Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Let's Be Honest

Okay, it's time to be very honest. Tonight, as I was watching Lou Dobbs, something occurred that jolted me out of my chair! I got started a little late, but was just in time! I heard him say the following:

"Tensions rising between Turkey and the West over last month's coup attempt. Turkish President Erdogan today, praised Putin, Vladimir Putin, as his dear friend! Meeting with the Russian President for the first time since Turkey shot down a Russian jet fighter last November. Erdogan also warning European leaders that his country could allow millions of illegal immigrants and refugees to cross into the European Union IF Turkey's demand for visa free travel isn't met." (From Lou Dobbs Tonight 8/9/16).

In 2009, after Obama was sworn in, I had a vision of the Titanic. It was sitting on a pivot point, teeter tottering back and forth like it couldn't decide whether to sink or not. A few days ago, I saw the Titanic again. But this time, I was above it. However, instead of moving forward towards America, she was turning around, heading back to England, who just voted to leave the EU in the historic "Brexit vote."

If Donald Trump is elected, he's going to focus on America's problems/troubles, first. It's a "screw everything and everybody else until we've set our country right again," mentality. If we fail to set the course straight again? The whole world will fail with us!

I was praying again earlier, and I saw America, again, from above, only I could see the whole country. I saw what seemed to be a wall being built, going around the country, a little at a time. It reminded me of a diorama, the kind we made in elementary school. If Trump is elected, we very well could isolate our country, just like Britain has decided to do. We'll isolate the US as we try to pick up the pieces of our broken economy and move forward.

Mrs. Clinton's sudden health issues are definitely not helping her, so I think it's very possible, that he could win the election. This man gives no apologies. He's got a very high IQ and he knows when he gets into something, exactly how to win it. 

So don't get all freaked out! If you're a Christian, then you know that God's ultimately in control. If you're not? Scroll down this page, click on 'older posts' & you'll see a post called "Got Jesus?" Read it! Pray for forgiveness and get right with God! He loves you very much and wants you in a good relationship with Him! Email me and I'll pray for you. We need to work hard folks! Millions need to hear the "Good News" or they could get left behind when the Rapture occurs! 

I know some think I'm a whackjob? Well, all I have to say to that is this. God doesn't!

God bless you all and have a terrific rest of the week!

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JeriAnn Eakin