Friday, August 5, 2016

Don't Worry!

Yeah, I know, people tell you not to worry all of the time right? 

I never paid much attention to it, but after I had kids, I began to immediately worry for their future! In fact, I continued to worry, off and on, but now? 

Well, I heard a pretty popular preacher say that worry is a sin! I guess that makes sense right? If we have faith in God, and believe His promises, nothing is impossible! One of those promises is to "never leave us, nor forsake us." So why do we doubt so much? Is it a Alpha thing? Honestly? I've never understood it, but I sure know how to do it! 

The really amazing thing is, that when we "cast our cares upon Him," He cares for us, so He's definitely paying attention to our question, prayer, etc. (1 Peter 5:7). But the one thing we all do, is place it in God's hands, and suddenly snatch it right back, which comes from a place of self-importance. "I can do a better job at raising them than anyone else," starts to hit us too!

God has given me a great deal of faith. Sometimes, it's kind of amazing, considering everything our family has gone through, and is currently going through? I could've given up, but didn't. I never will.

Jesus said, "Who among you can add even one hour to your life by worrying?" When I really began to ponder the verse, it dawned on me, that nobody, no matter what they do, can add an hour, even a minute to their life, because God has a schedule! He takes us at a specifically predetermined time, so if that's the case, why do we worry?

We're human and we make mistakes. I just think of all of today's mom's and how hard it is to "let go."

We serve an amazing, awesome, loving and patient God! We need to lift praise to the roof tops, even if you can't sing! The bible says "Let everything THAT HATH BREATH give praise to the Lord." (Psalm 150:6).

Just remember, God? He doesn't want us to worry about anything. If we'll just leave it at His feet? He'll pick it up, and run it into the end zone FOR US! All He wants is us to TRUST Him!                                              

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JeriAnn Eakin