Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Letter to Jesus

Dear Lord Jesus,

I'm writing this post as an open letter to You. 

Thank You first of all, for never giving up on me. You've been leading me to write this blog since April 24th, 2012. At the time You did so, You were pulling me off of a ledge that had I jumped, would've destroyed my life. 

It is my highest hope Lord, that this blog reaches those who need to read it most, and that You continue to whisper to me the things You want me to focus on, whether a situation or a bible verse, that will really reach others who either aren't saved, or who have fallen away, as I have done, many times.

You have truly blessed this page. It's being read all over the world, in so many countries, I couldn't list them all. I'm just a nobody, but when You called my name, I answered, because every time I do, without fail, You've blessed me! I'm so glad You called me to do this! It has become my greatest ambition in life to reach the lost for You!

Lord Jesus, I give You all the praise and all the glory for what You have done! I know there are many grateful hearts who have come to know You, and I know that they were never the same again. I know I'll never be the same either. The more I get to know You Lord, the more changed I become! Yes, it is hard work, but it's about "transformation" of our minds, our hearts, and everything else in our lives.

I'm trying very hard to do a good job with this blog, and I hope You are happy with my work. There is one scripture I hope, someday, to master completely. "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).

I pray for everyone who reads this blog, that they are enlightened by Your Holy Spirit, and that they dedicate their lives to You as I have.

There are so many out there, walking around so lost, hurt, downtrodden, feeling dead inside, on drugs, feeling worthless like I used to, so please, Jesus, intervene in their lives in such a way that they cannot deny it's You? 

You really are my best friend Jesus. Thank You for setting me free. I'll continue to tell everyone everything You've done for me, and I'll shout Your name to the heavens in gratitude & give You all the glory! 

I love You so much Lord. I truly want to be a "pleasing child on that final day!" 

It is in Your most Precious Name that I pray, 


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JeriAnn Eakin