could return at any moment!

Are you prepared for that? I pray every morning for those who read this blog because I don't want anyone left behind. Jesus is at the door. Will you open it? "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3:20).

Jesus is waiting for you. Open the door and let Him in! I promise, once you do? You'll never be the same again!

So don't weep! As I watch the stuff that's going on, it can be quite scary, or kind of cool! But don't worry!

I also see the coming of the Lord!

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JeriAnn Eakin