Monday, August 22, 2016

Soros & the New World Order

This video was very enlightening, so I thought I would share it. Hal talks about George Soros, a Hungarian/Jew and how pro open borders he is. He's pushing a New World Order, or as the elites call it, "Globalism."

Hal also mentioned that there were only 8 Christians who were allowed into the United States from Iraq/Syria and there have been problems in Twin Falls, Idaho with Syrian refugee's and their behavior towards the locals there. Hal also mentioned a five year old girl being raped by boys who were from Sudan and Iraq! These people think they're somehow "entitled" to come here and just take over our country. Idaho? You're in our prayers!

Always remember, that in the Psalms, God promises His protection to the righteous and their children. King David said, "I was young, and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." (Psalm 37:25).

After seeing the video of Peshmerga soldiers taking a bomb vest off of a young teenage boy, my blood began to run cold! They give these kids drugs to disorient them, put the vest on them and then send them to a crowded area so they can remotely trigger the bomb! This is a horrific practice carried out by COWARDS!

We need to pray with all our might that people who aren't saved, hear the Gospel and turn to Jesus. For me, the alternative to heaven? It's just too evil and horrible to contemplate.

I know I'm past my limit of these images and stories, so I have to turn it off at times. Just don't ever give up! Jesus wants us to endure to the end so don't get discouraged. That's exactly what the devil wants! 

May God bless you all this week and keep you safe!

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JeriAnn Eakin