Thursday, August 4, 2016

Honoring our Veterans

The man who gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart came on Fox News early this morning to stand up for Mr. Trump. Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman, served in the United States Army in one of the most elite groups in the Armed Forces. He served with the 101st Airborne's Screaming Eagles out of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.

Our eldest son graduated from Ft. Benning, Georgia in October '05. He came home for a few months, and then left for Ft. Campbell. He deployed to Iraq in January 2006, for his first tour in Iraq. He served with the 1o1st Airborne in Iraq for 2 tours and then he got bored, went to the 10th Mountain Division and got trained to serve in Afghanistan, where he went for his 3rd and (Thank you Lord), final tour of duty. 

When I saw the Screaming Eagle patch on Lt. Col. Dorfman's shirt, I stood at attention and saluted him. After all, the military is a band of brothers, no matter what war you serve in. Even though he couldn't see me, I think as a Blue Star Mom? I felt like I should do it. He and my son are "brothers." 

When Lt. Col. Dorfman heard about all the nasty things being said about the Purple Heart he had given to Mr. Trump, he said he had to speak up about how it actually went down. He explained what really happened when he gave it to him. Trump asked "Well, do you want me to give it back after the rally," and he told him "No, I want you to have it." Yeah, MSM, some "replica" huh? 

Trump graduated from New York Military Academy before attending college. When he said, "I've always wanted one of these," which some military families found "distasteful," all I could think was, "Wait a sec. What was it he said that was so wrong?" When a real war hero gives you something you never served for nor earned by being wounded in battle? That's gonna throw ya!

If a man who had earned a Purple Heart came up to me and wanted me to have it? I'd be SPEECHLESS, unless of course it was left to me by my dad! It's no wonder what he said came out a bit strange. I think he was absolutely STYMIED! I think he was nearly speechless over it! It was a bit of a bungle, sure, but isn't it kind of understandable? If Hillary had said it, it wouldn't have even made the news!

My heart goes out to all the Gold Star Families, and I pray for our soldiers every day, because as a Blue Star Mom, I know how hard it is to send your son or daughter onto a battlefield. I did it 3 times. You literally have to prepare yourself for their death, just in case, so you don't literally fall apart if something bad happens to them. God has been very good to us, and to our son, for which I will forever be grateful!

There's an old saying that most of you will recognize.

"If you can read, thank a teacher. If you can do so in English? Thank a soldier!"

Thank you to all the men and women who wear the uniform of either the military or law enforcement, who protect our freedom and keep us safe! You're all in my prayers every day!     

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JeriAnn Eakin